Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

The language of fists

The language of fists

Iori pants for air when she finishes, shooting lasers at Takeshi with her eyes. If he hasn't been wrapped in bandages here and there, she would have launched a kick on his head.      

How dare he look at her as if he had no clue at all? She purses her lips tightly and narrows her eyes on him when he takes the water jar from the bedside table and pours her a glass of water. "Drink."     

"Drink, my foot!" Iori shouts. "You bastard, your head is full of shit. Do you know how I have been? I have waited for so long for you to ask me out on a date. Even a year ago, you were all mysterious. You even let me believe that you were interested in someone else. You dick! You should have been an actor. You didn't ask me out once. Not once. Am I a woman or not? Do you even love me? Takeshi, do I have to ask you out?"     

The corner of his lips curls up. "Why haven't you done it?"      

"You, shameless…" She's going to kill him today. How could he smile like that? Her eyes become wet. "You don't love me at all."     

"Don't cry." He shrugs and looks away, still holding a glass of water toward her. "You don't cry beautifully."     

"Yes, I am not beautiful like you." She takes the glass of water and drinks it. "You have an ugly heart though. You don't care about me. The past year was so hard for me. I left my job. I fought with my mother. I could have married Kohei and live a luxurious life as a CEO's housewife. But I am a fool. I kept thinking about you."     

"Don't lie." Takeshi glares at her. "You would never be a housewife. You love your work too much."     

"I would become yours." Iori doesn't bother wiping her tears. He has seen her cry so many times. He has even seen her when she was bald, for god's sake. She doesn't need to act pretty in front of him.      

"Liar." Takeshi shakes his head at her. "If you cared about me that much, why did you go to my brother back then?"     

"Damn you!" She raises her hand to hit his head with the glass. He doesn't even flinch when he sees her having murderous thoughts about him. He's been hit by a lot of things by her in the past. A glass is nothing.      

She grits her teeth and places the glass on the table near the bed. Standing next to him, she watches him.      

"Was I wrong?" She asks him with a calm voice. "Did Umezaki-san not deserve justice back then? Did I lie about her? Did the world not deserve to know the crime? Do you think that it was easy for me? I fought for her. I did everything to not let my colleague tamper with the article. I made sure that her voice was heard. That's what I still do. I get it that you are upset. I did use that article for promotion. I don't see what I did wrong though. If I work hard on something, I think that I deserve the reward. Besides, do you know why I wanted to come back to the city so much? I missed you the most. I missed you more than I missed my family. Does it make sense? No, it didn't make any sense to me. I have spent more than two decades with my family. However, you cross my mind whenever I am scared or happy. I felt so angry when you blocked me on the app. That day, you even flirted with other girls in front of me. I can also do that. I asked my mother to set up a date with Kohei for lunch. My senpai is also setting up a date for me with a handsome man. Do I need you? I will continue to date anyone who has a penis and a good looking face. I will sleep with them until you stop crossing my mind randomly."     

"You would do that, huh?" Takeshi grabs her wrist. "With Kohei? Of all the people in the world, that man is the worst."     

"Who are you to decide that?" Iori grasps his hair and pulls hard. "Your face annoys me the most. I am going to disfigure it today."     

"Stop!" Takeshi hisses in pain. "We are not kids anymore."     

"I don't think so." She pulls his hair harder, wanting to make him bald like she was. "I will make sure that no woman marries you in this lifetime."     

"Iori, I wasn't planning on marrying anyone but you." Takeshi blinks out the tears and holds the hand that is pulling his hair with all the strength. "Honestly, I dated girls only for show. I never touched them."     

"You still went out on dates with them." She uses both hands to grab his hair and shakes him. "While I was working hard on work, you were busy flirting with other women. You shitty playboy, how could you live such an easy life while I was suffering? You didn't even come to meet me for drinks. I can forgive you for other things, but how could you block me on the app? Whether we go out or not, we are still friends. We will stay friends forever. Our friendship is unbreakable, you idiot. Real friends support each other and try to understand each other. When I was with you during your worst moment, didn't it occur to you that I also needed you?"     

"I am sorry." Takeshi cries when she tears off some of his hair and tosses them on his lap. "Iori, don't be mad."     

"Don't be mad?" Iori climbs on the bed and sits on his lap. She curls her hands around his neck. "Too late. I am super mad right now. I am tired of explaining it to you. After working in the field, I have realized one thing. Some people can only understand the language of fists."     

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