Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Wasn't it because I wanted to save you?

Wasn't it because I wanted to save you?

Mira stares at him with disbelief. How could things become like this? This is not what she wants to happen. Yuta on Valerie's side? How could she accept that? If she tells the truth, will he come to her side? But nothing can change the fact that she had killed him in their past lives.     

"Do whatever you want," She hisses at him with raging eyes. "I will kill her with my hands today."     

As she takes a step towards the door, he blocks her way and reaches for her throat. "Don't you dare touch anyone from my family."     

She grabs his wrist, stepping aside to dodge his attack. In the next moment, he falls on the floor.      

Yuta grunts in pain as she presses her foot on his throat and looks down at him with bloodthirst in her eyes. "Kamiyama Yuta, you have always been an emotional fool. I can't let my hard work go to waste and risk everything just because you want to play family with a poisonous girl like that."     

He has thought the same once. He wanted to send Valerie back to the orphanage. But his mother was against it. He also wanted to do the same thing that Mira wants to do now.      

Yuta grabs her ankle and pulls it away from himself. "Listen, this is not the right way. Since we got a second chance, they also deserve a second chance."     

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Mira screams at him. "Second chances don't land on someone's lap just like that. You deserve a second chance, but she? That girl needs to be buried alive."     

Why is she this cruel? Yuta stares at her. Aerie hasn't become a bad person yet. Yuan Bo raised Aerie in their previous lives. This life is different. He wants to believe that people can change. The future is scary. Valerie might become their enemies, but there's also a chance that she will not become the same person she was once. He wants to believe in his parents who believe in that girl.      

"I also don't deserve a second chance." Mira drops on her knees as tears stream out of her grey eyes. "She and I don't deserve it at all. Yuta, it's a mercy to kill her now. It's mercy on all those people who will die because of her. You have to let me kill her."     

"I can't." He whispers, "I would rather kill you, Mira. You haven't changed at all. It's because you don't want to change. In my past life, you never believed in me. You didn't tell me about yourself or about the consortium. Have you wondered what would have happened if you have been honest with me? Even once? I would have stood by your side until the last moment. I would have willingly become the sacrifice for that damn cult."     

That's why she didn't tell him. Mira clenches her fingers into fists.      

"Now, I despise you so much." He continues with a morose voice, "So much… that it hurts me. I don't want to love you. I want to see you in pain and suffer the exact thing that I am going through. I don't want you to die. I want to see you living in hell. That's my wish and I feel terrible to feel like this."     

"Maybe your wish will be granted," She utters softly, knowing well that he won't let her kill Valerie Kang. The game can't be avoided. If she knows him enough, there must be people who are guarding Valerie right now. After all, he killed Furotani Taro before coming here. He would rather kill her than let her kill a girl who was his mother's murderer's daughter. All of this is because Aerie is considered a family now.     

When Yuta turns his face toward her, Mira gives him a sorrowful smile. The emotions in her eyes can't be hidden. This is the last time she will show this to him. "I will make sure to live long enough to start the game. I will kill her with my own hands right in front of you. And you know what? I will slit her throat on the altar of the Consortium and your family will be the audience."     

It sounds like a promise to him. He slowly blinks his eyes. "I won't let you do that."     

"If you are going to become her shining knight, you should never forget one thing." Mira lets out a mocking laugh. "You should never ever underestimate me or Valerie Kang. Continue to treat her well. She should have some good moments since her life will be short anyway."     

His dark glare only earns him a nonchalant shrug. All emotions disappear from her face. She stands up and dusts off her clothes as she tells him casually, "When we meet again, we will be enemies. I hope that you don't act soft toward me because we have fucked once. Don't forget that this woman was able to kill you because you were a blind fool in love."     

"Mira!" He barks at her. "Don't test my patience."     

"It's not patience." She replies in a straightforward tone, "I see that you have forgotten Maddox's teachings. Why is that? It must be the effect of the family then. But your soft heart won't be able to save your family from me in the future. Remember that Maddox's downfall in his both lives was your mother."     

"It wasn't my mother," Yuta snarls at her. "It was his own selfishness. He only had to leave my mother alone. In this lifetime, you killed him."     

"And, why did I kill him?" She raises her brow. "Wasn't it because I wanted to save you?"     

He becomes still when he hears her say that. Save him? It wasn't because she wanted to remove the competition?     

"There." She snorts at him. "Becoming emotional because of a lie? I killed you in your last lifetime. Would I bother saving you now? I can't care less about you, Kamiyama Yuta -- Never mind! I am leaving. We will see each other when the game begins."     

Mira takes long strides away from him, walking away while he could only watch her small back. A complicated feeling emerges in his heart. Did she or not lie to him?     

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