Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

I have already taken your chastity

I have already taken your chastity

After walking through the dense forest with orange trees and pink leaves for what feels like an eternity, I reach my destination.     

I look at the tower. It's so high that I can't see the top. The top is surrounded by mist. What is lying at the top? It is a treasure? Is it Just a game end? The developers won't be crazy enough to just end. I heard that it's based on a fairytale. I expect to see a prince.     

"Please help me!" I hear someone scream. "My true love, come and save me."     

Right, I remember now. Cursed by an evil witch, the prince is supposed to be trapped in there for thousands of years. Then, there must be a final boss here somewhere.      

"Oi!" I look around the tower. "My final enemy, where are you hiding?"     

Thump. Thump. Thump.     

A sleeky dark green snake-like creature crawls down on the wall of the tower. Two leathery wings flutter on its back once before the creature's neon green eyes focus on me. It bars its teeth, showing canines that can even chew my bone.      

This is the pet of the witch guarding the cursed prince.     

The dragon roars with a dark reverberating voice. "You shall not pass."     

How boring. "Is that the best line you came up with?"     

"You cannot have a happy ending," The dragon tells me, promising. "You must die here."     

"This is a game. Can you kill me for real?" I wonder who designed this crappy game. This storyline is so old. Is that a prince rapunzel up there?      

"My love, only you can remove this curse with your true love kiss." Just then, I hear Sakurano Kano's voice. I can't see him. There's only a dark silhouette at the window.     

Is my dream going to come true? My Sakurano Kano has come alive.     

"Hahaha! Keep dreaming." The dragon inhales the wind. I see the ball of fire forming inside his mouth. It's time to run.     

I dodge before the dragon could turn me into fried human meat. The dragon is miffed. He inhales again. I also set my weapon. Time to destroy this snake.      

It takes longer than I like. It's probably because I am slower than I used to be. The dragon is finally dead and turns into a ladder? That is odd. Why my gift is a ladder?      

"My prince, I cannot wait for more."     

Why is he calling me prince? Ok, never mind. I start climbing. I look up and see no one at the window. My Sakurano Kano is there. What shall I do with him first? I want to capture a photo, have a date, a kiss, and I want to hug him. I want to see if his 3D body is better than 2D. In the case of 3D bodies, Kiyohira is definitely perfect. He keeps saying that he won't do it with me unless I love him. What kind of nonsense is that? Should I throw my pride and do him just because he won't budge from his stupid decision?      

In the dressing room, he kissed my burning scars.     

I keep climbing up. I don't want to think about him when my ideal Sakurano Kano is there.      

Out of breath, I finally reach the damn window. I look down and see that it's only the first floor. But, it looked so high from the bottom.      

Forget it! I enter into the room, expecting to see my Sakurano Kano. The love of my life is sitting with his back to me.      

To my horror, I realize that it's a woman. Her long dark silky hair is touching the floor.      

"This is a scam!" I yell at the woman. "Where's Sakurano Kano?"     

When she turns, my jaw drops to the floor. I have never expected to see that face.     

She... he... Kiyohira bats his eyes at me seductively. He's wearing a flashy red Kimono, lipstick on his face, and some powder... and to my horror again, I don't find him unattractive.      

Under my gaze, Princess Kiyohira looks down shyly. "Our love has won. Please make me yours."     

"..." Even the way he talks is... this must be a dream.      

Princess Kiyohira starts stripping. I gape at him, not knowing what to expect. I can't look away when he is swaying his hips, smiling sensually, and stripping like the professional strippers. I gulp when he removes the inner layer. To my relief, his chest is flat.     

"To remove the curse, please take my chastity." He lies down on the completely naked. His shaft is pointing toward the ceiling. I stare at him. Even in my dream, he's asking me to do him.     

"I have already taken your chastity." I undo the belt. "I won't mind taking again."      

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