Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

I don't like girls who don't act cute

I don't like girls who don't act cute

Ren dismisses Nina from his mind. He has a difficult problem to think about. He's hungry. Can he survive until he can reach Kiyohira's home? Should he just eat at the restaurant?      

"I have to confront him and find out about my first love." Ren laughs to himself and walks to his car. Nina, who has been watching him from the distance, shakes her head. The guy even talks to himself. Does he have friends?     

He opens the car door and gets into the driver seat. "Chicken or Beef? Beef or Chicken? What I want is Sashimi. YES!"     

The car door suddenly opens and Nina sits inside. Ren, who is in the midst of plugging the key, looks at the girl. "Excuse me?"     

"No, I won't excuse you." Nina grins at him. Since her earlier approach didn't work, she will just be shameless. Some men like bold women. "Kawamoto Ren, I am not a little girl. Do you want me to show you?"     

She licks her lips sensually, expressing more than what Ren wants to see in her eyes. She sways her hair to one side, revealing the smooth curve of her neck. "I don't mind showing."     

Ren furrows his brows, feeling complicated. "Don't mind what?"     

"Ren, do you not understand?" Like a predator watching her prey, she moves closer to him. He stiffens when she places her palm on his crotch. That's a dangerous place. Even if he's older, he's a man.      

"How old are you?" Ren asks with a clenched voice.     

"I am old enough." She presses her breasts over his chest and squeezes it softly.      

"You are not from J country." He grabs her hand that's touching his dangerous zone. Even a blind man can tell that this girl is up to no good. He might be handsome and all, but he learned a few things while working with the police. "Your Japanese is fluent. You are impressive."     

"That's all you find impressive?" She struggles to free her wrist, but he's strong and not letting go. "I am not from J country. Don't tell me that you are rejecting me because of my origins? Kawamoto Ren, are you this kind of man who rejects a woman because she is from another country? Let me tell you. My great-great-grandmother from T city."     

"How do you know what kind of man I am? We don't know each other properly." Ren glares at her. It doesn't matter to him where she's from. He asked it because he wanted to change the topic. He can feel her bosoms pressing against his chest. Is she even wearing something underneath? Where did this girl suddenly pop up from? She's too suspicious.     

"I have seen you around for a long time. You are single and hot." Nina wants to kiss his lips but he's keeping her away from him. Her temper flares up. He rejects her and looks at her skeptically. She doesn't want to stay in T city for long. She's going to seduce him tonight and eat his virginity. "I am also single and in heat. We can know each other better that way."     

Ren has never met this type of girl. It's not even an hour since they met and she's proposing to sleep with him. He has never done it, but he's not a desperate man who will sleep with any stranger. He's been in love with his best friend for 8 years. Even if they didn't have the feelings of a man and a woman, he still loves her. Rie is his best friend and his family.     

Besides, he's fine with his porn. He doesn't need a real woman. Where did this weird lustful creature come from? He doesn't even know her last name.      

Seeing the frustrated look in her eyes, he finds smiles at her suddenly. It must be the age gap. Perhaps, the women of these times are bold. He doesn't interact with them much. How will he know?      

He leans forward and whispers into her ears, "Nina Chan, I don't like girls who don't act cute."     

She's not his type. She's not cute. He even calls her names on his blogs. Ever since he got out of prison, he's been slandering her online for deleting his porn. If he likes watching porn that much, he should do it.     

He doesn't find her cute? He doesn't like her? Challenge accepted!     

Nina sits on his lap with an ominous smile on his face. "I am not cute, huh?"     

He looks at her with a straight face. "You aren't. Can you move over now? I am meeting a friend. I am -"     

She suddenly takes off her sweater, showing off her round and perky assets. He widens his eyes, shocked. She smirks when she sees that expression on him. His eyes are fixed there. He swallows and looks up at her face. "Move over."     

"What if I don't?" She asks with a silky smooth voice, leaning closer to him. "What will you do?"     

Ren starts chanting a theme song of the game that he recently played with his eyes closed. Dangerous. He can't sin. Nina finds him amusing. She presses his face between her breasts. He stops singing when his face touches her warm skin. His hands trail up on her back. An electric shiver runs through her skin. She trembles and sighs, wanting him to touch more. She closes her eyes when he moves up his face, brushing his lips on the space between her breasts.      

In the next moment, she lands on the concrete. Hard. He throws her sweater and his coat at her. Without waiting for a second more, he closes the car door and drives away from the dangerous creature who nearly gave him the taste of one of the seven deadly sins.     

She's stunned, looking at the car disappearing around the corner. It takes a moment for her to grasp what just happened.     

Was she just thrown out nearly naked by a 'man'?     

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