Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Wreck her house

Wreck her house

"What?" She asks in surprise. "What responsibility?"

"You have a strong grudge against our family." He gives her a look. "Because of your grudge, things turned out like this."

She knows that it is her fault. "This situation will die on its own."

"I can't wait that long." His younger brother will have a hard time at school. His grandmother is also worried. His business empire is also suffering. "Do you need money? I will give you a job and a chance to become a human being."

"Not interested." She refuses him bluntly. "I have money and a job."

"You never leave the house. Your aunt said that she is the one who pays for your expenditures."

She lets out a sarcastic laugh. "You believe her?

Kiyohira gives her a look. He looks around and then, eyes her with raised brows. "Is this the house of a respectable working member of society?"

"Yes, it is." She crosses her arms defiantly. "Who are you to judge me anyway?"

"Wear something." He points at her bare legs. "You are coming with me."

She looks down. Her mouth forms a big 'O'. She hasn't noticed it. She is only wearing underwear and a loose shirt. She isn't wearing a bra. She has been talking to him like this. She covers her chest and dashes into the bedroom.

When she comes out, Kiyohira is still standing in her living room. She is wearing a bra underneath her shirt and trousers now. She still has to deal with this Kamiyama.

"Why are you still here?" She asks him with annoyance.

He gives her a nod. "Let's go."

"Hey, who is going with you?" She tilts her head slightly. "Get out of my house right now. I have used all of my patience and my good sides on you. If you don't leave now, you will have to face my bad side."

She looks like an angry little chubby hipster when she said those words. Kiyohira raises his brow questioningly. "Your bad side?"

"Yes, I have an evil side." She hisses at him. "Leave before the dam of my patience breaks. Leave and never show your face again. We can still end this in a civil manner."

He doesn't realize that he is smiling. His smile provokes her. She scowls at him deeply. She knows that she is zero in a physical fight, but her enemy doesn't know that yet.

Nothing is wrong with bluffing.

"Do you want to do it in a hard way?" He is quite amused.

She shakes her head and says, "Yes."

There is a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Okay."

He leaves quietly.



I press my palms together and thank my seven ancestors and the Gods who have given me the energy to live through today. I have never realized that someone can be frustrating. I look at the time. 2:15  AM. Does he realize that I am a woman in my prime? How can he come inside a stranger's house at this time? What about my reputation now?

Who cares? I am going to die single anyway. He must be used to going inside a woman's house like this. He is a playboy just like his father.

I lie down on the floor. My cockroach friend peeks out of his hideout. If he didn't appear at that time, I would have been crushed or eaten by that man. I don't think that there "Thank you, my friend. You have saved my life and chastity tonight. I will leave more leftover for you from now on."

The cockroach rubs his long arms. It seems like it understands me.

"I don't ever want to deal with someone like him. I am so tired."


"What?" The front wall of my house is cracking.

BANG! A wrecking ball swings into the house. I instinctively lie on the floor. It swings out.

"What's going on?" I scream and run out of the house.

Kamiyama Kiyohira is standing in front of my house with a wrecking ball, a bulldozer, and an excavator. There is a crowd behind them who are watching and recording everything with their phones. 

My house is not big. One bulldozer would have sufficed.

Wait, what I am thinking?

"You have one minute." He points his index finger toward me. "To take out anything that you can't live without."

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