Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Hungry enough to not think carefully

Hungry enough to not think carefully

Kiyohira knows that she is peeking at him. He doesn't look at her. She is a ball of nervousness. Like a person who is guilty of a crime, she is afraid of being caught.

When he destroyed her house, he knew that he destroyed her place to hide. Back then, he didn't care how it would affect her. She wasn't afraid of him when he destroyed her place or threatened to throw her in the prison. She is afraid of him now. He isn't happy. Instead of getting closer, he feels that he is further away from her.

He hears the sound of her stomach's grumble. She can't pretend to sleep now. The heavy silence feels unbreakable.

When they reach home, she bolts to her room and locks herself inside. His grandmother frowns at him. Takeshi raises his brow. "Did you fight with her again, Elder Brother?"

"No." He glares at him. "Why are you still awake? Go to your room."

"Okay." Takeshi looks at the closed door of his sister room. He shakes his head at his brother. His sister seems more withdrawn than before. It will be harder to get close to her. He grumbles something about his brother being an idiot and goes to his room.

"Have you had dinner?" His grandmother asks him quietly.

"I am going to have it now." He smiles at her mildly. "Please, rest. It's late, Grandmother."

"I have a lot to talk about." His grandmother tells him, "We will talk tomorrow."

He gives her a nod. She retires to her room. Sometime later, Harumi brings in the five packages of ramen.

"Take them to the kitchen."

Harumi is confused to hear those words. But, she can't deny her master's orders. She takes them to the kitchen. He opens one of the containers. It's watery. There is barely any meat or vegetable. She lies about hygiene and being picky about food, but she doesn't even bother to order meals from a good place. He throws away the ramen and cleans the containers. Harumi watches him cook the ramen with more meat and vegetables. He refills and repacks the containers.

"Take them to her." He adds three bottles of juices. "Tell her that these came with it."

"Will she believe me, young master?" Harumi creases her brows. She has no idea what her young master is trying to do.

"She is hungry enough to not think carefully."

When Harumi comes back empty-handed, he lets out a breath of relief. But, it also confirms something else. That woman suffers from an eating disorder. She is most afraid of him finding that out about her.

What made her the way she is today?


The taste is different. There are more ramen and meat than water. I like it. They must have changed the cook. Sending freebies with the ramen, is something special today? Anyway, I have no complaints. Freebies are always welcome.

The new cook makes delicious meals. I hope that this new cook doesn't leave the job at the ramen store. I will give him five stars review on the app.

"What should I do about Kamiyama?" I open the third container. "I am sure that he has noticed something. He isn't good at pretending that he didn't."

My phone is gone too. I have to buy a new phone. Why did I throw it anyway? I regret it. One should never be angry on precious items like phones. I open my laptop to check what's going on. The Kamiyama scandal is popular again. This time, there is a video of mine throwing up and begging to Kamiyama not to hurt me. I lose my appetite. This is how miserable I look like when I have my episodes. Because of that Kamiyama, the whole world has been me like this. My face is also revealed.

I don't bother reading the internet's reaction. I am not angry. It isn't much different from back then. This time, I have power in my fingers. I erase the video from all the sources and hack into the accounts. I know that I will be noticed by the people from the dark web and the people of the law.

I make a decision. I will give enough problems to Kamiyama's family business enemies. This way, they will stop being a nuisance to me.


At morning, his mind is full of questions. How does he rectify the situation with the video? Takeuchi cannot return to the work as an errand girl. After finding out her talent, he doesn't want her to work as an errand girl anyway. There is a more suitable place for her. But, he is sure that she will be highly reluctant.

He puts the phone on speaker.


[Boss, someone has hacked and destroyed our business competitors' systems. Our market shares have also increased. Also, the troublesome video along with all the articles regarding the scandals are completely erased from the internet.]

His fingers pause on the button of his shirt. Takeuchi Rie.

"Anything else?"

[Um... No, but... ]

He hangs up right away. He has to find a little hacker in his house.

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