The Great CEO's Wife is a Gangster

CHAPTER 13: Did you Change my Clothes last night?

CHAPTER 13: Did you Change my Clothes last night?

Aisha felt a warm body beside her. She nestled closer as she caressed the bare chest.

"Ehmm… So warm..." She smiled as she muttered those words. Then the man suddenly moved and cupped her body with his. Aisha felt two big hands cuddling her. She felt a slight light coming from the window but she was too tired to wake up. Her whole body was aching, so lazy to even care if she was dreaming or not. She embraced him then dozed off to sleep again.

"Cancel all my appointments for today." Ethan called his personal assistant Larry after he made sure that Stacy fell asleep again. He dropped the call and placed his phone on top of the cabinet beside him. He stared at the woman lying on his chest. He smiled as he caressed her hair. He traced every detail on her face with his finger. After staring at her innocent sleeping face he kissed her head.

"You fool. No matter how much I look at you, you're too far from the Stacy that I once knew." He smiled at his thought then he captured her lips. Aisha suddenly moved. She gulped. She raised her head. Ethan could feel her heavy breaths freezing his collarbone. He gulped even more. Aisha unconsciously embraced him tightly. He pretended to be asleep when he felt Aisha woke up.

Aisha sluggishly opened her eyes. She saw herself in the arms of a man. She looked up and saw a handsome face beside her. She smiled.

"What a beautiful dream to start my day right, hmmm." She whispered. She traced the man's jaw line with her fingers and stared at him for some time. She slowly kissed his jaw line.

"Well, if this is a dream----'' She murmured.

"Unfortunately this is not a dream. I hate to interrupt your beautiful dream, Missy." She heard the man spoke with his eyes still closed then he slowly opened them. He looked at her mischievously. She widened her eyes when she realized it was not a dream. She jolted up as she took a pew away from him. Ethan pulled his body and leaned on the bed's head. He looked at her playfully.

"Y-You! Why are you here?" She glared at him. Ethan laughed mockingly.

"Am I not allowed to sleep in my own room?"

"R-room?" She looked around. She gasped unbelievingly. "I- I thought I dozed off at Eli's room last night?" She muttered. Ethan smirked. Aisha looked at the window and realized that the sun was so bright. Then she jerked when she realized something. She looked at the watch and her eyes widened when she saw that it was already 10:15 in the morning.

"Oh no! I'm late!" She yelled. She threw the blanket and rushed in the bathroom when Ethan suddenly spoke.

"Where do you think you're going?" She stopped her tracks and faced him.

"Of course I'm going to work! And look I'm late! Why didn't you wake me up?'' She was accusing him. Ethan who was now looking at his phone smirked.

"Do you have to work on weekends?" Still looking at his phone. "What a hard working employee, I should raise your salary then." He teased her. Aisha creased a brow.

"Weekend?'' She was confused. She went back to bed and took her phone. She checked the date, she sighed when she saw that today was Saturday.

"I thought I was late." She heaved a heavy sigh. "Then I guess I have to sleep all day then." She smiled as she dropped her body back to bed. She unconsciously caressed her swollen feet.

"What happened to your left hand?" Ethan suddenly asked. She was surprised. She woke up instantly as she touched her injured hand. She didn't know how he discovered it. Suddenly she realized that she was wearing her pajamas. "I didn't change my shirt last night…" She thought.

"Did you carry me back and changed my clothes?" She asked.

"What if I did?" He answered emotionlessly as he stood up and took a shirt in the drawer.

Aisha's face went dark.

"Y-you, you saw my body?" She asked coldly.

"What are you ashamed of? I've seen yours a thousand times anyway …"

Aisha didn't answer. Her face was dim. She felt harassed at the thought of it. No one ever touched her before. She felt violated. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry but she has to keep those emotions because she agreed on living her sister's life anyway. It was no one's fault. It was hers to begin with.

"I never knew you had a birthmark. Does it usually appear late?" Ethan probed. Aisha was caught off guard. She didn't know what to say …

"M-my wound… I-I got it when I fell from the horse at Grandpa's mansion." She avoided the birthmark topic. Ethan shrugged.

"Since when did you learn horse riding? You were so afraid of having grazes and wounds on your skin that you never even wanted to do any physical activities. Did you bang your head somewhere?"

Aisha smiled half-heartedly. "Well, I guess people change …" Aisha stood up and went directly to the bathroom. She opened the shower and let it flow from her body, still with her shirts on. She didn't know what's happening to her. She was afraid that Ethan might discover her lies and pretentions. Was it because she wanted to protect her sister? Yes, that must be it. She had to continue with the pretensions. Then she remembered how Ethan kiss her before. She touched her lips as she closed her eyes. "No, he was kissing your sister, not you Aisha. Get a hold of yourself. It was Stacy, not me …" That sudden thought saddened the core of her heart.

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