The Princess and The Lord

Meeting Again

Meeting Again

0Bei Li Yan can't stop giggle, he become fond with this future madam more than before, she's not timid or quiet woman like he thought she would be, she's sensible woman who knew when to talk and when to be quiet, she not flaunt his relationship with Zhao Li Xin but not hide it either, she even can balance Zhao Li Xin impulsive temperament with her calm demeanor overall this future madam didn't lack anything except background family and strength but with his Lord as her backer who needs one.     

"We must never let our guard down from that Huang Siblings" Jin Hao warn everyone.     

"Why woman always obsessed with you, Milord?" Bei Li Yan sighs helplessly.     

Zhao Li Xin squints his eyes at Bei Li Yan, he didn't do anything to that woman he did not even remember her how can Bei Li Yan said as if this is his fault.     

Lory giggles softly "The problem It's not just that Huang sister, didn't you saw how is the Huang brother looking at Li Xin?"     

Jin Hao confuses, he didn't pay attention to Huang Zi Feng before he yells at his Lord "What do you mean?"     

"Just say it, soon or later that Huang Brother would come for all of you, well its bounds to happened" Lory saw the contempt look from Huang Zi Feng, it reminds her with someone from the past, he forgot who is that kid's name but she sure he's from foreign country may be a noble or something, that Kid always challenge Lucas in every opportunity he had no matter if it's not in study, then martial arts, even with woman he would always challenge Lucas and when he wins he will look at Lucas smugly, sadly Lucas never knew there was a competition between them.     

Lucas never bother with that Kid he treats him as a weird acquaintance who likes to show off in front of him and force him to do tiring things, its a one-side rivalry because Lucas never realize this kid burning desire to win over him but other than study that kid never win from Lucas but that's because Lucas always fell asleep during the exam and have too many absent on his attendance report but still, he managed to be the top five at the school board, Everyone in Cestine Palace knew Lory is a diligent one but Lucas is the genius one.     

Lory look up Zhao Li Xin's face, he had a feeling the situation between Huang Zi Feng and Zhao Li Xin would be like Lucas and that poor kid, Zhao Li Xin feels her intense gaze at him he looks down and smiles back at her.     

Soon they enter the forbidden forest, the tree is sky high with long thick branch and dense leaf, the ground slippery from moss and rotten leaf, lucky she wear boots if she wears normal shoes she didn't know how many time she would fall.     

Lory hears the sound of wild animals around them it's a good sign, meaning there are no predators around them, she's been explored the jungle so many times she becomes a proficient hunter.     

Lory bring out Bow and arrow from her spatial rings and put the dagger under her arms so it easy to pull out in an emergency, she slips more small knife inside her boots, like Fargo used to said 'there's no such thing too much weapon' as a good student she always listened to her mentor.     

Zhao Li Xin and everyone watches Lory prepare herself calmly, she put the glove on her hands then she clenches her hand to make sure the glove did not hinder her movement, she looks calm and smooth as if she's been doing this all her life, she didn't realize how weird other people expression toward her.     

"Okay, I'm ready!" Lory put her cloak inside her spatial ring, the robes hinder her movement too much and the weather inside the forest is quite humid, now she looks likes a professional hunter.     

"Miss Luo, you seem used to this?" Jin Hao's curiosity suddenly peaks, why so many questions about this woman.     

Lory smiles "Yeah… like a hobby" Lory carelessly said, she's not entirely lying it is like a hobby for her.     

But no one believed her, what kinda woman who has a hobby become a hunter even cultivator woman rarely enters the forest if not necessary, but they did not probe further they just got more curious about her.     

Zhao Li Xin frowned he remember he meets her the first time in the forest then they meet again inside the forest is that means she likes to take a stroll in the forest, how dangerous that could be.     

Suddenly they hear rustle behind the tree, immediately they become vigilant they all make resistance stance while Lory swiftly draw her arrow she prepares to shoot whatever coming from the tree suddenly a woman with tattered pink dress appear in front of them, her face covered with sweat and dirt, her hair disheveled until it looks like a bird nest on top of her head, the woman look relief when she saw them.     

"Who are you?" Mong Ki draws his sword and shielding Zhao Li Xin and Lory, she sees the woman, not a threat she put down her bow, her quick move amaze Jin hao and Bei Li Yan and the Mong's Brother, only now they convince Lory is a real hunter, but Zhao Li Xin have mixed feeling about this.     

Back to the tattered dress girl, she looks very much in distress "I'm Ming Ru Yi, we meet outside before…"     

All of them look at her disbelieved, they never seen anyone as ugly as her, Lory sees the gold hairpin in the lady's head she suddenly gasped "The Christmas girl!!!" she clapped her hands.     

"Eee what?" Zhao Li Xin puzzled.     

"No, ehm….its the girl we meet the first time we arrive near the forbidden palace, you remember the girl with a fancy dress?" she reminds everyone, only then they make 'O` face.     

Bei Li Yan clapped his hands excitedly "The Fancy group!"     

"Oh, it's them" Jin Hao look at Ming Ru Yi with shocking eyes.     

Ming Ru Yi feel she wants to cry, how could she let these handsome men see her worst appearance not to mention her 'crush' also there but things already happened what else she could do "Is me, I got separated with my group...can you help me" she blinks her eyes a few times like defenseless rabbit, her eyes moist and her red lips quiver from fear she tries to look as pitiful as she could any normal people would not resist a damsel in distress but Hei Shen sect people are not normal people.     

"I can't" Jin hao replied shortly     

"I'm too lazy…" Bei Li Yan shrugs his shoulder casually.     

"Meh…" Zhao Li Xin grunt incoherently.     

Mong Ki and Mong Yi did not make a word, they do whatever their Lord asked them to do if Zhao Li Xin said nothing why bother.     

Lory sigh 'Talk about 'cold to the core'     

Ming Ru Yi was flabbergasted this trick never failed before even her father Emperor would be given to her when she acted like this but why these men are so heartless and the man she had crush with didn't say a word since the moment she appears, she scared she would leave out all alone in the forest "Young mister, please help me...don't leave me here, I could die…" she wants to grab Zhao Li Xin robes and beg on his feet but of course mong Yi and Mong ki stop her.     

If she touches their Lord forget about scarred being left alone, our Lord will crush her and left her to die, Ming Ru Yi didn't know the Mong's brother was being kind to her, she feels upset she can't get close to her crush.     

Lory scratches her head she didn't like this woman staring at Zhao Li Xin like a fat kid staring at candy but she also feels conflicted leaving the Christmas tree girl on the forest by herself.     

"We can let her just follow us until we find her groups or send her to other groups, I think everyone would like to have a princess in their a group?" Lory tries to compromise with the situation, it's also not good if people knew they leave the fifteen-year-old princess in the middle of nowhere.     

No matter what she still Liangzu princess, they already in the cold war with Jiang Wei kingdom is unwise to fight with the Liangzu Kingdom too, Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan agree with Lory's decision and Zhao Li Xin not refute her either.     

"You can follow us, but we are in the wild so you must take care of yourself, you are a cultivator right?" Lory hopes she can reason with this haughty Princess, she fears she thinks she can rely on Zhao Li Xin and his group but they knew Zhao Li Xin people's temperament if something happened there's no way hell they would spend any effort to help Ming Ru Yi.     

But Lory kind reminder taken as jealousy in Ming Ru Yi minds, she though Lory must be threatened by her appearance that's why she didn't want her to get close to any of them, deep down Ming Ru Yi sneered if she wants to get close to her 'crush' who can stop her, she is the princess of Liang Zu what's in the world she couldn't have.     

"I'm, currently I'm a knight level cultivator transition stage," she said proudly because she knew Lory is a waste.     

Lory doesn't understand why she makes triumph face "Good for you….." Lory praised her with big smiles like a kindergarten teacher.     

Bei Li Yan stifles, she almost burst to laugh his future madam is amazing, she treats a Princess like a stupid kid.     

Ming Ru Yi face turns dark in a normal situation she would already scratch Lory annoying face just when she becomes more hostile Zhao Li Xin pull Lory towards him then she warned Ming Ru Yi with vicious glare, all of the sudden Ming Ru Yi feels cold sweat on her back she immediately looks down tremble in fear, she not dare to look at Zhao Li Xin again.     

"Take care of yourself, none of us will help you…." He said with a flat tone, then he holds her hand and walks away, the other also not bother with Ming Ru Yi they follow Zhao Li Xin without glancing at her.     

Ming Ru Yi bites her lips, her eyes were moist from sadness and anger. Everyone always treat her like precious gem but why they treat her like a filthy trash and the man she loves why he so cold to her why he treat that waste so good, what does she had that she doesn't, she not believe someone would choose a waste girls over her, she won't believe...she can't….     

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