From Past To Present, I Still Love You

Hot and Steamy **

Hot and Steamy **

Their kisses started off softly with gentle nibbles and lip tugging. In between their breathes, they would stare into each other's eyes lovingly, before returning back to their lip locking.     

It was cute. The playful physical banter between them.     

And then the intensity thickened as Minhyun's hands began to cup her breasts. As his tongue was introduced to her mouth, Yoona grabbed the sides of his face and brought him closer. The temperature rose up.     

While kissing, due to his overpowering demeanor, she was put into a position where her back was on the sofa seat while he towered over her.     

His muscular body loomed over her and she couldn't resist running her fingers down his shirt, feeling his abs through the fabric.     

There was something different about this hook up. being physical in the MH building was completely a new experience as people were right outside the door. There was a slight thrill with this encounter. Although nobody would dare come into Chae Minhyun's office unannounced, she still felt as if she could be caught any moment.     

Minhyun pulled back slowly and his eyes trailed to another part of her body.     

He proceeded to move his kisses up her jaw, all the way to her earlobe. He gently sucked the area while using his teeth to gently nibble.     

Yoona squirmed as the sensation of tingles filled her entire body. Her sensitivity heightened with the way he teased her skin with his tongue.     

She never knew her ears could be so sensitive.     

Minhyun, ready to go deeper with her, completely untied his tie before throwing it across the room. His suit jacket came off afterwards, followed by his white blouse to reveal his toned body.     

Yoona's eyes trailed down, enlightened by how sexy he looked. She bit her lip before lifting her body up to take off her clothes as well.     

To tease him, she sent him subtle sexy glances while taking a second longer to take off each button. Once everything was off, underneath her shirt revealed a nude bra that was a few shades darker than her skin color.     

Minhyun watched her, his eyes twinkling with lust.     

"You look so good," he commented.     

Her cheeks slightly reddened. No matter how many times he's seen her body, it was so evident that he was still in love. She could feel it radiate from his eyes.     

And she always got slightly embarrassed.     

She squirmed in her spot. "Oh goodness."     

He leaned in forward, gently cupping her breast with his hands. "Embrace it."     

His lips quickly trailed down her neck, subtly leaving a bit of teeth marks down.     

The sensation of her nerves tingling from his touch made her wet. She could feel herself drowning in pleasure.     

His hands lead down to her skirt and he began to tug on the edges signalling for her to take it off. She complied, revealing a matching set of nude underwear.     

Minhyun bit his lips slightly.     

"Take your underwear off too."     

The command rang in her ears and she looked at him in shock. This was new. He had never made such a dominant statement before. Yet, for some reason, his words only turned her on even more.     

"Yes sir," she said in a teasing manner before taking off the last piece of clothing off her body.     

He nodded in acknowledgement. "And now, I'm going to please you more than you've ever pleased me."     

She giggled. "That's going to be hard."     

"Watch me," he whispered, before helping her lie down on the couch. Her head was leaning against the arm rest while Minhyun was positioned in between her legs.     

She was slightly nervous upon seeing Minhyun's face move closer to her most sacred area. However, she knew that she trusted her whole body with this man. He could do whatever he wanted.     

His large hands snaked up her legs. He gently kissed her inner thigh as well. Then he used his fingers to gently squeeze her clit.     

She let out a yelp, surprised by him touching such a sensitive spot, but her muscles loosened as he continued in a more gentle manner.     

Then he placed his mouth in the same area and played with the flower bud with his tongue. His eyes glanced over at her, making sure that she was having a good time. The pleasured look on her face only made him more compelled to go further.     

He began to move his fingers in circular motion around her opening, while continuously playing with her clit. He could feel her started to shake.     

Then, he thrust his fingers into her body. He gently curved them to hit the right pleasure spot.     

Moans escaped from Yoona's mouth. Fucking hell. What was he doing to her? The sensation began to accumulate, the sensitivity rising as he played with her more.     

His motions quickened in pace as he continued. His eyes were always on her, making sure that she was having the best time.     

And then slowly, she began to find herself twitching and the jolts happening at a quicker pace. And before she knew it, her toes curled and the orgasm took over her entire being.     

"Fuck," she said after a deep breath. "You kill me. That was so good."     

He backed up from her area and then moved himself up over to position himself over her. He gently kissed her lips. "You enjoyed it that much baby?"     

"Yeah," she whispered. Then a devious smile lit on her face. "Now that I'm wet enough, there's something else that I want from you."     

"What is it?"     

"I want you inside of me."     

Her bold statement took him aback. Minhyun raised an eyebrow and tried to take in what she said. Then a smirk filled his face.     

"Luckily the room is soundproof so you can be as loud as you want."     

She giggled. "Alright. Let's see how loud I can scream your name."     

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