Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Sniper and His Mark

The Sniper and His Mark

Wu Lina was getting bored as the time went by that day. It was her eighth month and she had started sweating profusely. Even though winter was approaching and cold breeze would send shivers down your body, she only felt comfortable.     

She picked a fashion magazine and started reading about the latest stuff. Then she got bored and decided to go to the office just to distract herself. Even though she had been asked to stay at home, her new job was addictive. She liked being a part of the process. She called Yang Xinyu to inform him that she would step out only for a short while but his phone was unreachable. So she just left a message. An hour of going to the office wouldn't hurt. She left a message with her father-in-law too.     

Yang Xinyu had a long meeting.     


The sniper had positioned himself at the top floor right opposite the building. It was very cold even at this hour of the day. He could see a lot of security in the area and there was a chance that he could miss the target. But he had stayed in that position for a very long time, with his M99 sniper rifle, concentrating hard on his mark who was about to come out of the building anytime. He had spent a great deal of money to buy his ammunition from the black market, and he cherished it. He had waited there since the wee hours of the morning. He had hired the room he was sitting in, a day back.     

After another hour, he finally saw his mark walking out of the building and talking to someone on the phone. He followed the mark.     


Yang Xinyu received Wu Lina's message after he came out of the building. He was again so annoyed at her that he called her. As soon as she picked the phone, she said, "Before you scold me, I was really feeling very bored. Please Xini, don't be bothered. There is a lot of security around me, I will take care of myself, I won't go anywhere else and will stay put in the office – only for an hour. Please darling?"     

But Yang Xinyu was so angered that he didn't hear what she was saying and chided her badly. "Go back now! I don't care whether you are bored or not. Why can't you listen to me? You can call your office people at home."     


The sniper fired his M99 sniper rifle on his mark. The bullet hit him.     

"Ah!" that's all she could hear. And then there was silence.     

Wu Lina shuddered. What just happened now? She shouted on the phone, "Yang Xinyu, Xinyu?" But there was no answer.     

The security team immediately surrounded him, as they picked him and looked wildly around to find the sniper. One of them spotted his upper torso visible from the top floor of the building opposite to them and alerted others. A team fired back at him and another team ran upstairs to catch him.     

He returned the fire, and again one of the guards was hit. It was chaos down there and he took advantage of the situation. Dismantling his gear, he packed it quickly and started going downstairs via fire escape. He heard footsteps coming up. Without wasting a minute, he ran back upstairs towards the rooftop. That was the only exit left now. He scolded himself for taking the stairs down and wasting the time.     

He opened the door of the rooftop and barricaded it with a huge sofa that was kept abandoned over there. He started running towards another building's rooftop, which was attached to one he was currently on.     

Two of the security guards first went inside the room to find him, but there was nothing over there. Rest of them ran up to the rooftop where they heard the sound of his footsteps. They managed to open the gate and sprayed in different directions to find him.     

He hid himself cleverly, flattened against the wall inside the building. His pace was slow since he was carrying his ammunition. He took out his revolver and slowly stepped out of his position to check out. Suddenly a bullet whizzed past him. He went back to his position. They had traced him.     


The phone slipped through his hands and fell of the road.     

"Yang Xinyu, Yang Xinyu?" Wu Lina shouted but no one answered. Her knees felt wobbly.     

"Good afternoon, madam," someone said, as he picked the phone.     

"Who is this? Where is Yang Xinyu?" she asked looking frantically around. She wanted to go to him now.     

"Madam, I am Lu Shiming. Young master has been hit by a bullet. We are taking him to the hospital."     

Wu Lina felt as if all the blood in her body had rushed to her brain. She felt a sharp pain in her belly, as though her kids wanted to tear her belly and come out. She shouted in pain, as she held her stomach and held the table in front of her.     

Che Mingliang came rushing in along with Zhou Hai xiang.     

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