Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Started Their Movies’ Production

Started Their Movies’ Production

Yang Xinyu got worried and called the doctor to tell her about Wu Lina's condition. The doctor asked her to check whether she had stained her panties or not. Wu Lina checked but there was no such problem. Everything was fine which she conveyed to the doctor.     

Everything was fine, which she conveyed to the doctor, but Yang Xinyu was still worried and asked the doctor why her stomach was aching even though her stomach was fine. The doctor said she should come for an ultrasound tomorrow morning and asked him to keep checking her the whole night. The doctor also told him that Wu Lina might be experiencing stomach indigestion. Yang Xinyu watched her the entire night, every other hour, and the next morning the first thing he did was take her to the doctor. In the ultrasound, they saw that the foetuses appeared healthy, much to Yang Xinyu's and Wu Lina's relief.     

The doctor had a Foetal Doppler attached to Wu Lina's stomach through which they could hear the heart beats of their children. It was the first time Yang Xinyu heard the heart beats of his children, which was exciting, scary, reassuring, and terrifying. Nostalgia and other emotions built up. The moment he heard the first few heart beats, he was so excited that his hands went on the screen of the ultrasound machine and he stroked the screen where he could see his tiny dots.     

The doctor said, "Wu Lina, everything is fine and it is possible that in the next few weeks you may start experiencing butterfly movements in your belly."     

Wu Lina smiled and wiped off the gel with the tissue handed to her by the nurse. After thanking the doctor, they walked out of the room. While walking toward their car, they saw a lady on a wheel chair with drips attached to her coming out of the physiotherapist's room. Her arm was in a plaster and she seemed to be in a lot of pain. She lifted her head and saw Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu walking toward her. When they got closer to her they realised it was Ying Yue. When Ying Yue saw them she smiled and looked pitiable. Wu Lina gasped and stood their frozen on the ground seeing her in that condition, but Yang Xinyu dragged her out of there.     

Ying Yue softly called, "Yang Xinyu, stop. Can we talk?" But Yang Xinyu continued to walk.     

In the car, on the way back to Sapphire Bungalow, Yang Xinyu said, "Wu Lina, don't think about Ying Yue. She got what she deserved. I heard she had blackmailed Yan Xiaojun and her ally in this was Mr. Wan. When she was unsuccessful in blackmailing him, Mr. Wan beat her to the extent that she had to be admitted to the hospital."     

Wu Lina felt sad about her and thought it best to drop the topic. She didn't want to feel any worse than the last few days. Yang Xinyu left for the office after dropping her off at the Sapphire Bungalow, and Wu Lina left for her office after lunch. She had called Rosa for the meeting at four pm. When she reached the office at two pm she called an urgent meeting of all the film crew and asked them to continue with their preparations.     

Rosa arrived a little after four pm. To Wu Lina's surprise she was accompanied by Yan Xiaojun. Wu Lina was a little taken aback but she entertained both of them in her office. The contract was already ready and she asked her secretary, Che Mingliang, to bring it to the office. Rosa signed wherever Che Mingliang pointed. Once Che Mingliang was out, they started talking. Yan Xiaojun told Wu Lina that Rosa never had any plans to join Yang Fangxu.     

Wu Lina said, "I tried to call you, Rosa but you never picked up. I thought you were avoiding me."     

"No, I'm so sorry. I couldn't pick up your calls. I was simply busy that day", replied Rosa. "I was surprised that Yang Fangxu didn't even wait for my confirmation and went on to announce on Weibo that she had signed up Ivan for her movie."     

"I wanted to decline but I was so busy with work that I was unable to talk to her. And then the whole thing went out of control. So when Yang Fangxu called me for that function, I knew what I had to do."     

Wu Lina started laughing. Yan Xiaojun left after some time, and Wu Lina told Rosa about the whole progress. She said she would send the new dates to Rosa, as to when Ivan would come for film shooting.     

In the following week, Wu Lina must have approached almost all the top directors to direct her movie but none showed interest. In the end she roped in a young talented boy fresh out of the National Film Academy for her movie production. She was actually scared because the cast was not top class, the crew was new and even the director was new.     

Many top movie barons mocked at her for being so childish. They commented on their Weibo that Wu Lina shouldn't commit such a grave mistake right in the beginning of her career. She had employed fresh people who had no experience.     

It so happened that both Yang Fangxu and Wu Lina started their movies' production at the same time. While Yang Fangxu was producing a grand historical movie for her debut as the main actress, Wu Lina was producing her first small-scale movie.     

Wu Lina saw her production personally everyday but after a month she is worn out. As she entered her fifth month, Yang Xinyu forced her to take rest. Her baby bump had started showing and she urgently needed a new wardrobe.     

Yang Xinyu fondly took her to the mall and made her buy a whole lot of pregnancy clothes. During a formal gathering one of his acquaintances had suggested him that he should take pregnancy classes with his wife. So without asking Wu Lina, he enlisted them in the couples' pregnancy classes. He informed about them to her, "Baby this weekend we have to go to this pregnancy class."     

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