Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The List

The List

Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina went to the lounge and decided on making a list of things to do. Well, Yang Xinyu was more eager as compared to Wu Lina. The burden of the contract had lifted from her shoulders and now she felt as if she had emerged out of a swamp. Her punishment was over. She wanted to relax and rather than helping out Yang Xinyu, she lolled on the bed.     

"How about celebrating this day Yang Xinyu?" she asked feeling stress-free.     

"Sure baby. What would you like to do? How about an exclusive dinner just for the two of us?" he replied tenderly.     

"Hmmm… okay," and she smiled.     

Yang Xinyu picked his phone and placed a call. Half an hour later they drove in City H's most exclusive hotel, The Yellow Tree. Its restaurant was located on the rooftop on the 30th floor. Wu Lina had never been to a élite place like this. She couldn't help feeling mesmerized by its sheer opulence. As soon as they stopped in front of the hotel entrance, the valet ran to open the Rolls Royce door for Yang Xinyu and then for Wu Lina. Yang Xinyu tossed the car key to him and took Wu Lina by his arm inside the hotel. The manager of the hotel came running towards them and bowed his head 90 degree. It was not common when a CEO would reserve the entire restaurant for a dinner date.     

'This woman must be special.' The manager looked at Wu Lina and his mouth opened like that of a fish without water.     

Yang Xinyu gave him a cold glare. The hand that was holding her arm now circled around her waist to mark his territory. The manager was still gaping and with difficulty withdrew his gaze from her. He tried to guide them to the elevator but Yang Xinyu's cold glare stopped him on his way.     

Yang Xinyu took his beloved future wife to the restaurant.     

Wu Lina looked around the restaurant and found it weird when she saw that not a single soul was eating over there.     

"Do they have good food here Xinyu?"     

"Yes, the best in City H."     

"Then how come there is no one other than us?"     

"Oh! I reserved the entire place for a dinner date with my wife," he replied smiling and looking at her seductively.     

She looked at him and shook her head, "Why do you splurge?"     

"Because that's what I can do. Besides, it's nothing. Moreover, I don't want anyone to look at my beautiful wife as I talk to her all the bad things."     

Wu Lina bit her bottom lip rewarding him with pink cheeks. He forced her to release her lip with his finger and chewed on it. "Only I am allowed to bite that."     

Her blush spread to her neck.     

Yang Xinyu ordered all her favorite dishes. He enjoyed watching her devouring her meals like a baby dinosaur. He teased her, "I wonder if a dinosaur has been reincarnated as Wu Lina…"     

Wu Lina shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe…"     

He laughed. They went back to the lounge when the dinner was over.     

While Wu Lina changed and lazily spread on the bed, Yang Xinyu took a page and started writing a list. His mind was in an overdrive!     

1. Move to the 'House of Fengs'.     

2. Bring Wu Lina's luggage there.     

3. Move my luggage there.     

4. Instruct the housekeeper to buy groceries.     

5. Instruct his fashion planner to buy dresses for Lina unless she wanted to go and buy.     

6. Visit the malls with Lina on the weekend.     

7. Wu Lina should leave the job.     

8. Wu Lina should visit the gyneac.     

9. Engagement     

10. Wedding     

11. Honeymoon     

12. Kids     

He was too concentrated on writing his list when the paper in his hand was pulled and the word he was writing distorted. He looked up to see that Wu Lina was being mischievous. He admonished her.     

"Lina! Stop it! I have to chart out tomorrow's list," he said urgently.     

"My dear wifey, I want tea," said Wu Lina with a smile.     

"Wifey!" Yang Xinyu narrowed his eyes.     

"Of course. You are such a lovely person. Go get some tea for me." She demanded.     

"Should I show who's the wife?" said Yang Xinyu who was now beginning to get up.     

Wu Lina immediately ran from there. For a person like Yang Xinyu, it took exactly thirty seconds to catch and throw Wu Lina on the bed.     

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