Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

She Was Trapped

She Was Trapped

"Yang Xinyu, I am leaving! Now! Good bye!" She got up from him digging her elbow in his chest making him wince in pain and darted out of the room!     

Yang Xinyu yelped.     

She wondered what Yang Xinyu would make out of her character. He would think that she was a lowly woman who was trying to seduce a wealthy man. She became furious of herself. What was she going to do? She had to consult a doctor before she became insane. She doubted if she would do the same to all the future patients. She was feeling miserable and wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide forever!     

Yang Xinyu chuckled and went off to sleep. She was the most beautiful thing that had happened to him. He had full intentions of pursuing her, no matter what. He did not have the inclination for games or boyish pursuits but he preferred her company and she was the only person so near and so real to him. Over the past few days he had been studying her. She was shy but professional and getting her to open up was becoming a challenge – a pleasurable one albeit.     

He woke up late at about 10am. He was expecting to see Wu Lina but she wasn't there. He crawled out of the bed lazily to go to the bathroom. An hour went by but Wu Lina hadn't returned.     

'I won't leave you darling now that I've got the taste of you. Where are you hiding?' He thought and picked his phone to call her.     

Wu Lina was mortified by her behavior and his kiss! She would feel the blood rushing to her cheeks every time she thought about the morning's incident. She avoided him… she wanted to avoid his gaze… she knew that he would take her as yet another cheap gold-digger! She had no control over her limbs. She was sleepwalking! She had to show to a doctor before she continued to act so embarrassedly in future.     

While her thoughts were torturing her, her phone rang. It was Yang Xinyu. She picked it on the seventh ring. She held it close to her ears but didn't say a word…     

"I want to eat my breakfast," he spoke huskily.     

"Yes CEO Yang… I'll… I'll get it now." How could she forget it? Her silliness was overriding her rationale. She promised that she would go and explain everything clearly to him. She decided she would take leave from her job and rest at home.     

She knocked and entered his room.     

"Your breakfast CEO Yang… Sorry for getting it so late…" she said sheepishly arranging it on the table.     

Yang Xinyu noticed that her cheeks were suddenly kissed pink like a spring rose, the blooming color was so beautiful against her fair skin. She could feel his gaze on her and she looked away. She found a distraction at the sofa, so she cleaned it and dusted it, looking very preoccupied and quiet.     

Yang Xinyu took the chopsticks to eat his breakfast, allowing her time to compose herself. He was fighting back a smile that was on the verge of breaking out into laughter. He wanted to see what happened next to remember it for a long time to come, so while he was eating his breakfast, he didn't drop his eyes for a moment. Yang Xinyu didn't know that she felt more than she could express.     

She sat on the sofa, coughed a little and said very seriously, "I think I need rest. I have decided to take leave from job for the next few days. I will show to a doctor. I am so sorry for leading you in any way. It wasn't my intention."     

Her rosy cheeks remained pink as if she was shy all this time and it wasn't a lie. She was ashamed of herself. The blush spread to her ears and neck.     

Yang Xinyu's face darkened. He said, "You think I am leading you in any way? As far as I know you were the one who would lie beside me and sleep. And what you did yesterday night was balanced out by the kiss I gave you in the morning. So we are even."     

"If you want to take leave from job, it's okay. However, if they ask me as to what really happened, I will tell the truth…" he continued.     

Wu Lina became ashen-faced. She didn't know what to say. She was trapped. She decided to stay quiet plus it was just a few more days. She would tie herself to the sofa tonight and sleep!     

"No! No… CEO Yang… I will be suspended from the job! You cannot do this. I will not take leave… I will help you out with your daily routine till you get discharged. I promise!" She spoke like a scared child.     

Yang Xinyu smiled inwards and had his breakfast peacefully. He started talking to her, "How do you spend your time after the hospital hours?"     

"I go back to my home and sleep. Evenings are spent reading for the next class or in front of the TV. Sometimes I go out with my friends for an outing. Other than that I don't have much to do…" she replied.     

He was delighted to hear her and thanked god that she didn't have a boyfriend considering how young she was. No wait. He assumed that she didn't have one.     

He coughed slightly and asked sternly, "Do you have a boyfriend?"     

"No! I am not seeing anyone. I don't have the time," she answered. 'Why is he asking such weird questions?' she thought.     

A smile was beginning to form on his lips and his fears allayed.     

Victory! She was slowly beginning to open up to him.     

Now he had to devise a way to keep coming here to meet her once he was discharged.     

He called Bo Xilai.     

Bo Xilai was more than happy to come. He wanted to meet Wu Lina.     

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