Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Harassed Part 1

Harassed Part 1

 Kelsie tried hard to forget what Nathaniel's friend did. If she would tell Nate, would he believe her? She packed up the documents that Nathaniel needed for later. A hand wrapped around her and she got started and dropped the bag.     

"What's wrong?" Nathaniel asked. She rubbed her arm and shook her head. Nathaniel didn't take her answer by shaking her head. He knows that something is wrong. "Kiss me." He said softly. She smiled and stepped forward. She tiptoed and kissed him. Nathaniel kissed her passionately. He gently pushed her and kissed her cheek. "I need to dress up before I could do something crazy."     

 She giggled and continue from what she's doing.      

 They wait outside while Kale is taking the car from the parking lot.     

 Kelsie's focus is on the buildings that we passed by. They soon arrived at the entrance of Harvard. Nathaniel admired her. She looked excited and Kale did a good job being the tourist guide.     

 They show their pass to the security. Kelsie stays close with Nathaniel as they roamed around. Kale got a lot of friends at Harvard and he greeted them. Even girls. Kale introduced them to his friends and they eyed Nathaniel.     

 But Ricky is the one who flirts most. Nathaniel didn't like flirting that much. He smiled at them casually and they walked around. Finally, Kale took them to the library to do the research. Kelsie stayed close to Nathaniel, afraid that she'll get harassed again if she stays away from him.     

 She tried hard to concentrate. But she's sitting across Rick and he's extending his foot toward her. She moved close to Nathaniel. He's too busy reading to notice what he's doing.      

"Did you get others that you needed?" She asked.     

"I need a few more about this topic." Nate gave her a topic for reference.     

She stood and took it. Then, she went to the computer to find the reference. She takes note of the code of the book and walked to the shelves to where it is located. She tiptoed and reached the book but someone takes it for her. She turned and Rick cornered her.     

"If you say anything about this to Nate, I'm going to say that you seduced me. Do you think that he'll trust you after all of the women that used him? You are just like them." He threatens. She pushed him and took the book from him.     

 Kelsie tried hard to be away from that Rick. She went to the computer again to search for another and reference. She saw Ricky going to her directly. She quickly took the book, went back to their table, and gave it to Nate.     

"Thanks, darling," Nate mumbled and checked the book and the table of contents. "This is good." He smiled at her. She nodded. Nate noticed her hands shaking and she hid it under the table.      

Ricky came with his books and he sat down casually.     

"I'm going to get food."     

"Food isn't allowed here," Nate said in a low voice.     

"No. I'll order food from the cafeteria and I'm taking Kelsie with me. Ladies should pick the foods." Kale stood and he gestured to Kelsie.     

"Go and get lots of food that you like," Nate told her. She nodded. "Kale make sure to feed the foods that she likes. I don't like it when she's not eating well." Nate threatened. Kale chuckled in a very low sound.     

"Okay." They are only whispering in the library as they talk so they won't disturb anyone.     

 Kale and Kelsie left the library and Rick came with books. He sat down and looked at Nate.     

"You think that you should let your wife go with Kale?"     

"Yeah." Nate shrugged. "It's Kale. I trust him."     

"But do you trust your wife?" Rick asked. Nate looked up at him.     

"What do you mean?"     

"Well," he shrugged. "She's been too friendly."     

"She's my wife," Nate said it clearly to him.     

"Yeah, and you've been fooled by every girlfriend that you have."     

"Not all of my exes are like that. Some are too honest."     


 They went to the cafeteria and Kelsie looked around. She didn't find anything good to eat. She exhaled. She's not even in appetite to eat. Kale reached her hands and held it that makes her a little jumpy and he shook his head.     

"Your hands are shaking and it's cold." Kale put it down. "Is Ricky touching you?" He asked and she opened her mouth to speak but she closed it.     

"Nate might not trust me with it. Ricky is a long friend and we just met recently."     

 Kale crossed his arms and she looked down at her shoes.     

"You are a little shy, are you?" Kale chuckled. "Okay, you are my sister now. And if Nate hurt you just tell me. And that little asshole that I-don't-like-from-the-very-first-place—harassed you, just tell me."     

 She bit her lip and looked up at him. He sighed.     

"You remember me of Esme. When she's at her age twelve. But now, she's a spoiled brat because her brother spoiled her a lot. But she's still adorable and lovable."     


"Yes, she's a family friend. She's adopted and she's very bright. You'll meet her if you reached the family meeting." He shrugged. She nodded at him. "My first impression to you, you aren't those girls that Nate usually dates. That's why Nate is very different from you. Her dad, doted on his mom a lot. Well, males in our family always do to their wives and girls. I won't be surprised if Nate would shower you with expensive things and foods."     

"Well, he did. But—I told him not to. I mean, I don't need many clothes or shoes… But I need ingredients for every food that I am serving him."     

"Oh, little wife huh?" Kale teased. She only chuckled a little nervous. Kale is fun to talk to. She already felt comfortable toward him. "Well, welcome to the family. I hope that you'll be there for our family gathering."     

 She only smiled.     

"Now, let's search for food," Kale said. She nodded. Kale is very friendly that he reserved foods for them and they went back to the Library as Nate focused on getting more topics.     

"I'll search for your topics." Kelsie took the note. He nodded. She went to the computer and searched for it. Then, she searched for the shelves.     

 She got startled when a hand covered her mouth and dragged her to the corner. She turned to him and she smacked Nate so hard in the chest. He smirked and he hushed her. Kelsie suddenly had a trauma. She hugged Nate. Nathaniel froze. She's shaking and her heart is beating so fast. Did he scare her that much?     

"I'm sorry." Nate caressed her hair. "I just want to make out in this corner with you."     

 She nodded at him and looked up at him. He caressed her cheek and he kissed her lips. She felt comfortable and they started kissing there. He cornered her and they kiss more and more. Nathaniel wanted to do it there but she stopped him and just right on time when the librarian eyed them. Nate picked a book behind her.     

"Just what I need," Nate mumbled. It's a business book that is also close to his topic. He smiled at her. "You are my lucky charm." He kissed her lips more. "I'll treat you like a Queen later." He took her hand as they went back to their table.     

 After researching, they left the library to the cafeteria. Nate indeed treats her like a Queen. He served her and didn't let her serve anything at all. Kale pays for the foods and since he's also familiar with the cafeteria staff, the staff treats them well.     

 Kale is very observant that he glanced at Rick as he didn't like how Nate treats Kelsie. He didn't know what is wrong with the man. Like he's jealous or something. Or is it because Nate found someone better than any other girlfriends that he had?     

 Kale didn't know at all. But he needed to only warn Nate at the moment to protect Kelsie.     

"Hi, Kale." A woman came to them and she bent down and kissed his cheek. He kissed her cheek back. She's a French girl and she sat beside Kale.     

"So, we are going out tonight. You should come with us. This will be a hell of a party."     

"I—uh—" Kale looked at Nate. "By the way, my cousin, Nathaniel, and his girl Kelsie and then Rick."     

"Hello." She greeted and smiled at them. Rick looked at the girl for long. She's beautiful, and her accent is also good and sexy. "You guys should come."     

"Well, do you want to come?" Nate asked Kels. She shrugged at him. "We'll stay in the house. You guys should have fun. Rick will come too."     

"Okay, we'll see you there." She stood. "But, it'll be very fun." She tried to convinced Nate.     

"I'll try," Nate said with a smile. She nodded and waved at them as she left.     

"That's a hot chick bro," Ricky told Kale.     

"Yeah, she's very nice," Kale said.     

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