Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Accident in the Elite Bar Part 2

Accident in the Elite Bar Part 2

        Xavier didn't expect this to happen. He went to the bar to relax and observe people. Also, he's planning to forget Athena. He's been restless too for more than five years. He took physical courses and then, mental courses. He finished his thesis and working for another Ph.D. He wanted to forget her badly because it wasn't healthy to keep thinking of her and not be able to do it with another woman.     

        He tried looking around and checking out a female body but no one is attractive to him. It's all Athena. Athena there and Athena here. He never got laid for more than five years. The day that he promised Athena to court her after five years, he never got a chance to do it with another.     

        Xavier couldn't hold himself anymore. He turned her around and he scooped her face. He smashed her lips to her and there, he could feel it right through his veins. The reaction that a woman could give to him. He's getting aroused when Athena opened her mouth and they just kissed there passionately.     

        He didn't stop. He doesn't want to ever stop anymore. She pushed him and she gasped some air. Xavier caressed her beautiful face. She has the most beautiful face that he has ever seen. Maybe from his perspective. Everyone has their beauty, but for him, it's just Athena.     

She tastes the drink that she drank. And somehow, he also got intoxicated, although he didn't drink any alcohol tonight just a glass of juice.     

"Check my phone," Xavier told her. "I don't want to break your trust that has been already broken."     

"You block me."     

"I didn't."     

        Athena sighed and she checked his phone. There are messages to her and then, she checked the number. Her number is indeed has been blocked from the settings. Then, her number has been edit into a number that doesn't exist. Yet the conversations stay there.     

"You indeed blocked me." She showed it to him and then she showed him the hidden app that was put. It's called a cheating app. He will not be able to call her. But he can send messages. It's either, the message will go directly to the number that is registered to another and that person will receive the number. Xavier would never know that his phone has been tapped by someone else.     

"Fuck." He mumbled and unblocked her and then, the messages appear from her, and Athena's number vibrates with the messages from him. "I will change my phone."     

"That's your phone for five years?" Athena asked.     

"Yes." And he looked at her. "Yours too."     

"We just upgrade our phones and the data will still be there."     

        Athena laughed which he found beautiful. He reached her hand and just hold it. She ordered another drink and Xavier gave his card to the barman to pay for it.     

"You are wearing too little," Xavier whispered to her ear.     

        At this moment, Athena doesn't know what to feel. They've been fooled and set up by someone. She let as Xavier kissed her again and touch her waist. Athena could feel the heat that Demi, Bea, and Zendaya are talking about.     

        But it's also because she's drunk.     

"I'll just use the bathroom." He kissed her cheeks and he left. She watched him leave and she scoffed.       

        Stupid man. She's attracted to him. But she won't get fooled twice. She left the counter and fish her keys. She went to the parking lot to her car. Yup, she felt dizzy but she will still drive. She unlocked her car and she approached it.     

"You are not driving." The man takes the keys from her. He held both arms and bring her to the passenger seat.     

        She slumped on the seat and he put her feet inside. Then, he put the seatbelt next.     

        Athena had fallen asleep from the seat but she felt that Xavier carried her.     

"Is this where you going to murder me?" She mumbled.     

"No. Why would I murder you?"     

        She's felt so dizzy but she felt his lips to her forehead. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sniffle his manly scent. She felt a soft bed. She looked around. This isn't her house. He removed her shoes and then he brought the duvet over her.     

"Go to sleep." He whispered and kissed her lips.     

        Athena frowned. What? No sex is going to happen? That's too lame. He went to the bathroom and she might've fallen asleep. But she needs to pee. She pushed the covers and Xavier came out from the bathroom with a towel around his waist.     

"Where are you going?" He asked.     

"I need to pee." She mumbled and she pushed him away.     

        She went to the bathroom, do her business and she removed her dress and her underwear. She washed the lower part and then she took another towel and wrapped it to her. She brushed her teeth and washed her mouth like it's her own house or hotel.     

        She forgets that someone is there as she went to the bed and dropped the towel around her body. She tucked herself in and close her eyes to sleep. Athena usually sleeps naked. She could sleep peacefully without any clothes on.     

"Athena," Xavier could and he gets completely hard. He also sleeps naked but since Athena is there, he needs to dress up a little. He put his boxers on and approached her. "Athena," He sat beside her and caressed her hair.     

        She opened her eyes. She sat up and wrapped herself around him. Xavier froze when she started kissing him.     

"Do you want it?" Xavier asked. "We can do it some other time when you are sober."     

"No." She shook her head and caressed his body. "You gain lots of muscles."     

        He chuckled.     

"Go to sleep." He pulled the cover of her naked chest.     

"I don't want to sleep." She mumbled.     

"Athena, if you keep doing this I will not restrain. It's been five years."     

"You want me." She said in her sultry voice.     

        Xavier tried hard to restrain but nothing happened. He gets aroused slowly. He opened the drawer and took the lubricant. Yup, he had that since he's been using his hand for five years while thinking about her.     

        She pushed the cover and she waited patiently.     

"Are you sure about this?"     

        She nodded.     

        Xavier removed his boxer shorts and he crawls over her. He started kissing her and it felt like he forgets how to make love. However, she turned on the fire that has been kept inside him.     


        Zendaya watched as Xavier and Athena left. She sent a message to Athena to use a condom. But she didn't reply which means that it's all in Xavier. Soon, she arrived at the penthouse with Timothy and they make love.     

        She almost forgot about texting Xavier to use protection but he also didn't reply maybe they are already doing it. But, Xavier is tested and he said that he hasn't get laid for years.     

"What's the problem?" Timothy asked as he lay back.     

"Nothing. Do you want another round?" She grinned at him.     

"Hell, ya." Timothy pulled the pillow and he lay there to relax. "Zen, let's go out of the country. Just two of us."     

        She straddled him and kissed his lips.     

"Well, I'll set up my schedule."     

"You should." He winked at her.     


        Athena felt like something ripped as soon as Xavier entered her. She is so drunk that she's loving it. His every stroke and his every touch and kiss. Then, he whispered to her.     

"F-ck. I love you so much… Athena."     

        Athena thought that's just a dream but Xavier did it three times in a row. She woke up stiff and she went to the bathroom and piss. She washed her lower part and she stops. He didn't use a fucking condom!     

        She wrapped the robe around her and she rushed outside and searched for her purse. She took the 'after-sex-pill'. Take two of them and drank it. She walked around to the kitchen. Poured a warm glass of water from the dispenser and drank it all.     

"Shit," Athena mumbled.     

        It's good that she had that morning pill. She's not too late. Although, he did it more than one-time last night. Then, she'll just use this for more than five days just to make sure.     

"Athena," Xavier called with his boxers on. She glared at him.     

"You didn't use a fucking condom!" She hissed at him.     

"Oh, I—Uh—I'm sorry?" he shrugged. "I don't have a condom."     

"What the f-ck is wrong with you?!" She scolded him. He scratched his head.     

"Hey, I haven't get laid for more than five years. That's why I don't usually bring someone to my house to fuck."     

        Athena crossed her arms and shook her head.     

"Athena," He approached her. "Good morning." He kissed her forehead. "This isn't a one-night stand." He told. "Let's go and bath."     

"I'll bath myself."     

"Okay." He nodded. "Then, I'll prepare breakfast." He kissed her lips and she pushed him. He only smiles and grabbed her butt. "You are so wild last night." He winked. She scoffed and pushed him away. She walked off. "So, wild for a first-timer!" He said aloud.     

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