Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Dmitri, King of Phoenix Part 2

Dmitri, King of Phoenix Part 2

        Dmitri called each Asian Season Restaurant that he owns around the world to save a day at the same date in the Philippines to hold a celebration. It's his day off and family comes first. While they are busy preparing for the celebration that Andromeda wanted him to set up. He knew exactly what Andy wanted and soon, the Eagle Empire's real King is going to show up in the Philippines to visit the facility before they launch for the final plan.     

        While he's busy cooking for his family, he kept glancing at his daughter outside to the garden who mimic him every day. She would press her ear on her mother's tummy and looked up at her mother and then she would stand up and kissed her mother's lips. She's somehow mimicking what he is doing, and Demi will be a lovable big sister.     

        He plated the foods that his wife craved for and then with the tray of foods and drinks, he went outside and put it on the table. His wife sits up from the reclining chair and took her daughter with her. She put her in her highchair.     

        He pulled a chair for his wife and she thanked him. Then he organized the foods first and then he poured her a drink and also give her daughter her bottle of juice. She clapped her hands and then pointed out the food.     

"She must be hungry." Dmitri kissed Agatha's lips. "I'll get the other foods."     

"Why did you prepare so much?" She asked.     

"It's your cravings." He touched her tummy and then he took the tray and went back inside to take the casserole and pitcher of water full of ice.     

        He went back there, and he placed the tablet on the stand as he looked around the perimeter where he installed cameras.     

"Eat up." Agatha put the French Ratatouille on his plate. She took a bowl for Demi and pout a French Onion soup and she made sure that it wasn't hot.     

"You eat up, I'll feed Demi." He took Demi's spoon and started feeding her. She eats a lot and while he's feeding Demi, Agatha is feeding him.     

        It's a simple family time Lunch and he missed this so much. He just realized that her daughter had grown so much and she's already one year old. They already held a big party at her grandparent's house, and she received a lot of expensive gifts.     

"Demi seemed to gain weight." He noted.     

"She gained two kilos." Agatha chuckled. "I was eating a lot and she joined me."     

"That's good." Dmitri smiled on Demi's fat cheeks and dimples are showing as she smiled and laugh.     


        Freya set up some decorations on the beach while Steven is bathing the boys. She already set up their cute beach clothes so it will be easy for Steven to dress them. She set up a big umbrella and since palm trees and Sea Grape Tree and Molave.     

        She already put up the lanterns and string lights around the trees with balloons that she set up early morning.     

"Our hot mommy!" Steven said with a camera on one hand and the twins are holding hands and Steven is holding the other's hand.     

"Mimi!" The twins squealed. She waved at them. She wiped her sweats and took Rhys to the wide crib followed by Raiden.     

"Okay, I will prepare snacks." He reached her cheeks and kissed her passionately and then he rubbed her naked sides. "We can get naked on this beach." He roamed his eyes around her body. "Sexy bikinis."     

        She smacked his chest and she kissed her once again. After Steven left, Freya reached her phone and contact his men to gather around in Asian Season. All Phoenix will be gathered around the world on the same day and same time.     

        They will be using Philippine time and it's going to be a hell of a show.     

        Steven only prepares foods that are suitable for the babies and good enough for them. He grilled the steak with vegetables and Freya set up a bone fire. It's already sunset when they start the birthday celebration for the twins. They set up cameras around as footage for the twins' birthday.     

        They sing for the twins and they clapped their hands and they blow the candles from the cake that Freya baked for them. Steven tasted it first and he hummed. It tastes really special and not like other cakes. The twins also like it, but they didn't feed them a lot of it.     

        Freya snuggled on the hammock with Steven and twins with them. It's a fun day alone from all stress and people.     

"Did you have a fun day, babe?" Freya asked and looked up at the handsome one.     

"I do. It's always a fun day around you." He kissed her forehead. "Let's just say here forever."     

"Babe, that can't happen. Soon, my brother will be visible as the King of the Phoenix Empire."     

"But that can't make me stop making love to you later."     

"Okay, let's take the twins upstairs so we could shake this island." She told and Steven laughed. The twins got startled but then they go back to their sleep.     


        The Day of Celebration.     

        Adrian is curious when he passed by from the blocks. Asian Seasons are closed each of the restaurants and yet many people are going inside. He is also curious about the new building across his hotel. It's still covered with a cloth after months of re-constructing it.     

"Find out on what's going on," Adrian told his assistant. His assistant sent someone over there, but guards blocked them and after a few minutes, the assistant came saying that there seemed to be a celebration. They are all wearing Phoenix brooch on their jackets.     

"Why are the Phoenix gathered in the Asian Season?" Adrian mumbled. Asian Season is one of the competitors and as he knows, it's also part of Dragon Empire Corporation.     

        Adrian felt something isn't right. He arrived at his hotel and then he looked over the building just in front of their hotel. There are lights on the building and in each room, the lights make a figure of a bird. But not just a bird. It's Phoenix!     

"Are you seeing this?" Ivana rushed to his room.     


"Freya is dead." Ivana exhaled and then there are fireworks on top of the building and they also removed the cloth and it showed the Emblem of the Phoenix Empire.     

        On the big screens are advertisements for the Phoenix Empire's businesses. Bars, Resorts, Hotels, and Restaurants. Dmitri is on the screen and he's wearing a maroon suit and then on his left chest is a brooch of a Phoenix.     

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to introduce you, Phoenix Corporation," Dmitri said through the advertisement, and with the beautiful graphics it caught up people's attention. Few people stopped and watched the advertisement.     

"Sir," his assistant came up running, and then he showed it to him. It was aired around the world.     

        Adrian felt betrayed as he called Allona. Allona isn't answering at this moment. This is also bad. The Rose Empire is also advertising it.     

"Why is he the Phoenix?" Ivana asked and she holds on the wall feeling dizzy from the happenings.     

        Adrian just realized the game. The Dragon Empire adopted Dmitri because he's a Phoenix. They keep his identity for so long until this day. It wasn't just Freya. He chuckled. That's why Dmitri and Freya look alike.     

        He scoffed and laughed and then he punched his assistant on the abdomen and the assistant groaned in pain and he tried to stand still despite the pain.     

"Call Allona right now!" Adrian screamed. His assistant struggle for a little and he ignored him and took his phone instead. He called Allona and she answered.     

"Tell me what happened," Adrian said quickly.     

"Who is this?" Zachary asked from the other line. Adrian stopped.     

"To Andromeda. I need to talk to her."     

        Zachary stopped on the other line and Adrian suddenly heard screaming. It's Allona. She seemed to be struggling and in pain.     

"Adrian!" Allona screamed aloud.     

"Andromeda is dead," Zachary said it monotonously. His voice sounding dead.     

        Adrian is in horror as he listened to Allona's cries and the sound of whipping.     

"Thank you for bringing me the woman who killed my first baby," Zachary said. "I want you to listen to her cries. Endlessly. Since you like fucking her while she's wearing my wife's face."     

"Zach, please… please make it stop!" Allona pleaded on the other line. The whip sounding more furious.     

        Adrian gulped hard. He tried to swallow the thick lumped on his throat. He looked at Dmitri on the big screen introducing the foods and accompaniments of resorts and clubs. He also advertised the Dragon Corporation and the Rose Corporation together with the Knight Corporation as their investments and team.     

"For every 20 percent that we income every day, we gave it to the orphanage, soldiers, armies, and people who make it impossible for us." He is also discussing the hospitals and other collapsing companies that help to raise and give people lots of jobs.     

"Impossible." Adrian dropped his phone.     

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