The General Who Hates Me

Seated Like A King

Seated Like A King

"That devil is surely loaded with the mega bucks to be able to own and maintain something like this," May whispered as they entered the tournament deck, making sure it was only loud enough for Keira and Jeru to hear.     

Everything that they had seen inside the ship so far, was designed and built with advanced technology. It was so bizarre that anyone there would feel like they had been teleported far into the future.     

Keira did not care about the interior of the ship, nor did she bother to pay attention to anything else at all, as she was only interested in one thing. As soon as she entered the tournament deck, her eyes were busy searching for one person and one person only.     

And she gasped when she finally saw him. There he was, her dear husband, sitting among the fighters next to the fighting ring.     

A gentle smile formed on her lips as tears started to well up in her eyes. All that she wanted to do, at that moment, was to dash towards him and bury herself in his embrace. But she restrained herself.     

'Oh God, thank you! Thank you!' she prayed silently as her eyes were fixated only on her man.     

A rush of gratitude filled her when she saw that Zach was looking well.     

He was really alive, and that was all that mattered. She had been wanting to confirm it with her own eyes, ever since she received the intel information that their source had gathered.     

And now that she had seen him, all still in one piece, she felt the heavy burden in her heart had slowly been lifted.     

They were assisted by Leon's men to their assigned seats. Jeru was observing the arena and he could see that it was heavily guarded by groups of armed men.     

He roughly calculated the headcounts of the guards and compared it with the amount of men that he had brought with him. They were obviously outnumbered and moreover they did not have any weapons.     

He was racking his brains for ways to get Zach and Thea out of there, while also bringing Leon down. And the same went for Drey and the rest of his team. They were all quietly observing the surroundings as well.     

When all guests were properly seated in their assigned area, all the lights were suddenly turned off, except for the ones in the middle highlighting the center of the ring, where Leon stood to greet his guests with a microphone in his hand.     

"Evil bastard! I will kill you!" Keira hissed as Leon excitedly and energetically welcomed everyone.     

She hated him so much, all she wanted to do was to run to the ring and finish him off.     

"Control yourself, Keira. Right now we are still outnumbered. If we act recklessly, we won't be able to defeat them. We will have to wait for the signal from the military," Jeru murmured after making sure that no one else could hear him.     

Yes they could only make their move once they received the signal that would indicate that the Military had already tracked their location and penetrated the main ship.     

He knew it would not be easy for the military to track them, given the fact that it had taken them a few hours to arrive at the main ship from the dock. Moreover, signals coming from the open ocean would be more difficult to trace.     

He had it all estimated. If all went well, they would likely have to wait for at least six hours before the reinforcement team would come.     

He could only hope for good weather, as the weather was also one of the biggest factors that could prevent their signal from being traced.     

Other than that, he also hoped that Zach would not be called out to fight in the meantime.     

Keira and Jeru each had a computer screen right in front of their seats, because they were one of the VVIP guests of the tournament.     

Through their screens, they could watch the live streaming of the tournament, review and pick the fighter whom they would want to place a bet on, and finally, they could place their bets through their designated computers.     

The fighters for each match would be chosen by an arbitrary selection method. Leon would tap on his own computer screen, which would trigger the random selection by a machine, and the results of the draw would be shared with the audience through the main screen.     

Keira looked at the others and sighed. All they could do now was to watch the fight as they waited.     

A sigh of relief escaped from her mouth when Zach's name did not appear on the screen for the first match.     

The crowd began to cheer as the two chosen fighters were introduced. A roaring sound was heard from inside the tournament deck, indicating that the first match would now begin.     

May, who was watching the first match closely, gasped and her face contorted at the level of barbarity that was presented before her.     

Two men were battling each other so viciously, that there was already blood painted on the floor just a few minutes into the fight.     



Various cheers and chants could be heard from the crowds. But they all conveyed one thing; exhilaration. They all became elated from the thrilling sensation that they got after seeing another human being covered in blood as he lay unconscious on the ground.     

Blag! Clang! Boog!     

It was too savage to watch but Keira and the team must keep their eyes on the fight to maintain their disguise. They must force themselves to watch.     

"Oh God…" Keira murmured as she closed her eyes when the fighter did not stop kicking his opponent's motionless body on the ground.     

The crowd cheered and shouted, "KIll! KIll! Kill!"     

Among the crowd of spectators, they were the only ones who were quiet and looked indifferent. So in order to avoid suspicion, May shouted along, "Kill! Kill!", but stopped when Keira gave her a sharp look.     

May shrugged her shoulders, because the complete version of the chant that she wanted to shout out was, 'Kill that evil Leon! Kill his monster followers!'     

Lana gritted her teeth as she witnessed the brutal scene from her seat. "Those nasty piece of shits!" she hissed, but Drey quickly elbowed her and gave her a signal to calm down.     

On the other side of the arena, Leon was seated like a king. Thea who was sitting beside him had fallen unconscious after seeing all the blood on the ring. Leon had her in his embrace.     

Leon was happy to see that Thea had not changed at all. He loved it whenever Thea would pass out in his arms.     

He ordered Draco to get Thea's smelling salts so that he could wake her up whenever he wanted to.     

Jeru witnessed everything from his seat. He was struggling to control his rage and not to move from his seat.     

Leon was a sadist and seeing what he had just seen, he would not be surprised if this was a regular occurrence for Thea, where Leon would torture her by forcing her to watch vicious and brutal scenes like this one.     

With clenched fists, he vowed that he would kill the man with his own hands, because someone like Leon did not deserve a place in this world.     

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