The CEO Who Hates Me

House of Zeus - Dean and Shawn

House of Zeus - Dean and Shawn

The sixth housemate introduced was the CEO of multinational automotive manufacturer, another handsome man.     

Robin: "Guys our seventh housemate is the young and handsome, fun loving and smiling face… the CEO of RK Airlines. Yes! The second Ken boy of the Ken family, Mr. Dean Ken. Oh we have two Kens in the house now. I'm sure you all very well know him. He was placed fourth in our final poll..."     

Then a video of Dean played in the wide screen.     

[I'm actually hesitating if I should join or not but you guys have really forced me to… So here I am ready to entertain you all smart ones who voted for me... just make sure to always choose our airlines for all your travels.]     

The audience laughed out hard.     

Rea: "Well let's call in Mr. Dean Ken."     

The audience screamed as Dean walked to the stage.     

Robin: "Well Mr. Dean, your cousin is already inside so does it mean you two will now compete against each other?"     

Dean: "Of course not. He is a gem of a brother. Instead, I will join him in whatever he does to back him up. By the way guys, please vote for me to be evicted first or as soon as possible as I don't plan to stay long. I will miss my good night's sleep and my…. bed. I have difficulty without my favourite pillow after all!" he blinked in the camera and said, "You see I have a lot of things that need my attention and are urgent to be dealt with outside so help me get evicted first."     

Rea laughed together with the audience.     

Rea: "Oh Mr. Dean, you are really funny… I doubt our viewers will let you go that fast."     

Dean: "Well… I'm sulky… I was placed fourth… I should have been at least in top three place guys, you wasted your votes. Anyway guys, don't forget, evict me first."     

Robin: "Niro come here and guide Mr. Dean inside fast because I'm afraid he won't stop campaigning for him to get evicted."     

Niro guided Dean inside… Rea and the audience were still laughing.     

'And somewhere a certain pillow on the bed was sitting with a red face watching this scene in front of her and missing getting squeezed by him.'     

Rea: "I really like that Dean Ken. Such a funny man. I hope he doesn't intentionally fail all tasks and challenges to get evicted early and enjoys his stay in the house. I wonder who forced him to go inside, leaving his comfy bed and favourite pillow. Maybe his cousin Ryu Ken shall make him stay longer."     

Robin: "Well at least you guys will get to enjoy watching two handsome Kens inside the house."     

Rea: "Suddenly I realized a thing. I am jealous of Mr. Dean's pillow Robin…"     

Robin: "I could see that coming."     

Rea: "Now stop wasting time Robin, we still have six housemates to introduce and let's get started with other guests in a fast pace because I'm sure most of our audience and viewers couldn't wait to see if their bets had signed the contract to join the show."     

The hosts announced the eighth housemate who was the CEO of Golden Life, a multinational pharmaceutical company. A young and good looking elegant man.     

Ninth housemate, CEO of D&K, an oil and gas company.     

Tenth housemate, CEO of FlashEx, multinational courier delivery services company     

Eleventh housemate, CEO of Moon Inc., a multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software and online services.     

All of them were introduced one by one and then came the last participant.     

Robin: "Rea we only have one housemate left to call. Let's ask our audience here… Guys who do you think is our twelfth and last housemate to enter the House of Zeus?     

The audience all shouted just one name…     

"Shawn Lee"     

"Shawn Lee"     

"Shawn Lee"     

Inside the house, Ryu and Dean both were watching the television that played the live broadcast from outside.     

"Did he sign the contract?" Ryu asked Bernard.     

"I don't know. The management keep it confidential even from me." Bernard answered and looked at Ryu with an intense gaze as if he was weighing him.     

"Big Bro, can't you feel that… that Cooper there has been staring at our side for so long already. Do you think that one likes a man? He's the flower boy... It's creepy you know." Dean murmured and scratched his head because he forgot that they were on and he wore his lapel.     

"Oh crap… I forgot we're now live. Guys I'm just kidding," Dean said and smiled at the camera with a peace sign on his hand.     


Robin: "Well Rea, let's announce the name of the last housemate and see if our audience here will be lucky enough."     

Rea: "Alright guys, let's all welcome our last housemate, the CEO of SL Group, Mr. Shawn Lee."     

Crowds that were watching live outside the house were all shouting…     

Robin: "This will be an interesting show."     

Rea: "Well Mr. Shawn, it seems that most of our viewers are anticipating you since Ryu Ken was also inside. You two are often compared with each other.  What can we expect inside?"     

Shawn: "I don't know. Let me go inside and see for myself then…"     

Robin laughed.     

Robin: "Alright, Niro please come here and guide Mr. Shawn inside. I'm sure our viewers can no longer wait…"     

Rea: "Mr. Shawn seems to be a man of fewer words."     

Robin laughed out hard.     

Robin: "No Rea… It's just that you talk too much and ask a lot of questions. How he treasures his words is absolutely normal…"     

Rea shrugged her shoulder…     

Rea: "Well isn't that is how you like me to be… Robin. Anyways, let's sign-out now and thank a lot to our live audience here tonight for being with us."     

Robin: "Yes Rea -- to all our viewers, the show will now begin and you all will be able to watch them with the highlights of each day's events every night at your favorite channel at 8 PM."     

Rea: "Yes and remember that voting also will be open on our eviction day every Sunday where three housemates will be evicted each week and finally three will be left and one of them will win The Last Man Standing in the House of Zeus.     

"It's your host for the show and I'm Robin…"     

"And this is Rea…"     

"Both bidding everyone a wonderful evening and may you all enjoy watching our businessmen inside The House of Zeus…"     

"Goodnight everyone and see you again tomorrow…"     

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