The CEO Who Hates Me

Real Family

Real Family

Arya came down and saw auntie Sarah, Dean's mom and Ryu's auntie, in the dining room sitting with Grandpa.     

Arya came near her and greeted her with excitement as she had heard a lot about her from Ryu and others. In fact, she was very gentle and clear in her perceptions and very fair in taking decisions for things, be it in business or personal life.     

She had been a savior for Ryu and Dean when they were reprimanded by their grandpa and was also very strict with them when it came to studies and work. She was an idol of perfection for the boys.     

This was the first time Arya will meet Auntie Sarah in person.     

"Oh so you are Arya. It's so nice to finally meet you. We arrived very late last night so Mark and I just went straight in our room and both of us were like dead meat afterwards." Auntie Sarah said laughingly and winked at her as she hugged her tightly.     

"I can't wait to see my daughter in law who Dean married in a flash. Gosh that brat is killing me. Actually both these brats, Ryu and Dean. How come these boys arrange their marriage such lousily and in such a hurry and secrecy? They are after all our treasured boys and we must have had a big ceremony and grand wedding for them." she said whining as she released Arya and looked anxiously for her son.     

"Rita and Dean had prepared the breakfast today for everyone and they probably had gone upstairs now to freshen up and shall be here anytime now." Arya said smiling.     

She then greeted Uncle Mark and he also greeted her back and said, "I hope that stubborn and dominating lad takes good care of you and doesn't make you cry."     

Arya laughed and said, "He is very caring uncle. Thanks for your concern."     

'He doesn't make me cry except when in the bed.' She mused and blushed at her own wicked thought.     

Auntie Sarah was really a nice and jolly woman. She was like Dean, while Uncle Mark was a little bit serious and quiet in nature.     

Ryu had told Arya earlier that Auntie Sarah's husband rarely talked but he was a nice man devoted to his wife and Dean.     

Ryu who talked first to Elder Master Ken walked towards them and greeted his auntie and said, "Auntie, just look at my wife's face… had I not been fast enough to capture her… someone must have stolen her away from me already, so I need to be faster than lightning..."     

"As usual you always know how to prove your point and no one can win the debate with you my dear nephew." Auntie Sarah said with a crumpled face.     

Ryu laughed and hugged her. "Don't worry auntie… You will have to very soon organize a lot of weddings and I'm sure then your complaints will be stopped about our flash weddings." he added in a jest and was punched in the arm by his auntie Sarah.     

Meanwhile, outside their room, Rita was actually feeling nervous when Dean held her hand and led her towards the dining area.     

She had never felt this nervous her whole life…     

It was her first time, first time meeting Dean's mom and dad. Her legs stopped walking when she heard the sounds of laughter coming from the dining area.     

'Oh God, they seem to be having fun together chatting. She panicked because she does not know how to strike a good conversation since she makes formal business conversations most of the time and was trained for serious dealings. She does not know how to interact with the elders and be jolly yet elegant like Arya.' she thought inwardly as her face started to pale.     

She felt Dean squeeze her hand as he blinked his eyes and said, "Don't worry. Trust me you'll be fine and you're going to love my mom. Though I'm sure later on you and my dad will jive more since you two are alike. The serious type father in law meeting the serious type daughter in law...."     

Then he moved near her and pinched her nose and added, "You are looking so cute when nervous that I want to pick you up right now take you back inside the room and…"     

"Stop!" Rita interrupted Dean before he could say any more words that would definitely make her blush.     

They were actually late because of what happened between them after they prepared breakfast, when they reached inside their room to freshen up.     

She was taking a quick bath and was shocked when Dean sneakily joined her in the bath.     

Rita blushed hard at the thought of their quick intimate moments so she quickly moved and walked pass Dean to hide her reddening.     

"I'm okay now. Let's go and meet your parents. It's better than entertaining your pervert thoughts…" she said walking.     

Dean laughed and walked with her towards the dining area, both of them were holding each other's hand.     

Dean introduced Rita to his dad first and like what Dean said, Rita could feel that the two of them were so alike in many ways. She felt a sense of security and love coming from his eyes.     

Then she was introduced to his mother, however in the middle of Dean's introduction, Rita was hugged tightly by Dean's mom.     

"Oh dear, finally, I have a daughter. Thanks heavens for giving some sense to my dumb-head son for choosing such a beautiful and nice daughter-in-law for me," Dean's mom gasped in awe.     

Then she gently pushed Rita and looked at her lovingly and sighed.     

"I heard you had a tough time in life since childhood and was raised in a very harsh world, you have gone through many hardships right from your childhood to your youth and even later in life you never had a peaceful life and a family to take care of you... but now don't worry dear daughter. Here... you have a real family. A family who would be sincere, accept and love you wholly regardless of anything and we will make sure that you will no longer go back to that dark world..." Dean's mom said as she stared at Rita with full appreciation and acceptance.     

Without her knowing, Rita's tears fell from her eyes…     

This was the first time she heard such kind and sincere words. It felt so good that she couldn't help but cry. Being easily accepted by Dean's mom was such a big blessing for her that she got really emotional at that time.     

She never had a family, that's why she did not know how she should react properly after hearing those words.     

She grew up without a mother. Her father was a drunkard who would beat her up and hurt her whenever she did not have money to give him for his alcohol.     

That was why she ended up in the street like other kids and had met Shawn.     

Big brother Shawn was her only family since then who even took very good care of her and had trusted her immensely… and now the Kens embraced her as one of their family… Everything felt too good to be true that she started to question how and when did she become lucky as this.     

Her marriage with Dean and all the love from the Ken family and now the loving mother in law and father in law, all felt like a dream to her… but it was real.     

"Sarah, stop making our daughter-in-law cry like this and from today no one will mention her past and make her emotional like this. Our daughter is not supposed to cry and should only smile and remain happy from now on." Mark said suddenly when he saw Rita cry, getting emotional.     

He could understand her emotions, but felt bad when she was crying like this.     

"Oh my dear daughter, please stop crying or your husband will scold me later for making you cry this early morning." said Dean's mom who helped her wipe the tears in her eyes.     

She smiled and still slightly sobbing she said, "Thank you. I'm sorry but it's just that I'm so overwhelmed and happy to hear your kind words and…"     

"Hush now daughter and from now on you call me mom also like Dean, same with Mark call him dad. Oh common let's sit and don't keep these hungry beasts in here waiting cause I'm sure they are all starving by now…" Dean's mom said and led her to sit.     

"Wait, what do you mean beast? Who all are you saying is a beast here? Am I too included in the list of those beasts that you are mentioning Sarah?" Elder Master Ken asked with an arched eyebrow.     

Sarah laughed and said, "Of course not dad! You are the beast tamer among all the beasts in here…"     

Then she stuck her tongue out to her dad.     

Elder Master Ken's mouth twitched and murmured, "And you are the hardest to tame among them all…"     

Sarah pouted her lips and answered back, "I beg to disagree… I think it's big brother Alex not me."     

Elder Master Ken no longer commented and just let out a long deep sigh…     

It was true, he was having a hard time with Alex right now.     

'That stubborn brat!' he mused. Until now, Alex kept his distance with them. He missed him a lot, his prodigal son. He wondered when he would return and be united with them.     


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