The CEO Who Hates Me

How Durable Your Bed Is

How Durable Your Bed Is

'Why is he too active in teasing me? Am I a food now?' Denise complained inwardly.     

Her face was turned to crimson color that she was not able to look into Shawn's eyes anymore.     

"Are you not going to show me your house darling? Uhm or we can go directly to your room to have my favorite dish but my t-shirt is not available so an alter…" Shawn was stopped by Denise's pal that covered his mouth.     

"Stop already all your favorite dish will get rot easily! Let's go and I'll show you around our house you hungry beast!" Denise said as she made a face on Shawn who laughed at her funny expression.     

She showed him the kitchen and guest rooms in the ground floor and the back garden and a small kitchen garden behind the kitchen. She then took him to the first floor, where all the family members had their bedrooms and started to show him his brother's room.     

"Hey! Wait, why do you have to show your brothers?" Shawn complained.     

Denise was actually out of herself because she was busy thinking what could happen once they were inside her room that she did not mind showing her brothers room first.     

"I want to see your room only." Shawn murmured in his hoarse voice.     

He wanted to kiss Denise but someone might see them. They have been roaming around the house for some time now and he was finding his control getting weaker by each passing minute.     

"Oh! My room is the last one to the right," Denise smiled sweetly and held his hand as she finally led the way to her room.     

She walked ahead of him.     

He stared at her hand, holding his…     

This was the first time that a hand held his, in such a loving and caring way.     

'Please don't let go of my hand.' That was a silent request from his heart. He hoped that Denise would never let him go no matter what happens in the future.     

Denise stopped at her door and said as she opened it, "We're here. Welcome to my room."     

She even raised her left hand and arm as a gesture of welcoming him to go inside her room.     

Shawn quickly went inside without letting go of Denise's hand and pulled the latter inside.     

As soon as he closed the door, he immediately turned around to face Denise and pulled her for an intimate kiss.     

Even Denise was longing for his touch and his intimacy. She also melted in his arms and kissed him back passionately.     

Both were breathless when Shawn released Denise's lips.     

He looked at her and kissed her on her forehead and her cheeks, and wiped her lips with his thumb.     

Then he stared in her eyes deeply and whispered huskily, "Promise me that you will never let me go… Whatever circumstances we are in or even if I happen to drive you away for some reasons… Promise me you'll not let go… you will always trust me that even if we are apart… I will always find a way to come back to you, how long it may take…"     

Although confused, Denise nodded in answer and murmured, "Don't worry darling. Your hand is already handcuffed with mine. You will never get a chance to run away from me. Moreover, if you will drive me away someday, I will make sure to make you come back and take me away with you instead."     

Then she winked at Shawn before she encircled her arms around his neck and kissed him lovingly.     

"When are we going to celebrate our wedding night husband?" She teased him while biting him lightly on his jaw and twirling her tongue around it.     

Shawn froze, his last shred of control was broken and he just embraced her tightly and kissed her on her lips.     

Then he kissed her chin and when he started to go down further, her turtleneck stopped him.     

Annoyed he looked at her and unzipped her dress from the back. Denise was startled but didn't protest because even she missed him like they had not met for decades.     

Shawn then trailed her neck with kisses and gradually removed her dress from her shoulders and exposed her chest.     

Denise took her dress off completely and now she stood in front of him just in her lingerie. Shawn's beast mode was activated when he saw her in such a sexy and inviting pose, yet he made sure to be gentle with his every touch and caress.     

He kissed her on her neck and then on her chest. He turned her back and trailed a line of kisses on her spine gently using his tongue and his teeth to send waves of pleasure to her.     

He unhooked the clasp of her bra, removed it and then went on kissing and licking her back making her shiver with every kiss.     

Denise was enjoying his each and every move then she also lifted her hands and started taking off his clothes, she started with his tie, coat, then shirt and trousers.     

One by one, each layer of clothes was removed from him, leaving only his boxers…     

Denise started kissing his neck down his chest, licking his small nipples with her tongue. And it made him go crazy with her foreplay.     

They both kept caressing and kissing each other sometimes at the back of the door, then on the sofa in her room and then finally… without a word, Shawn picked her up and said with heavy breathing, "Let's celebrate our wedding morning right now and will celebrate our wedding night later. Let's test how durable your bed is."     

Denise blushed and buried her face in Shawn's neck.     

"You… wicked man..." she whispered laughing in return.     

Then she bit and sucked his neck to tease him…     

She heard him groan and said, "Now… we will not leave your room until your bed is cracked you naughty bunny!"     

Denise: "...?"     


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