The CEO Who Hates Me

I Will Make You Mine Tonight

I Will Make You Mine Tonight

The car soon reached its destination… Shawn's house…     

Though it was dark but the beautiful location of the house was still clearly visible.     

Denise was amazed with the natural beauty that surrounded Shawn's house. It's a modern hilltop house located in a secure rural sub-division in the hills towards the east of the city.     

She bet it would have a spectacular view of the city. The house was located at about 1,000 ft above sea level.     

"Uhm excuse me, is there someone living with Shawn?" she asked the driver as they neared the main gate of his villa.     

"Yes, a family is managing his home, there is his caretaker, two old couples to look after the cleaning, garden and kitchen, a young boy and then me." The driver said. He also told her that they stayed at the quarters near the house and would usually not be around when Shawn was at home because Shawn always wanted to be alone.     

"Uhm sorry. I wasn't able to get your name." Denise apologized when she remembered she did not know the name of Shawn's driver.     

"Madam, you can call me Peter." He said as he looked in the rearview mirror with smiling eyes.     

"Alright Peter, help me bring your Boss inside his room," Denise said simply as the car stopped.     

Shawn seemed a little bit conscious already as he drunk talked, cursing Old Man Skull several times while they walked in his room.     

"Is he like this whenever he's drunk?" Denise asked Peter. Shawn's right arm was on Peter's shoulder while the left was on her.     

Peter bid his farewell as soon as they settled Shawn on the bed. He asked if he should call the couple to help her with something.     

"No, it's okay Peter. I can manage. You go now and rest too." She said before she closed the door.     

Then she looked at Shawn who was still murmuring something while feeling a little uneasy.     

Denise reached him and asked, "What happened Shawn? Can I help you with something?"     

Shawn opened his eyes and looked at her, he turned towards her and while trying to keep his eyes open he smiled.     

His smile brought tears in Denise's eyes because his expressions were filled with pain.     

Shawn started to blurtout his emotions he felt towards Denise in his state of drunkenness, "Will you ever… love me… Denise? Don't leave me alone and go ever please. Will you be able to make me forget my pains and… and… sorrows of life? You have a beauuuutiful heart… really... …you are very innocent…. stay like this always… I think I have been charmed by you. I ..I.." …and suddenly fell asleep in between his talks…     

Denise was so shocked by his words that her eyes started to rain with the pain that she felt for him.     

She could feel how lonely he must have felt all through his life. She wanted to make him feel loved and take his sorrows away from him…     

She wanted to...     

'Wait! What am I feeling for him? I know I like him… but… is this only liking or is it that?'     

With this thought Denise smiled while she wiped her tears off from her cheeks.     

She blushed with her own thoughts that were so foreign to herself… certain feelings that had never been felt before.     

She just didn't want to make him feel alone and wanted to kiss his pains away and when she noticed him fallen asleep again she was so annoyed.     

'What's this? Did he sleep again?' she thought as she got up and started to help him with taking off his shoes, socks and tie to make him more comfortable while sleeping.     

She took off his shoes and socks first. Then she sat down beside him on his bed and bent over him a little to loosen his necktie and pull it off.     

'Mr. Shawn Lee… open your eyes and see… I am doing the duty of being your wife already…'     

She smiled shyly with her own thoughts and looked at his handsome profile lying sleepily on the huge bed. His looks were really enchanting…     

She then unbuttoned top three buttons of his polo enough for him to sleep comfortably and she gulped when she saw a part of his bare chest.     

'What is wrong with me? How come a bare chest looks sexy when only a part of it is visible?'     

Then she stared at Shawn's handsome face and once again the urge to kiss him rose when her eyes slid a little down and got locked at his lips.     

His wet alluring lips were inviting her to bend down and plant a beautiful kiss on those red lips.     

Denise slightly slapped her cheeks to wake herself up from the perverted thoughts she was having since she was with him today.     

"I think I'm going crazy," she murmured then she looked at Shawn's face once more.     

She touched his face and traced her finger on his forehead then his eyes… and his nose... and when she reached his lips… she couldn't help herself… her temptations were too much for her to resist it now.     

"I'm really crazy…" she whispered helplessly as she bent down and kissed him. She did not plan for a long kiss, but a small satisfying feeling of kissing him only.     

However, when she was about to pull her lips from his, she felt Shawn's hand hold her nape and pull her towards him for a deeper kiss.     

He held her tight and kissed her deeply and passionately.     

Sucking her breath away as Denise was not prepared for this action of his she fell on his chest and Shawn snaked his arms around her back to hold her in that position.     

He caressed her back slowly sending tremors down her body…     

Just as Denise was so engrossed in his kiss…     

Shawn held her tightly with his both arms and moved flipping her down on the bed beside him and as he placed himself on top of her as he continued to kiss her lips.     

Denise's eyes widened. She thought Shawn was sleeping already. Shawn's eyes were closed while he kissed her.     

'What is this? Is this even possible? Is he dreaming or doing this in his sleep?' She thought as she stared at his closed eyes.     

She suddenly felt Shawn's tongue slipped inside her mouth as he probed deeper.     

Denise tried to push Shawn gently but he didn't budge.     

Instead, he left her lips to trail kisses on her jawline and neck. He was sucking and licking her neck, while his hand started to touch all the sensitive parts of her body.     

He took his hands on her chest gently touching her on her breasts and pressing very slightly with his palms on them.     

She trembled with the feeling that he gave her. First time ever for her…     

Shawn kept moving his hands all over her, squeezing her skin on the waist and her back from top of her clothes…     

Denise also held him with both her arms and started to caress his back gently, she still had her clothes on while Shawn was touching her and she could feel the electricity running through her blood.     

She could feel the excitement consuming her body with Shawn's simple touches.     

As the heat was building between them with Shawn kissing her on her face her collarbone and her neck… tracing each and every feature of her face with his lips… licking and sucking her lips in between…     

Denise wished to keep her sanity awake as his charm has completely drowned her.     

She felt his right hand going under her shirtand fondling her left breast with gentleness…     

She gasped slightly and said, "Uhm Shawn, isn't it a little bit uh early…" she whispered but then gasped and moaned when Shawn slid his hand inside her skirt and touched her between her legs.     

He moved his fingers on her most sensitive part down there with her panty still on… the feeling made her moan again and a little louder.     

Then he stopped and opened his eyes, his eyes were clouded with lust and desires that made Denise's heart skip a beat.     

He stared at her directly looking deep into her eyes; with an intense gaze that made her breathless. In his hoarse voice he murmured, "I will make you mine tonight…"     

"I want to make love to you..."     

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