The CEO Who Hates Me

Say It **

Say It **

"I want to make love to you..."     

Denise's mouth opened, she wanted to say something but words did not come out.     

Shawn got up from her body and stood on his knees on the bed, unbuttoned his shirt and trousers, undressed himself and removed his brief as well… exposing his hard erect manhood in front of Denise's eyes… and Denise… she at first watched him strip his clothes one by one admiring his sculpted body…     

His abs and his biceps, his chest muscles… in awe still stunned with the last words she heard from him. And when she saw his erection… her eyes flew wide… she didn't know what to say… to be happy or be afraid.     

All she thought then was….     

'How will this fit in my body'     

Once done stripping, Shawn bent down again and tugged at her clothes. Indicating her to remove them.     

But Denise was too shy and she shook her head and looked down and blushed. Then Shawn supported himself with his one arm on her side and used his another hand to unbutton her shirt, putting small kisses where each button opened.     

He opened her shirt slowly and took it off her body then he slid his hand behind, on her back, and opened the hooks of her bra… removing her bra from her body… Denise quickly covered herself with her arms as her face and ears turned crimson.     

She felt really shy….     

Shawn removed her hands from her chest and put his mouth on one of her hard nipples while he used his tongue to fiddle with one nipple he used his hand to capture the other nipple and pinched her gently making her groan with pleasure.     

He continued with his act for a while giving her immense pleasure and then gradually took his hand down and started to remove her skirt while still working on her both breasts with his mouth one by one he teased her and made her whimper in pleasure…     

Shawn removed all her clothes one by one, kissing every part of the skin that got exposed gradually in front of him.     

He kissed every cell of her white skin in view as soon as he removed her clothes.     

Seeing her naked body in front of his eyes Shawn embraced her in his arms and held her close to himself, he felt satisfied with this woman's warmth and felt like she is filling his life with a meaning…     

He looked at her beautiful face and kissed her hard… then roaming his rough hands on her soft skin, he showered her with his teasing tongue and mouth, leaving his marks all over her soft skin and Denise couldn't help but only moan in pleasure as her body arched with every wonder that Shawn's hand followed by his mouth was giving to her body.     

Shawn was so lost in her that he didn't want to hold back now… he first took his hand between her thighs and parted her legs… exposing her honey trapped area.     

He bent down and kissed on her lips between her legs… he smelled her scent there and used his fingers to part her vertical lips… exposing her clit and the deep cave where he wanted to take a dive…     

Shawn slid his finger in her cave and Denise suddenly stiffened and a painful cry came from her mouth….     

Shawn didn't stop and took his finger a little more inside before making a few movements in and out to make her feel easy. He then came up and reached to her ears… and said, "Have you saved yourself for me till now?"     

Denise felt an intense happiness filling all her body when she realized what he meant and she was somehow happy that today would be her first time with the man she really liked.     

Shawn got up and sat on her legs… then he parted her legs and placed himself in between. She could feel his hardening throbbing on her but he was not entering her yet.     

He teased her for a minute by rubbing the tip of his manhood on her entrance and on her clit she moaned from pleasure and longed for more….     

She looked at him with her teary eyes burning with so much longing for him.     

He stared at her with his hazy eyes and said, "Say it Denise... I want to hear it out from you… look into my eyes and say that you want me…"     

Denise bit her lips and shook her head in denial.     

She felt so shy… how could she say like this looking into his eyes… Seeing this Shawn rubbed his erection on her vertical lips grazing there with his hardness, sending waves of pleasure in her… but making her feel incomplete. "Come on Denise… say it… look into my eyes and say it…"     

Denise looked at him and as she met his intense gaze, her face flushed yet she looked deep into his eyes and said, "I want you Shawn," and she pulled his neck and kissed him desperately.     

Shawn kept the tip of his hardness on her entrance and started to enter her.     

She was very tight and hence Shawn took it slowly not wanting to hurt her too much… and when he was almost inside her… he gave a hard push and entered her completely in a sudden thrust.     

Denise almost screamed with the pain and unknowingly gently pushed Shawn away.     

"Shhh, it will soon subside, relax I'll be gentle…" Shawn whispered and kissed her gently as he moved gently to penetrate her inside until his fullness entered her.     

He was moving gentle inside of her… making sure she won't feel uncomfortable or too much pain.     

Gradually her pain subsided and waves of pleasure started to ripple from their point of union.     

Shawn increased his pace of movements and penetrated her deeply with each thrust he made     

They were both moaning of great pleasure until both reached their climax.     

Denise shuddered with the orgasm that came unto her and Shawn with his last thrust spill his seeds inside her.     

Denise felt his heartbeat inside her while he released all his liquids in her…     

After his release, Shawn hugged Denise tightly. He was still on top of her.     

"Let's get married... sooner the better…" the last words she heard from Shawn before he kissed and cuddled her in a sleeping position.     

Denise sighed…     

She did not know how she should respond. She was happy hearing the word marriage but it would be nice if she would hear the word 'love' instead. Though she was not really expecting it...     

It would take time, for Shawn to open up himself for something like love and she was not that narrow-minded not to understand him...     

She was exhausted completely and also felt sore down there… she wanted to rest now… she rested her head on his chest and found a comfortable position and closed her eyes.     

Tomorrow… She will talk about it tomorrow…     

Right now she just wanted to enjoy the moment of giving herself to the man that she probably love already and not just like… right now she wanted to be loved by him and to be in his arms…     

She didn't want to let him go away now… never…     

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