The CEO Who Hates Me

Have Someone Like You (K&C)

Have Someone Like You (K&C)

Cecile had a traumatic past that Karl only came to know recently because of his father and that past added up to his fears – hence, it's harder to confess because of that. He was afraid that Cecile's pain and heartache on her past traumatic experience was still there so he couldn't bear to tell the truth…     

Because that truth could be one of her pain… telling the truth and confessing his love for her seemed so hard…     

Though there were several times that he tried to confess everything to her but fear always overpowered him. He was afraid… afraid of losing her… afraid that she'll hate him once she found out the truth.     

Karl stared at Cecile while she did her strokes beautifully while painting then he recalled that year…     



It's their graduation day tomorrow.     

Everyone were so ecstatic to finish college while Karl was not happy at all because it will be the last time he'll be able to see Cecile. He could only see her often at school since they were attending the same university.     

Her boyfriend was from a well known family also, he actually knew him since their families do have good business relationship. He was Aldrin Go, the heir to Go's businesses. He was popular at the university so he was known and called as Mr. Popularity.     

Karl was also popular because of his surname but not as a person. Basically, being a KEN gave him popularity. Unlike Aldrin, he was good on everything. He simply excels at many things.     

Aldrin and Cecile were the perfect couple in their university. A couple envied by the students at different departments including him. He envied Aldrin a lot.     

But he's not bitter at all because he knew Aldrin was deserving man for Cecile. You could see how in love Cecile as she was always glowing and the smiles never left her face.     

But somehow he pitied Cecile for having Aldrin because being with Mr. Popularity could sometimes be a pain in the *ass.     

He witnessed it all. Cecile did encounter a hard time being the girlfriend of Aldrin. There were so many jealous girls who often attacked her and bashed her since she was from a not so rich family compared to most of the students in their campus.     

She was able to enter the most prestigious school like theirs because of scholarship alone.     

For him, Cecile was his Miss Perfect. Everything about her made him fall in love with her deeper. He admired her so much for taking all things positively.     

Because he was afraid of her getting hurt, Karl helped her a lot in shadows, protecting her often without her knowing. Yes, he was like a secret lover who did things in the shadow to protect her from possible harm that might come her way.     

Like he had to wake up and go to school so early just to check her locker cabinet and cleared it for various things those stupid girls were putting inside. He even hired the best lock smith so he could open her locker anytime he needed.     

It was not planed at all and he did not have that intention but he happened to see some girls breaking up her locker every now and then to put stuffs inside to bully her.     

'Geez why these insecure girls are so complicated,' He scorned as he cleaned some photos and letters in writing "BITCH" and other annoying words.     

But this morning was different, there's a threat letter that made him very concern. He was contemplating if he should tell Cecile about it but it's like confessing that he invaded her locker too.     

Karl sighed and called Butler Omni to have someone check on things for him. He felt that it's not just a simple threat – it actually made him anxious.     


He looked for Cecile and as soon as he did he approached her and greeted her with a smile.     

"Finally, graduation is tomorrow… So what's your plan? Everyone here seems excited for each club's party tonight… Are you attending any?" he asked simply.     

They were members of the same clubs. Not that he was following her but it happened like it was fated. Maybe because destiny wanted to torture him mercilessly, making him fall in love with her more and more as time goes by that he spent with her or those moment where he had simple conversations with her every now and then.     

They talked often but just casually and mostly on school matters.     

Today, he toughened up since he wanted to know on what party she will choose to attend. He already had an idea that she will go with where Aldrin would be but still he wanted to confirm it.     

Cecile smiled back at him and replied, "I'll accompany Aldrin tonight. It's the basketball club and cheerleading club party. He asked me to be with him. How about you? Are you going to any clubs tonight?"     

"Oh I see… Yes, I'm going too… Uhm you should enjoy then and I'll probably see you around the party since I'm also going tonight at the Cheeleading Club, someone invited me." said Karl cheerfully.     

"Oh, are you courting someone from the cheering squad? Well they are all pretty ladies…" Cecile commented smiling.     

Karl shook his head and whispered, "Nah, they are not my type. Too loud for me to handle. I would rather have someone like you."     

Cecile creased her forehead and asked apologetically, "I'm sorry what did you say?"     

Karl: *Cough *Cough     

"Oh, I mean… I'm not courting anyone from them. One of the member is a close friend of mine and I was invited too but one of my friends at the basketball club. He's my sister's boyfriend…" Karl answered smiling.     

As soon as Cecile bid her farewell to him, Karl frowned.     

He had a hunch that it was Diana who had sent that letter with a threat. She was Aldrin's ex girlfriend and from what he heard and knew, she was a real bully.     

Diana was the team leader of their cheerleading squad. He also heard that she couldn't move on yet and wanted Aldrin back so at most she was his main suspect.     

He must protect Cecile whatever happens so he intended to check her out discreetly during the party. He will do everything to ensure Cecile's safety…     

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