The CEO Who Hates Me

Come Back To Bite You

Come Back To Bite You

"Dubrovnik is a walled, medieval town. The main thoroughfare in the Old Town was called the Strandum," said their tour guide.     

True enough it was filled with cathedrals, Baroque architecture and quaint, outdoor cafes. Denise was an enthusiastically taking photos of the couple.     

"You really good together, such a perfect couple," she commented while taking a lot of sweet poses of the couple during the tour. She was really enjoying the company of the two especially Arya who never left her side.     

Ryu sighed and shrugged his shoulders while watching the sweetness of the two ladies from the back.     

As usual, Arya and Denise were holding hands during the entire tour while Ryu was walking behind them.     

At first it was okay since he understood well Denise's situation but lately he felt like he was the third wheeler during their excursions.     

The seafood in Croatia was legendary, and the wine was fast becoming some of the best in Europe, so they made sure to grab an outdoor table for lunch.     

"Sis, are you sure it's okay that you're stuck with me the whole tour? I feel bad for Big Bro. He looks a little bit,,, uhm… unenergetic?" Denise whispered to Arya as soon as Ryu excused himself to go to the restroom.     

Arya laughed out hard and said, "Don't mind him… He can stay with me as long as he wants after this cruise so it's not a big deal really. Besides, it's good to let him miss me once in a while."     

Then she giggled at the thought of their romantic time that they spent alone in the room, his moves and her moans, their love making. She blushed unconsciously while Denise rolled her eyes.     

"Geez, will I act like that during honeymoon? I feel goose bumps all over my body," she commented with slight shivering as an exaggerated expression and they both laughed out hard.     

Arya and Denise were both enjoying the lunch as they both talked to each other while Ryu was quietly eating.     

Denise nudged Arya and gestured her to sit beside Ryu instead. However, Arya just smiled at her wickedly and did not move at all.     

Denise rolled her eyes and she couldn't help but commented loudly, "Sis for God's sake move away from me! I feel suffocated with you sticking around with me. I can manage on my own and don't mind me at all. Look at Big Bro now, he looks like a kid who was abandoned suddenly."     

Ryu laughed when he heard Denise' comments. "Oh am I too obvious? Please don't get me wrong… Of course, I would love a solo time with my wife but it's okay since the cruise will end soon so I will just have to wait one more day to get back my wife. So I will allow you to have her for a day more…" He said in a jest while laughing.     

Denise pouted her lips and said, "See how big bro is counting the days until I vanish from his sight? I bet he can no longer wait for that one day more…"     

Arya just laughed and then shook her head as she watched the bantering of the two.     


"Omni, when will Ryu return?" Elder Master Ken asked while he looked outside the window. It was pouring hard outside. The rain was heavy and triggered so many emotions in his heart.     

Butler Omni sighed as he looked at the sad face of the Elder Master Ken. The Elder Master despised the rain very much but he would unblinkingly stare at the window whenever it rained because it brought back old memories, his most painful memories of past.     

"They will return in three days and will directly come here. I had their room arranged already and all is settled." He answered while he picked up to clean the board games on the table.     

"I think it's about time I tell them everything… What do you think Omni? Will it be fine? Telling them what happened in the past or keep it all a secret just as it is?" Elder Master Ken said still staring outside looking at the rain through the window.     

Butler Omni sighed and replied, "Elder Master, you are smarter than I am, you would take the right decisions for sure. But I do believe that letting them know the things that happened in the past is better. So that they are aware of the things around them. Besides, you have a cunning enemy so it's better they found out the truth from you directly…"     

Eleder Master Ken exhaled and turned his head to the Butler with a frown.     

Butler Omni creased his forehead and said, "What? You asked, so I answered. Besides, family secrets are like vampires. They never really die, and can always come back to bite you…"     

Elder Master Ken arched an eyebrow but chose to remain quiet. He knew Butler Omni was right. Probably it's about time, he should tell everything to his grandchildren…     

But somehow, he was afraid… Afraid on how his family will look at him once they came to know about everything…     

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