The CEO Who Hates Me

Favorite Dish

Favorite Dish

Denise quickly called the maid and instructed her to clean her room as she ran towards the bathroom to take a shower and fix herself before Shawn arrived.     

She looked at her reflection at the mirror. She wore a navy blue turtle neck knee length dress. She needed to hide her neck full of hickeys because of Shawn. They were still visible as if she was bitten by a bug.     

'"Yeah… I've been bitten by that big bug…" she murmured and giggled bashfully.     

Shawn was the type of a handsome and charming bug that she wouldn't mind to get bitten by all her life.     

She felt giddy as she looked at the clock, Shawn will be here any moment. She did not bother the suspicious look of their maid who was still fixing her bed.     

"Please tell our cook to prepare a light snack. No, ask him to cook pasta also…" she instructed the maid before she got out.     

She wished she could cook by her own hands for Shawn but she had never cooked.     

She did not even know how to make the simplest of the dishes. Only instant noodles or eggs were what she could do.     

At least she knew how to cook those to survive. But today, she felt she should have learned at least the basic cooking skills.     

It's never too late to learn. She should start to take cooking lessons now so that she could make some things for her husband herself.     

She never had an interest in all such things before but somehow she felt interested now...     

It was now that she understood why women learn those kinds of thing like cooking and baking. It seemed that taking care of their husbands was what every woman wished to do, one of the important things.     

She recalled the saying that 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.'     

Her mouth twitched. She will fail then if that saying was really reliable.     

She sighed. How unfortunate that she couldn't cook a thing on Shawn's first visit.     

For the first time, she regretted being so passive in learning womanly things.     

Her phone rang and it was Shawn to tell her that he was already at the gate.     

She leapt out of her room excitedly to greet him at the door. It was the first time that Shawn visited her place, she was nervous as well as very happy. She almost ran her way to the main door to receive him.     

Shawn stood at the entrance of her manor with a beautiful smile on his face. When he saw Denise, his smile widened, giving a devilishly handsome look to that charming man.     

Denise's heart skipped a beat and she just paused in her steps for a few seconds. He looked so fresh and more relaxed with that smile on his sexy lips.     

His presence was brighter than the sunlight and his handsome tall silhouette was irresistibly charming. Denise wished she could run into his arms and capture all that brightness in her embrace.     

But there were other people around so she just gulped her saliva and tried to hide her blushing face as she walked closer to him and grabbed Shawn's hand to lead him inside their house.     

"Did you have breakfast already? What would you want to eat? I asked the cook to prepare pasta just in case you're hungry." Denise enthusiastically said.     

"I still have to find out your likes and dislikes. So please tell me…"     

Shawn did not respond but held her hand tightly and looked intently at her and pulled Denise into his embrace instead.     

"Yes I'm hungry but not for food…" Shawn whispered into her ear teasingly.     

Denise lightly punched his arms and said, "I think we should have less physical contact when there are other people around."     

Shawn laughed and his magnetic voice strummed the strings of her heart. He simply sounded sexy to Denise's ears.     

"Well no one is around. I can't see anyone around… Looks like you have briefed them already to stay out of site so we can be touchy with each other?" Shawn added in his teasing.     

Denise blushed, laughed and said, "Wow, I never thought you can be such full of perverted humor like this… but I like it that you're such free and feel easy talking with me like that."     

Shawn was like this with Arya too. He had the same comfortable feeling that he used to smile and joke around a lot with Arya whenever he was in her beach resort. Arya was one his first infatuation and he loved to spend his time with her. He cared about her and always wanted to protect her from problems as well.     

But Arya was destined to be with Ryu and how much ever he tried, she would never look at him with those love struck eyes…     

After Shawn met Denise and spent some time with her, where she teased him to no limit, he felt something pulled him towards her.     

He even felt it was something different from what he felt while being with Arya, but he could never put a finger to what that difference was.     

But whatever that was, he wanted to keep her close to him and didn't wish her to leave his radius.     

With Denise, he wanted to change for good, for her sake he wished to leave the dark world of twisted people forever and keep her safe always.     

Denise has filled his life with pleasures and a feeling of belonging had come in his heart, with her around every problem looks small and he wanted to live... live in light and come out of his darkness.     

He felt Denise gently push him, she pouted her lips and looked at his face and said in a joke, "Hmm if you will show your playful side like that in the show, I'm sure a lot of girls will drool over you and if I ever saw any female contestant close to you or flirting with you… I swear, I might just enter and drag you out of there myself."     

"I wouldn't mind… Even if you pick me by my collar and drag me out in front of everyone because of jealousy I will quietly obey your orders, for I like being possessed by my wife and my wife must be possessive about me just as I am about her…" he answered with a grin.     

Shawn pulled her closer and put his face in the crook of her neck, tickling her with his warm breaths and making her knees weak….     

"Hmm, darling…I sure am a possessive wife and you will see this very often. Okay now quick tell me about what you like to eat and what is your favorite dish."     

Shawn not yet done with his teasing said, "I like to eat you and Denise served only in my t-shirt is my favorite dish till date." and grinned mischievously.     


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