My Evil Genius Wife

She also has a family.

She also has a family.

1In the exclusive VIP ward of the hospital, Xu Nuan sat on the bed and donned in a blue patient's gown. Beside her, cradled in a small, white crib, her newborn baby lay sleeping. Unaware of the world around her, the little princess rested peacefully, wrapped in the warmth of her mother's unwavering gaze.     

Xu Nuan's fingers gently grazed the baby's soft cheeks, her heart swelling with a love she had never felt before. Her eyes, tired yet filled with warmth, were fixated on the tiny cutie sleeping peacefully in the crib.      

Every tiny sigh, every flutter of the baby's eyelashes was a miracle to her.     

"Hello, my little one," Xu Nuan whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. She traced her daughter's delicate features, awestruck by the tiny life she had created. Her eyes twinkled with unshed tears of joy and pure love. "I'm your mom."     

Her body was drained, but her spirit was alight with a new, fierce love and protectiveness. Even her fatigue seemed to fade into insignificance when she looked at her daughter.     

The baby stirred, squirming a bit before settling again, and Xu Nuan's heart melted. She reached out, her fingers delicately caressing the baby's hand. Feeling the baby's tiny fingers curl around her own was a joy unlike any other.     

"Sleep tight, my darling," she cooed softly. "Mommy's right here."     

That was the moment she realized that this incredible love, this indescribable joy, this was what it meant to be a mother. Her exhaustion didn't matter; all that mattered was the tiny life sleeping peacefully in the crib next to her.      

Every hardship she went through seemed worthwhile when she looked at her little princess.     

This was a love so profound it was almost overwhelming, a love that was all-encompassing. The bond between a mother and her child, it was indeed incomparable. A silent promise was made, as Xu Nuan gazed at her baby, she would protect this little life with everything she had.      

She was a mother now.     

As Xu Nuan watched her little princess sleeping with such serenity, Han Zihao, who had just entered the room, stood by the entrance, his heart swelling with emotion.      

The sight of Xu Nuan tenderly caring for their daughter was so poignant and precious that he didn't want to disrupt them. The woman he cherished the most had given birth to their little princess, a living testament to their love.     

The scene before him was priceless, a memory he would carry for a lifetime.     

Xu Nuan suddenly started coughing and reflexively covered her mouth with her hand to not affect the baby. The medication had left her mouth dry and her lips chapped, making her frequently thirsty.      

Seeing her trying to rise and get a glass of water, Han Zihao stepped in. Swiftly, he moved across the room, filling a glass with water. He walked back to her side and gently held it out to her, saying softly, "Here, let me."     

Xu Nuan let out a low chuckle, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "You know, I can drink water by myself." she teased, gratefully accepting his sweet gesture, and drank the water from his hands.     

"Since you gave birth, all you need to do is rest," Han Zihao said, his voice gentle and filled with affection. "You've already done the toughest part. Leave the little things to me."     

She chuckled again, her eyes affectionate as she looked at him. "If you could, you'd even try to breastfeed our baby, wouldn't you?"     

Han Zihao laughed at that, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "Well... if I could, I definitely would. Anything to make this easier for you."     

Their exchange was filled with love and tenderness, a beautiful testament to their bond which had only deepened with the arrival of their little princess.     

After ensuring Xu Nuan was comfortably settled, Han Zihao sanitized his hands, gently lifting his sleeping princess from her crib. He planted a soft kiss on her chubby cheek, whispering, "Hello, my little princess. I'm your Dad. I hope you remember me." His words carried a warmth that made the corners of his eyes crinkle with a genuine smile.     

Xu Nuan had been in the hospital for two days since the delivery. In those two days, Han Zihao had made it a routine to introduce himself to his daughter in the hope that she would recognize his face and voice.     

Becoming a father was a feeling that still felt surreal.      

It was hard to believe that this new chapter in their lives had begun. They had transformed from a newlywed couple into parents, responsible for this little being. It was a change that filled them with joy, apprehension, and above all, a deep love for their little princess.     

Once their princess was comfortably tucked back into her crib for more sleep, Han Zihao pulled the hospital's food table over to Xu Nuan. He set down a tiffin box and a thermos flask, causing Xu Nuan to cast a questioning look his way.     

"What's all this? Why so much food?" she asked, her eyebrows knitted in confusion.     

"It's from Grandmother," Han Zihao explained as he unlatched the tiffin box. "She sent chicken soup for you and said it would be nourishing for your body. Since you didn't enjoy the porridge from yesterday, I thought this might be better."     

He displayed the contents of the tiffin before her. Inside the thermos was the promised chicken soup, and the box revealed a portion of brown rice, boiled eggs, a fresh salad, an assortment of fruits, and even a handful of almonds.     

Staring at the spread in front of her, Xu Nuan let out a chuckle, "Wow, this is quite the feast," she quipped.      

Only moments ago, she hadn't felt a shred of hunger.      

But the sight of the carefully prepared meal in front of her awakened her appetite. Without further delay, she started eating, savoring the warm chicken soup, the fluffy rice, the boiled eggs, and sampling the fruits.      

The meal was simple, yet it carried a taste of home and love that made it incredibly satisfying.     

As she savored her meal, Xu Nuan glanced up at Han Zihao and inquired, "Where is everyone, by the way? Did they go home?"     

Ever since she had been transferred to the private ward, her room had been bustling with visitors. Sometimes it was Grandmother and Grandfather Han, and other times it was Han Zihao's parents. Occasionally, Luo Dan, Jia Fei, and their persistently annoying boyfriends would also pop in.      

Even the nurses found themselves frequently reminding the visitors to leave so the patient could rest.     

While Xu Nuan happily munched on her food, not caring about the bits sticking to her face, Han Zihao, being the ideal wife-doting husband, picked up a napkin from the table. Casually, he wiped the corner of her mouth.     

  In a plain, serious voice, he said, "I sent them all home. You couldn't rest with them here. I've told them they can't come to the hospital for now. They can meet you once you're discharged."     

She shook her head in disbelief and chuckled, "You sure are ruthless." She found his strictness amusing, knowing well that everyone simply wanted to meet the new baby.     

Just like them, everyone too had been eagerly waiting for the baby's arrival. However, she understood his protective nature and reasons, and hence she chose not to push the matter further.     

Once Xu Nuan finished her lunch, she gave a big smile and said, "That was so yummy. Now, I feel alive."     

Since giving birth, she had been incredibly tired and exhausted, barely able to eat. Her appetite had been missing, and the porridge and fruits provided by the hospital just didn't do it for her.     

However, tasting Grandmother Han's cooking, she realized that it was what she needed. Grandmother Han truly understood her eating habits.     

After marrying Han Zihao, Xu Nuan truly understood what it meant to have a family that loves you. Growing up, her grandfather was busy with company matters, and she felt like an outsider in her own home with relatives who wanted her gone.     

She lived much of her life feeling like an orphan, even though she had a family. But after meeting Han Zihao's family, she saw where his endless love for her came from. He grew up surrounded by a loving family that cared for him and helped him heal from his childhood scars.     

Marrying him was the best thing that ever happened to her. If she hadn't, she might have gone through life never knowing what unconditional love felt like.     

More than just finding a loving husband in Han Zihao, she has found a whole family that embraces her, supports her, and cherishes her as one of their own. Her heart swells with joy at the thought of her new life, filled with the warmth of genuine love and affection.     

Now, she also has a family that cherishes her deeply.      

With a husband who adores her like no one else and a little princess who infuses their lives with hope and love, she's found a home where her heart truly belongs.     

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