My Evil Genius Wife

Press Conference (I)

Press Conference (I)

0"Well, if you want to know..." With no other choice left, Luo Dan pulled out her phone and showed Xu Nuan an article that had been wildly circulating online, causing a ruckus in the entertainment industry.     

Xu Nuan's frown deepened as she took the phone to read the article. The headline left her speechless:     

[The Popular Female Idol Pregnant? Two Superstar Idols Involved in an Infidelity Scandal?]     

She scrolled down and found pictures of Jia Fei and Han Liang, taken at the hospital when Xu Nuan was admitted for delivery. In the photos, their faces were clearly shown, and they were even standing in front of the Gynae department, hugging in one of the pictures, tears streaming down their faces.     

"These photos and this article were released by a small paparazzi media outlet late at night," Luo Dan explained, her voice tinged with urgency. "I was planning to explain the matter and dismiss it as a rumor later, but before we could do anything, this article got out of hand. People are relentlessly sharing it on the internet, turning it into a wildfire."     

"Not only that, but similar news articles keep releasing every hour, claiming Jia Fei and Han Liang are involved in an indecent relationship."     

"They're claiming that Jia Fei and Han Liang have been cheating on their respective partners and that she has gotten pregnant with his child," Luo Dan continued, her voice strained as she tried to remain calm.     

However, her expression darkened as she thought about the vile comments surrounding the relationship between Jia Fei and Han Liang. They were just friends, and she and Yuhan knew it best, but the public was blowing it out of proportion.      

With The Queen's history as a top-tier group that met an embarrassing end, some people were drawing parallels to the past. They referenced a previous incident involving Hao Mei and Jiang Yue, suggesting that it wasn't unprecedented for another member to betray a friend in such a manner.     

While Luo Dan elaborated on the scandal, Han Liang's face turned a shade of red, and he lowered his head in clear embarrassment. Although he hadn't done anything wrong or caused Luo Dan any reason to be ashamed, he couldn't help but feel a mix of complex emotions as he heard the details of the scandal in which he was implicated.     

His history of never-ending rumors which he never cared about before was only worsening the situation, inadvertently causing harm to both Jia Fei and Luo Dan along the way.     

The room was filled with tension and disbelief.     

Luo Dan glanced at Han Liang and reached out to hold his hand caringly, her voice firm. "Why are you lowering your head? We all know that this isn't your fault. We'll get through this together. Alright?"     

Han Liang nodded, feeling a bit more reassured but still carrying the weight of the scandal on his shoulders. After all, Luo Dan not only had to see all this but also had to deal with it herself.      

The situation put her in the difficult position of managing both her best friend's and boyfriend's reputations in the midst of a scandal. She was the most distressed one there, but her support for Han Liang never wavered.     


Xu Nuan's expression darkened as she read through the full article and the vile comments that followed. Her fists clenched in frustration, she took a moment to drink a glass of water to calm her nerves before turning to Luo Dan, her voice edged with concern. "So, what have you planned to do about this issue? As the head of the PR department, what's your strategy to handle this matter?" she asked.     

Luo Dan's lips tightened, and she inhaled deeply before replying, "Actually, I came today to discuss this very matter. To clarify the truth behind these pictures, I must unveil the reality of your marriage and pregnancy. Only then will the public's fury be quelled."     

She continued, a note of urgency in her voice, "This news is casting both Jia Fei and Han Liang, who are prominent figures in the industry, in an unfavorable light. Given that both are among the top solo artists, the rumors are spreading like wildfire, and they seem impossible to contain."     

Her eyes sharpening, Luo Dan added, "New rumors are emerging every minute. In my opinion, it's better to reveal the entire truth rather than merely release an official statement. That's the only way to extinguish this inferno of speculation."     

Xu Nuan nodded, casting a glance at Han Zihao, who understood the meaning behind her gaze and nodded in return. She turned to Luo Dan and stated, "If that's the case, go ahead and proceed with what you have planned. We never intended to be secretive about this matter."     

"We merely kept it private so that everyone could lead a stress-free life. However, since the situation has escalated to this point, make the announcement. We have nothing to conceal."     

Xu Nuan continued, her expression determined, "But don't simply issue a press release. Organize a press conference. If they're providing us with an opportunity to promote our artists, we should seize it and present them with significant news," She said, her smile laden with intent.     

When an opportunity presents itself, it would be unwise to ignore it.     

Han Zihao supported Xu Nuan's statement, his voice firm, "Make sure to make it a prominent event. They should realize that they're not only challenging Han Liang and Jia Fei but also the Han Corporation."     

"In that case, I will attend to it immediately," Luo Dan confirmed, rising to make the necessary calls.     

Han Liang gave his brother a thumbs up and said, "Brother, you're so cool! I didn't know you cared so much about me," as he reached out to hug him.     

Han Zihao slapped his hand away, replying indifferently, "I am agreeing to this for Xu Nuan's sake. If things continue in this manner, she will become distressed. Don't overestimate your importance."     

Han Liang pouted, "You're so cold. Hmph."     

While Luo Dan was engaged in phone calls, busily making arrangements for the press conference, Jia Fei was blissfully playing in the living room with Zixuan, completely indifferent to the turmoil unfolding in the world outside.     

Knowing that she had trustworthy people around her to handle the situation, there was no need for her to think hard about a solution.     

For Jia Fei, the priorities were simple: to enjoy the moment, play with the little princess, and savor delicious food.     


The internet was ablaze with the scandal between two superstar idols, a drama that had escalated beyond mere whispers and rumors. Fans of both artists were locked in a fierce battle, trying to shield their idols' reputations while attacking the others.     

Social media platforms became virtual battlegrounds, with hashtags, memes, and accusations flying back and forth. The consequence of the scandal was not confined to the artists alone; friendships were tested, lines were drawn, and the fandoms were at war.     

Amidst the chaos, as spectators watched the two fandoms clash and tear at each other's throats, HJ Entertainment made a sudden and strategic move. A simple yet potent statement was released, carrying the potential to change the course of the entire controversy:     

[Press Conference at 2 pm tomorrow at the Jade Hotel.]     

Fans from both fandoms, who had been desperately awaiting an explanation from their respective companies, were left stunned by the news of a press conference from HJ Entertainment.      

While Han Liang's company remained silent about the entire issue, Jia Fei's company announced the press conference but provided no details or explanation.     

The fans were taken aback, as this was the first time the company would hold a press conference to address a scandal. Usually, they simply released statements to dismiss any rumors.     

The debate erupted online:     

[Something seems fishy. Why hold a press conference out of nowhere? I definitely sense that there's more to this scandal.]     

[If there's no truth to it, why make such a fuss? It's the first time they're having a press conference for a scandal. It must be something serious.]     

[Are they planning to apologize to the public, or is this about kicking Jia Fei out of the company? It has to be one of those two.]     

[Forget about the press conference itself—look at the venue! The Jade Hotel, that five-star place where only VVIPs dine? Can you believe they're holding the press conference there?]     

[Damn it! I looked it up online, and it's true. Many celebrities can't even host a party at that hotel, yet they're having a mere press conference. How is that possible?]     

[Did you notice that the statement was released by Luo Dan, the PR Head, and not Xu Nuan herself? I wonder if she'll be leading the press conference.]     

[As one of the said victims of the scandal, I wonder what Luo Dan feels about dealing with this matter.]     

[ I feel bad on behalf of Luo Dan. She is such a sweet woman, yet Han Zihao and Jia Fei stabbed her in the back. Shameless people!]     

[Whatever happens, I'm ready for a great show.]     

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