My Evil Genius Wife

Baby Girl

Baby Girl

2In the car, Xu Nuan settled into the passenger seat, her legs comfortably covered with a blanket thoughtfully provided by Han Zihao, who took the driver's seat.     

Since the weather was turning chilly, he made it a habit to keep a blanket in the car, ensuring Xu Nuan's comfort during their rides.     

As they drove, Xu Nuan glanced around, her curiosity piqued when she noticed they were taking a different route. "Hey, aren't we going back home?" she asked, looking at Han Zihao with a playful smile. She had assumed they were heading to their condo, but the change in direction intrigued her.     

Is he taking her to have some fun? She wondered.      

Han Zihao didn't directly answer her question; instead, he turned to her with a caring expression. "You should rest and relax. I'll wake you up when we arrive," he reassured her, gently patting her head.     

"Alright," Xu Nuan replied, deciding not to push for more answers, and picked up her phone instead, browsing through it.     

Observing her using the phone, Han Zihao felt a hint of concern. "You shouldn't use your phone in the car; it might make you feel nauseous again," he advised.     

"But I'm not sleepy, and you didn't let me bring any documents either," she whined, feeling a bit trapped. "If I can't use my phone, what am I supposed to do? I feel useless like a mannequin just sitting here doing nothing," she sighed.     

Recognizing her frustration, Han Zihao handed her a box of strawberries. "Here, have some of these. They might help pass the time and make you feel better."     

Xu Nuan's eyes sparkled with delight as she saw her favorite strawberries. "You really know how to pamper me. But I did munch on a whole packet of chips at the office earlier," she chuckled, teasing him gently before eagerly opening the box of strawberries.     

Despite claiming not to be hungry, she finished off the entire box, savoring each juicy bite. Han Zihao couldn't help but chuckle, amused by her enjoyment. "I guess you were just feeling a little snacky, huh?" He teased her.      

She grinned sheepishly, nodding. "I wasn't hungry, but it seems your little girl was," she said, pointing at her bulging stomach and shrugging helplessly.     

Han Zihao's smile brightened upon hearing her say "Little girl." He still couldn't believe that he was going to become the father of a baby girl. The joy and anticipation overwhelmed him as he looked forward to the new role he was about to embrace.     

The Han Family hadn't welcomed a baby girl for two generations. Upon finding out that Xu Nuan has been carrying the little princess of the Han Family, their joy knew no bounds, and excitement spread through the entire family.     

Grandmother Han had already reserved a spacious room, which she lovingly converted into a princess's paradise, adorned with an array of beautiful dresses and toys.     

The excitement within the whole family was palpable as they eagerly started making a list of names for the precious new addition who would soon become an integral and cherished part of their loving family. The joy and anticipation filled the air as they looked forward to welcoming the little princess and creating beautiful memories together.     

Even Han Liang, who seldom showed his excitement and always pretended to be cool and indifferent, had started learning how to change diapers.      

As the most loved and handsome uncle, he couldn't resist getting some practice in for the long-awaited little princess. His protective instincts kicked in, and he was determined to be the best uncle possible for the newest addition to the family.     


As they continued driving, Han Zihao glanced at Xu Nuan, who had already fallen into a deep slumber. After filling her stomach with strawberries, she couldn't recall when she had drifted off to sleep.      

To let her rest comfortably, he adjusted her seat and turned off the music she had been listening to earlier.      

After an hour-and-a-half-long journey, the car came to a halt, but Xu Nuan was still deep in sleep. Gently caressing her cheeks, he got out of the car and went to her side. He carefully started to undo her seatbelt, trying not to wake her up.     

Seeing how peacefully she slept, he couldn't bring himself to disturb her. He decided to let her rest a little longer and was planning to carry her in a bridal style.     

However, despite his careful actions, Xu Nuan stirred from her sleep and looked at Han Zihao in confusion. "Ah? Have we reached already? Why didn't you wake me up?" she asked, tiredly rubbing her eyes as she straightened her back and sat upright.     

Han Zihao smiled as he undid the seatbelt for her and stood straight, looking at her with affection. "You were sleeping so soundly. How could I have the heart to wake you up?" he replied with a smile, his eyes filled with adoration for his wife.     

Xu Nuan gave him a helpless smile and put away the blanket before getting out of the car, holding Han Zihao's hand for support. Since she was almost seven months into her pregnancy, her body had become heavier, making it difficult to move as freely as before.     

Before her wedding, she had been happy that her body hadn't changed much. However, after entering the remarkable mark of six months, her body went through various changes, and she embraced the pregnancy glow that had started to show more prominently.      

Xu Nuan's pregnancy progressed at a slower pace compared to others, but her doctor assured her that every pregnancy is different, and so is the baby bump. She embraced this unique and special experience with excitement and anticipation for their little princess's arrival.     

Although accepting these changes was a new reality for her, the thought of giving birth to a little princess made every struggle worth it. Carrying a whole human inside her womb made any physical changes insignificant in comparison.     

The anticipation of becoming a mother to their little girl overshadowed any concerns about her appearance, and she felt a sense of fulfillment and joy in nurturing a new life within her.      

With Han Zihao's unwavering love and support, she had no concerns about her appearance, only excitement for their little girl's arrival. Their happy married life was filled with love and anticipation for the new chapter they were about to begin as a family.     


After getting out of the car, Xu Nuan looked around in surprise. A grand white villa stood before her, perched atop a hill, offering a breathtaking view of the vast city.     

The large green garden surrounding the villa had flower beds, a separate area for vegetables, and a garden swing.     

Confused, she asked, "What is this? Why did you bring me here?" She marveled at the beauty of the place, especially after the recent light rain had left the air clean and refreshed, with a rainbow visible through the hilltop.     

As Xu Nuan stood there, amazed by the grand white villa before her, Han Zihao approached from behind, gently draping a blanket over her shoulders. "Wear it. It's cold outside," he said with a warm smile.     

Confused yet curious, she turned to him, wondering what this all meant.     

Sensing her thoughts, Han Zihao rested his chin on her neck and explained, "Since we got married in a hurry, I wanted to give you a wedding gift. When I learned we were going to be parents, I bought this property with the intention of surprising you on our wedding night. But back then, it was still under renovation and needed some changes."     

He turned her to face the impressive villa behind them, the perfect place for them to create a home together.     

"We're going to live here after our little girl is born," he revealed, excitement gleaming in his eyes.     

The villa boasts 4 bedrooms, a study room, a small in-house gym, and a playroom for their little girl. Additionally, there's a swimming pool at the back, making it a perfect home for their growing family.     

"Today, I brought you here because I wanted you to take a breath of fresh air and have some rest from all the work you've been doing these past few days. You deserved a little relaxation, and this place is perfect for that," he explained, his caring gaze focused on her.     

"It's just an hour and a half away from the city, yet it feels so secluded and beautiful. I wish we could move in immediately, but I don't want to take any risks. We'll wait until after you deliver the baby," he shared honestly, emphasizing the importance of her well-being and safety.     

He continued, "For now, staying in the city is the best option. The hospitals are nearby and reachable within minutes in case anything happens. Considering how close you are to going into labor, I don't want to take any chances. That's why I planned this two-day vacation before we return to our home."     

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