My Evil Genius Wife

Do as you like.

Do as you like.

3HJ Entertainment.      

Inside the CEO's office, Jia Fei and Luo Dan gathered for a meeting with Xu Nuan after receiving her call. They were taken aback as they entered the office, finding it overflowing with gifts and flower bouquets, which crammed the spacious room.    

Jia Fei exclaimed in astonishment, making her way toward Xu Nuan's desk and plopping down in front of her. "Whoa! What's the deal with all these gifts and bouquets?"    

Xu Nuan, engrossed in signing a document, responded without looking up, "Hmm! They're all for you. I'll have someone move them to your car later."    

"Huh? For me?" Jia Fei was left speechless, her eyes scanning the room once again.    

She couldn't believe the overwhelming response from her fans. It was far beyond her expectations.    

After finishing her signature, Xu Nuan put the document away and finally glanced up at Jia Fei, wearing an indifferent expression. "Not only my office but the meeting room is also packed with gifts and flowers for you."    

She let out a tired sigh. "Even the brands you work with and other artists sent their best wishes."      

The response to the news of Jia Fei's dating had been explosive, causing Xu Nuan to resort to posting online, requesting fans to stop sending gifts due to the lack of storage space.    

Jia Fei awkwardly rubbed her ears and looked at Xu Nuan's pale and exhausted complexion. "Weren't you planning to go on maternity leave after the wedding? Why are you back at the office?"    

Luo Dan nodded in agreement, concern evident in her expression. The past few days had been incredibly stressful, and Xu Nuan had to return to the office right after her honeymoon to handle the scandal.    

Now that everything is settled, she should take a break and focus on her health and the baby.    

Xu Nuan leaned back wearily in her chair. "I did plan to. But then, you kept getting new endorsement offers and collaboration proposals. I had to come to the office to sort them out, so there won't be any issues when I eventually take my leave."    

Initially, she had intended to take a well-deserved maternity leave and rest. However, after Jia Fei's dating news broke and she won multiple awards, her popularity skyrocketed, resulting in a flood of hard-to-resist offers.    

Xu Nuan wanted to personally review the offers before making any decisions. Being a new company, she had to oversee everything to ensure a smooth process.    

Jia Fei sighed, observing Xu Nuan's condition. "You shouldn't push yourself like this because of me. If you keep working in this state, your husband might banish me from the industry."    

Xu Nuan chuckled and replied, "What are you talking about? What kind of person do you think he is?" Shaking her head, she took a sip of her orange juice to refresh herself before asking, "By the way, have you heard anything from Yuhan?"    

Jia Fei raised an eyebrow, understanding the underlying meaning. She nodded and said, "I heard it was all his mother and Lin Ran's doing. Yuhan was furious when his mother informed him about it."    

"He even insisted on cutting ties with his family if they continued to meddle in his personal life. After a heated argument, they reached an agreement that his family would no longer interfere in our lives or question our relationship." Jia Fei explained.    

"His mother even apologized to me. While it was clear that she did it for the sake of her son, at least she apologized. I can't believe you made that proud woman say sorry to me. How are you so good at handling these things?" Jia Fei gazed at Xu Nuan with gleaming eyes, curious to know her secret.    

Xu Nuan played with the pen in her hands while speaking seriously, "Well, I don't think she would dare to do anything to you in the future. If she does, it won't take me long to bring down the entire Yu clan that she's so proud of."    

This time, Xu Nuan had let them off easily for the sake of both families. However, she wouldn't hesitate to strike back ruthlessly if they ever dared to harm anyone close to her.    

Jia Fei grinned proudly and gave Xu Nuan a thumbs-up. "You're amazing!"    


The meeting continued, with Xu Nuan and Luo Dan discussing Jia Fei's schedule and Luo Dan, as the Head of the PR Department, proposing ideas to enhance Jia Fei's image among fans.    

Meanwhile, Jia Fei slouched in her chair, feeling utterly exhausted and frustrated with her packed schedule. She couldn't help but complain, "Damn it! Can't I have a few days off in between all of this?" Her work schedule seemed relentless, leaving her no room to breathe.    

Xu Nuan rolled her eyes in sympathy, realizing the strain on Jia Fei. After a moment of consideration, she decided to step in and reallocate some of Jia Fei's projects to give her much-needed rest.    


Just as they were trying to find a solution, the office door swung open with a loud bang, startling Jia Fei and Luo Dan. Xu Nuan's eyes widened in surprise as Han Zihao entered the room.    

Upon seeing him, her face lit up with a smile, but it quickly faded as she noticed his somber expression. "Oh! Darling, what brings you here?" Her voice held warmth and concern.    

Ignoring the curious gazes of Luo Dan and Jia Fei, Han Zihao made his way to Xu Nuan, wearing a gloomy expression. He scrutinized her from head to toe as if searching for any signs of distress.    

Confused, Xu Nuan furrowed her brow as Han Zihao turned her around on the chair, examining her closely. "Darling, what on earth are you doing? Is there something on my face?"    

Han Zihao's frown deepened, his frustration evident. "Why did you come to the office if you weren't feeling well?"    

Perplexed by the sudden change in his demeanor, Xu Nuan tried to dismiss it with feigned ignorance. "Huh? What are you talking about? I'm fine."    

His expression hardened, and he revealed what he knew. "I heard from the doctor that you called this morning, saying you weren't feeling well. Why didn't you tell me about it?"    

Xu Nuan sighed, realizing her attempt to hide it from him had failed. "It's nothing serious, really. I was feeling a bit nauseous and dizzy, so I asked about medication. It's just a minor issue."    

Han Zihao remained unsatisfied, shifting his gaze to Jia Fei and Luo Dan. "And why are both of you here? Didn't you promise not to burden her with work anymore? The doctor has already emphasized the need for her to rest and be cautious during this time. Why are you making her work in this condition?"    

Jia Fei scoffed, shaking her head firmly. "Don't blame us. I didn't call her. I even reminded her not to overexert herself." She felt defensive, sensing an unfair guilt trip from Han Zihao's gaze.    

Han Zihao then turned his questioning gaze to Luo Dan, who raised her hands defensively. "I had nothing to do with it either. I swear, I'm innocent."    

Xu Nuan sighed and shook her head, finally offering an explanation. "No one called me. I came to the office to check and make plans before my maternity leave."    

Reassuring Han Zihao, she continued, "Don't worry, I'm not pushing myself too hard. I'm eating well and taking breaks. I can handle—"    

Before she could finish her sentence, a wave of nausea washed over her, and she felt the need to vomit once again.    

Reacting swiftly, Han Zihao grabbed a nearby bin and supported her as she emptied her stomach. He gently patted her back, providing comfort and care.    

Once she had finished, he handed her tissues to wipe her face and a glass of water to rinse her mouth. Witnessing her condition, Han Zihao realized that things couldn't continue as they were.    

With a firm decision, Han Zihao announced, "From now on, you won't come to the office anymore. I'll handle the company myself."    

Xu Nuan was taken aback by his decision. As the president of Han Corporations, he had numerous responsibilities, and she couldn't comprehend how he would manage her small company on top of it all.    

Before she could respond, Han Zihao called his secretary into the room. "Feng Sheng!"    

The secretary, Feng Sheng, promptly entered. Han Zihao turned to Luo Dan and gave instructions, "If there's anything important regarding the company, you can contact my secretary directly. And if it's urgent, you have my personal number."    

He reassured Luo Dan, with his words indirectly meant for Xu Nuan, "I'll arrange for someone from Han Corporations to oversee the company's operations. No need to worry."      

He couldn't afford to be lenient with Xu Nuan any longer, knowing she might neglect her health until it reached a breaking point.    

Understanding his underlying concern, Xu Nuan realized that Han Zihao wanted to ensure her well-being. Resigned to his decision, Xu Nuan shrugged, acknowledging his authority. "Fine, do as you like."    

Han Zihao's expression softened, and he affectionately kissed her forehead. "Good girl."    

Observing the couple's affectionate exchange, Jia Fei and Luo Dan exchanged glances and shook their heads. Though tired of witnessing their public displays of affection, they had grown accustomed to it.    

"Now that work is done, let's go home. I'll call the doctor to check on you," Han Zihao declared, bending down to pick Xu Nuan up in his arms.    

Perplexed, Xu Nuan furrowed her brow. "Now? But I still have some proposals to review." She wrapped her arms around his neck, knowing he wouldn't let her down anymore.    

"You can review them at home. I'll help you go through them. Let's go. Sitting for too long isn't good for you. Your back will start hurting," he insisted, whisking her away without entertaining any further requests.    

After Han Zihao left with Xu Nuan, Jia Fei and Luo Dan remained in the office, shaking their heads in amusement. Luo Dan picked up the files from Xu Nuan's desk before walking out, turning off the lights as she left, leaving the office behind.    

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