Unexpected Second Chance at Love

sense of security

sense of security

Grandfather Ji sat inside the private ward and he stares at Yue Ling with a daze look. His mouth opens and closes, but it was like all the words he wanted to say were stuck in this throat.     

Was he hearing things? Could Ji Jingxu's words about his hearing gone bad really true?     

After a long moment of struggling, he was finally able to choke out his words.     

"A-Ah Ling, are you sure? Are you really sure?"     


Yue Ling answers right away with a faint smile curled on her lip.     

"I won't ask why you keep insisting that I take over Ji Corps, but I'm sure you have a reasonable reason."     

She stretch her left hand towards him and place her palm over his hand that was leaning on the edge of the bed.     

"I just hope that one of these days, you will be the one to tell me why."     

Hearing her words, tears welled up in Grandfather Ji's eyes. He wanted so badly to tell her about his illness, but he gather every ounce of energy inside him to stop himself.     

It's still not the right time yet.     

Seeing the look in his eyes, Yue Ling knew something is wrong, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She doesn't push the thought further as she knows he has his reasons for not telling her.     

Brushing the thought aside, she turns to face him and held his hand with both of hers.     

"Although I've given you my answer, please give me some time to settle the situation between De L'amour and An Qing. Once everything is taken care of, I will come to Ji Corps."     

Grandfather Ji's eyes trembles at her words, but he nods his head in understanding.     

She already has three companies on her shoulders. If she is going to take over Ji Corps too, she will need to make some adjustments.     

After all, An Qing is still vacant of a CEO and if he remembers correctly, she is in the process of joining An Qing and De L'amour into one. However, even if it succeeds, that still does not lessen the weigh on her shoulders.     

He heaves a long sigh thinking about this and moves his hands away from hers. Of course, only so he can place his palm over hers.     

"Alright. Until you are done, I will continue to take care of Ji Corps."     

Yue Ling sighs a smile at the old man. She part her lips to say something, but a knock suddenly sounds at the door.     

Thinking it must be Lu Tian and the others, she quickly looks to the door, but to her disappointment, it was someone else.     

However, she held a smile to the person when she realize who it was.     

Grandfather Ji saw her expression and also turns to see who it was. His granddaughter was going to tell him something, but this person actually dare to interrupt them.     

When his eyes landed on the person, his eyebrows arch up in surprise.     

"Miss Qin."     

Qin Xue stood by the opened door and she was wearing the same hospital attire Yue Ling had on before. She smiles at Yue Ling, then politely gestures a bow in greeting to Grandfather Ji.     

"I'm sorry, it looks like I came at a wrong time."     

Knowing that Qin Xue must have come to see how Yue Ling is doing, Grandfather Ji faintly smiles to her.     

"No, no, you're fine."     

He turns to look at his granddaughter and pat her hand.     

"I'll go find Doctor Dong. You two go ahead and chat."     


Yue Ling smiles a nod at her grandfather. As his figure walks out of the room, she looks at Qin Xue and gestures to a chair.     

"Please do sit."     

Although Qin Xue was nervous as she was looking at not only her idol but her savior, she didn't hesitate to take the offer. She quickly enters the room and sits down on the chair Grandfather Ji was sitting on before he left.     

She looks at Yue Ling and her hands clench over her lap.     

"Miss Han, I want to thank you. Shi Yan stopped by and she told me everything."     

"No need for the formalities. You can just call me Yue Ling."     

Yue Ling held a sincere smile on her face, and she positions herself to sit at the edge of the bed.     

"What I did is what anyone would have done. The same goes for everyone else too."     

Now that they were in a brighter place, she could see a clearer view of the red hair woman.     

Qin Xue is a very beautiful woman. Her soft-spoken voice really matched well with her facial features as everything about her gave off an innocent image.     

However, wrapped around her neck was a white gauze.     

Seeing this, Yue Ling sighs inside. She doesn't beat around the bush and decides to ask.     

"Did the doctors mention whether you will be left with a scar or not?"     

Hearing her question, Qin Xue blinked her eyes. She chuckles and touch the bandage around her neck.     

"Scar or no scar. This is the proof that I survived a battle."     

There are a lot of women who are afraid of having permanent scars on their face and body, but she is not one of them.     

Her smile widens as it reaches her eyes and she leans towards Yue Ling.     

"Plus, I think I look more scarier with this scar. No will dare to kidnap me again."     

She giggles and raise her chin a little higher as if to show Yue Ling the scar despite it being covered.     

"I'm also hoping it'll look similar to a tattoo too."     

Yue Ling stares at the red hair woman with an expression full of amusement. For someone who just experienced a life-threatening situation, she is relieved to see that Qin Xue is still energetic.     

Also, she can tell that although Qin Xue is from a prominent family, she is not self-center and doesn't act like those spoilt princesses she (Yue Ling) has met a few times.     

Thinking this way, she softly smiles and reach her hand to gently pat the girl on her head.     

"It must have been a very scary experience for you and the others."     

As her words fell, she was also taken back by surprise at what she was doing. It was like a natural thing to do as she always did this to those who are younger than her.     

Qin Xue stare in surprise at Yue Ling and her entire body froze. Her parents had always told her that tears show a person's weakness. Which was why she hadn't shed a single tear since she had awoken in the hospital.     

However, the moment she felt Yue Ling's hand on her head, her lower lip began to tremble.     

It was so warm and gave the feeling of a mother. No, it was more like that of an older sister.     

Yue Ling gave a sense of security, like no matter what happens, she will keep you safe.     

Before she (Qin Xue) realized it, her tears had already slid down her cheeks and she chokes in sobs.     

"Wuuu… I thought I would never see my family anymore! Wuuu… I had lost all hope every time I opened my eyes and I was still in that scary place… wuuu…"     

As Qin Xue pour her heart out, Yue Ling quietly listens. She continues to gently stroke Qin Xue's head to soothe her like a child.     

It was only natural for a person to cry after surviving such a calamity.     

"Qin Xue!!"     

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