Unexpected Second Chance at Love

dun dun dun

dun dun dun

A woman's voice calls out and interrupts Yue Ling and Qin Xue. Both women looked at the door and sees a middle-aged couple standing outside the room.     

It was the middle-aged woman who called out to Qin Xue. She wore a purple dress with a white coat over. She looked young despite her age, but she held a grim expression like one that can send a chill down a person's spine.     

Without showing any courtesy, she marches inside the private ward as Yue Ling and Qin Xue could see how angry she is.     

"Didn't I say for you to rest in your room? Why didn't you listen?!"     

Qin Xue's tears quickly dried and she wipes her eyes free from anymore tears.     


Madam Qin grabs her daughter by the arm and yanks her up from the chair forgetting that her daughter is a patient in the hospital. She looks at Yue Ling with eyes full of vicious daggers ready to stab.     

"Miss Han, I am thankful that you saved my daughter, but because of you, she will have a scar for life."     

She had read in an article about what happened during the Fashion Show but she does not care if Yue Ling is a well-known designer and owner of De L'amour. At this moment she cannot subdue her anger. Qin Xue is not married, yet, now that she is disfigured with this scar, who will want to marry her?     

Yue Ling stares at Madam Qin with an arch brow. Was she afraid of this woman's words and sharp gaze? Of course not. Why would she be?     

However, hearing her words, Yue Ling head a solemn expression.     

She once read an online post during her time overseas. It was about a man saving another man from a car accident. After the accident, the man who was saved became paralyzed and sued his savior for causing his inability to walk again.     

Its truly crazy how some people can turn the good in people into hatred.     

Then again, she does understand Madam Qin's anger as any parent would be angry for their child. She can also understand why Qin Xue looked to pitiful when she cried.     

Fortunately, Qin Xue's personality did not take after her mother.     

Heaving a faint sigh, Yue Ling stood up and slightly leans forward as she gestures a polite and apologetic bow.     

"I am sincerely sorry for the scar. To make it up, I will find the best doctor to treat her wound."     

Qin Xue's eyes shook when she heard this. She is already thankful enough that Yue Ling saved her and the other women. As for the scar, she does not care if it is there or not. If a man genuinely loves her, he will not care about such thing.     

Looking at her mother, she retaliates to protect Yue Ling.     

"Ma, stop! Miss Han is my savior. Without her, I would not be standing here. Why are you saying all this?"     

Madam Qin was in a daze when she saw how tall Yue Ling was. This is her first time meeting the retired model in person, but hearing her daughter's words, she came back to her senses.     

She cast a side glare to shut her daughter up, then shift her glare to Yue Ling.     

"My Qin family does not need help from outsiders."     

A hmmf sounds from her and she pulls Qin Xue out of the room. She has seen a lot of women who tries to befriend her daughter for fame. In her eyes, Yue Ling is also one of those women.     

"Ma! Ma! Stop! Miss Han is my friend!!"     

Qin Xue tries to reason with her mother, but the middle-aged woman did not bulge. Left with no choice, she could only turn to look at Yue Ling and bow apologetically.     

"Miss Han, I am terribly sorry. Please excuse my mother."     

She knows that Yue Ling is nice person and nothing like those so-called friends of hers in the past. She had wanted to use this chance to find a real friend, she only hopes that Yue Ling does not take her mother's words into consideration and doesn't think of her badly.     

"Friend? These 'friends' of yours are only after your wealth. You can find another friend."     

Madam Qin spat out her words coldly and continues to pull her daughter out of the rom. However, as she was busy doing this, she did not see the stupefied look on Yue Ling.     

Since when was she after the Qin family's wealth? What benefit would it bring her when she has her own wealth?     

"Xue'er, listen to your mother and return to your room. You need to recuperate well."     

Old Qin spoke calmly to his daughter and then looks to Yue Ling. He smiles a faint and apologetic smile to her.     

"Miss Han, this is a small matter between my Qin family. I hope Miss Han does not take offense and rest well too."     

He knows that what his wife said is not actually wrong. These 'friends' of his daughter are always up to no good. They claim to be her friends, but when they have no need for her anymore, they just cast her away like some old jewelry.     

As for Yue Ling, he can see that she is not like those friends, but who knows. In the long run, she might have other intentions.     

"What is going on here?!"     

Just as the family of three were about to leave, a domineering voice thunders from a short distance away. Qin Xue and her parents froze in a complete daze as Yue Ling leisurely sat back down on the bed.     

"G-General Ji."     

Old Qin stutters in a polite tone. He is incredibly surprised to run into the old man here. Seeing the distance he (Grandfather Ji) was standing, there is no doubt he saw and heard everything that happened.     

Standing on the other side of her daughter, Madam Qin does not let go of Qin Xue's arm. However, she did not forget to politely bow in greeting to the old man.     

"General Ji, I am sorry if you had to witness such a scene unfold. My husband and I are only here to bring our daughter back to her room to rest."     

Grandfather Ji stares at the Qin family and the space between his brows crease into three lines. He did not hear anything, but seeing that they came out from Yue Ling's room, did something happen?     

From what he knows, Madam Qin has quite a sharp tongue and an awfully bad temper especially when it comes to her daughter.     

Seeing that Grandfather Ji must have nothing more to say, Madam Qin subconsciously glance inside the room. When she saw Yue Ling sitting on the hospital bed with a calm expression, she snort arrogantly.     

"What an annoying girl. Want to be my daughter's friend? Keep dreaming."     

She had whispered under her breath, but Grandfather Ji was able to read her lip movements. His eyes narrows into darkness and he walks towards the family of three.     

As he stops in front of them, he poke his head into the room. When his eyes met with his granddaughter's, he sighs for a brief second seeing that she is alright. However, he changed his sigh into one of pity.     

"Aiya, it is such a pity that your highly distinguish Qin family finds my Ji family a nuisance."     

Old Qin and Madam Qin quickly held confused expressions. When did they say the Ji family was a nuisance?     

Seeing the look on their faces, Grandfather Ji heartily laughs like someone had told him the funniest joke ever.     

How could he have forgotten. During his birthday banquet, he had announced Yue Ling as his real granddaughter to the families that attended. However, the Qin family who were also invited could not attend due to their own personal matters overseas.     

He had also told the guests that attended to keep the news to themselves as Yue Ling requested it since she wanted to live normally.     

Shaking his head, he looks at Old Qin and Madam Qin. His thumb pointing inside the room and sounds another heartily, but sarcastic laugh.     

"Aiya, I forgot to mention. Ah Ling is my granddaughter."     


(Dun dun dun)     

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