Mark of the destiny

Please, kiss

Please, kiss

The security guard gave a salute as she drove in through the gates. The kids jumped out and ran to the first floor. Honey's voice echoing, "One who comes last will eat food cooked by mommy."      

Suyin scowled. Even the ever so lazy Cleopatra sprinted at a lightning speed.     

Bagheera came first. Cleopatra second and Honey ended up last.     

"Poor you. Mommy is making cake tonight. And it's mine!" Honey sticks his tongue out at his two brothers and pushed the door with his bum.     

Suyin caught the whiff of cheese accompanied by soft music when the door opened. Obviously, lunch had always been the man's department. And dinner? It's the teamwork of three. Teasing and bickering nonstop.      

She dropped the bag on the table and looked across the open kitchen, catching Wang Shi swaying to the tunes of music while stirring something with a spatula.     

Oh, those hottie bums! Swaying in perfect rhythm. Left. Right. Left. Right.     

A table for three sets in the small living room, curtains parted. Of course, it's Friday lunch. Everything starting from Friday has to be special. It's the announcement of the weekend.     

"Hey," she got closer, "Smells amazing. I can't wait to dig in." A gasp escaped her mouth when he turned abruptly and snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her close. The next second she felt his cheeks brushing with hers, electrocuting her entire being.     

"Hm, no fever. Good. Last night you scared me. This has happened thrice in the past two months, maybe we should get a blood test done."     

Suyin "..."     

The delicious fragrance of his Cologne mixed with his own was intoxicating and tickled her nose. She eyed him sternly. "Who checks for fever like this?"     

Illegal. This action should be declared illegal. No. The man himself should be declared illegal. Rouge. She pressed her stomach to stop the fluttering of butterflies at hottie bum's touch.      

  "My hands were soiled. Do you want your dress to get stained?"     

"What about the one wrapped around my waist? Ain't it soiling my dress now?"     

"Nope, I was careful. I still am."     

She sighed. Just with whom was she arguing and damaging her brain cells? "Let me go now. Kids are watching." Of course, the three were seated on the floor, watching the two as if a romantic movie playing live in the kitchen.     

Honey made a face as if swallowed a whole lemon and looked his left and right. "Just kiss! We are tired of waiting." He stood up with a grunt, a hand supporting his back, and bent forward. "Cough, cough.... I'm getting old now. Don't know when my kid-parents will kiss again, cough, cough, cough--"     

Suyin and Wang Shi's mouths twitched as they shared a glance.     

Wang Shi, "I think we should rain check on our picnic plans this Sunday--"     

"I need to wash my hands. Baghee, Cleo, come, come." And the three sprinted to the room. Honey poked his head out from the door, "The plan is still on, right?"     


"Ok. I'm going. You continue. But please, Kiss."     

Suyin was smiling at Honey when Wang Shi spoons warm sauce from the pan and holds it to her lips. "Black truffle pasta with parmesan and meatballs. Taste and tell." she hummed and closed her eyes as the rich umami flavors and cheese melted on her tongue. "I knew it! When I got the ingredients today, I had to make it."      

Her eyes snapped open. She felt empty when he let go of her suddenly, and resumed cooking. Remnants of his touch lingering on her waist, the sensation as powerful as magic. She could still smell his cologne on her.      

"How was your day?"     

"Nothing different," she answered with no interest, trying to smile back when he looked.      

True to Honey's words, it's been months since Wang Shi had kissed her. Not even forehead kisses. As if everything had come to an abrupt halt between them. The man was really giving her space, never invading it for once. Though she shouldn't, she's not liking it even a bit....     

She wanted to maintain a friendly relationship between them for the sake of Honey, but now that he's really doing it, it angers her.      

Worst, he's taking care of her, he's doing everything that he used to, but by keeping a distance. Last week she had casually mentioned about her cravings for truffle pasta. And today it's on her plate. Considering how difficult it was to get these ingredients here, he must have gotten them from Cheyna, which explains the long wait.     

She hauled herself on the kitchen counter.     

"No no-no. Don't wait here. It's hot and congested." he pulled her down by hand, nudging her to the living room. "Veggies are still in the oven. Just ten more minutes."     

"I don't want to." She put on oven gloves and moved to check the vegetables. "How was your day?"     

"Fine. Just this once you can help me in the kitchen. But I'm not letting you cook dinner. Now coming back to your question, I did a complicated valve replacement on a sixty-year-old man, took a lecture with university students, and got a ruptured intestine case in emergency and after lunch, I have to go on rounds."     

So much! Yet he cooked lunch for them. He always does.     

That night on the terrace, when Wang Shi had said he had promises to fulfill, least she knew those promises were to help the citizens of El Sandrios to deliver them good medical services and did a billion-dollar investment in the health care sector.     

Though it would benefit him in the long term, it will take over a decade to achieve a breakeven point in investments. Had he put the money somewhere else, it would have given better and faster returns. Not to forget he had put his business expansion plan on hold because of this.      

She poured water into a glass and shoved him away from the counter, her movement firm, an action wielded by a strong woman who never takes no for an answer. "Sit under the fan. I'm taking over." the water splashed as she forced the glass into his hand. "GO! And wipe your face dry with cold water. Gosh, you are sweating profusely."     

"I'm done washing my hands. How can I help?" Honey showed his clean hands to Suyin.      

"Help me add meat to Bagheera and Cleopatra's bowls."     

Wang Shi pulls out one of the chairs on the table, "Honey, mommy's angry today. Have you done something naughty?"     

Honey, "I wouldn't dare. Not until we are done with Sunday picnic."      

"All you are thinking of is your picnic. Stingy."     




Thud, Suyin set the pasta bowl on the table. Another thud, and serving plates were added. Followed by a thud on every addition.     

Honey and Wang Shi curled into a tight ball, not daring to make a noise.      


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