Mark of the destiny

Dashing man

Dashing man

"DUH, shameless man. It was a mistake to come here." Suyin yanked her hand from his grip and sat down on the wheelchair. Mumbling gibberish, probably cursing-- don't know if the target was Wang Shi or the one sitting above.     

Wang Shi laughed. She looks adorable with that flushed face and pout. Honey has given her apt name, Ducky! But angry Suyin resembles an angry Donald duck who flutters in the air and makes sounds when angry.     

"Won't you ask where is Master Gong Tuan?" He asked.     

"In your captivity. Probably tortured or even worse," She wasn't a fool; she knew what Wang Shi, Feng Jianyu, and Lu Xion were capable of. Especially when Wang Shi had sworn to punish the culprit personally. She still doesn't know what he has done to her ex. It's as if Qi Wren vanished overnight and none dared to ask about him. Not even his relatives.     

And while she too wants to punish the culprit, but before that Gong Tuan has to answer her questions. The most important- why her?      

"In my captivity, yes. But none of us has touched a single strand of his hair," He said, "I know you want to talk to him once."      

Suyin pulled her lips in, looking everywhere but at him. A sign of hesitation. "I--"     

Wang Shi held her hand, "Rest assured, I have revealed nothing about Gong Tuan to Cheyna media or to my parents." He's not naïve to reveal such crucial information which has direct implications on Suyin.      

Earlier she had accepted being Gong Tuan's student on Fei Hong's radio show. Wang Shi had inquired, it was Master Gong Tuan who had helped her get her first job in social services when she was continuously rejected on the basis of her cheating record.     

If the news broke out that it was Gong Tuan's handiwork, even Suyin wouldn't be able to escape the heat. The matter involves two countries and a reputable political family, it's certain she would be called out by people. Even the ministry will terminate her from service and initiate an investigation against her.     

Suyin stayed as she was. The warmth from his hand seeping into her cold ones. She was out of words. Truly.     

This was the golden chance for him to clear his and his family's name. Above that, it would automatically nullify all the claims made by Wu Sean and his father, and the ones circulating on the internet about Honey's heart as people would take her as one of Gong Tuan's person who was sent to frame Wang family.      

She knew how people's mindset work. They'd call her a spy. They'd even call her baby's death a ploy. They would take her as a woman who was groomed by a criminal and sent into social services with ill intentions.     

"I gave something to Fei--"     

"Ah, about that video clip--" Wang Shi interrupted, "Do you really think Hong would upload such a thing without my knowledge? I had stopped that." It was a self-recorded video of Suyin-- an attempt to clear Wang family's name before leaving for Gong Tuan's place. It was as if she was preparing for the worse.      

The worse means her death.      

In a five minute recording, Suyin took Tamis's name as the mastermind and his animosity against the Wang family; obviously not disclosing Wang Shi was on the hijacked plane. She had even added a brief clip where Wang Shi and his personals were helping the people of El Sandrios-- it was to shut down the rumors that claimed he had fled from the country.      

However, she didn't say a word about her son and Wang Shi's involvement in his death. Her selfish self stopped her. Had she done that, wouldn't that mean she was clearing his name and thereby lose every chance to get Honey?      

Suyin moved her gaze to Honey, his innocent smile as he read her letters, warming her heart. Then a frown tugged the corner of her lips downward.      

Children are not your possession. You don't decide what they can have and what not. As a parent, you should only be concerned with your child's happiness instead of petty insecurities.     

Wang Shi snapped his fingers at her face. "The dashing man you are dreaming of is right in front of you, Miss. Zhao."     

Her eyelids fluttered, lips twitched. "Correction needed. The dashing man I always dream of is sitting on the couch, six feet away from me."      

"Your definition of dashing needs correction. Or maybe it's because you forgot to wear glasses today."     

"Looks like you are overdosing on medicines. It's been only a day and you already have enough energy to annoy me. Wait, let me check--"     

"It's been five days," He said. Her hands paused midway before she could pick his file. "You took Dr. Colton's words lightly when he said you were about to lose a limb, didn't you?"      

"Five? Before doing your surgery, I gave myself temporary treatment so that I'd be able to stand. It shouldn't be that serious."      

"Deep vein thrombosis. Dr. Colton removed the clot in time."      

"And when did you wake up?"     

"Two days after my surgery,"     

"B-Birthday," Slowly her head shifted to the little one sitting on the couch, silently crying. "Honey, love," his birthday. He had so many expectations, but both she and Wang Shi were not available for him. "Come to me, sweetie,"      

Honey ran into her embrace and nudged in the crook of her neck. "I love you, mommy. You and daddy are the best."     

Confused, she made him look at her, "But your birthday--"     

"Tsk, it will come again next year. Leave it." It seems Honey was never bothered about it. But why was he crying then? He rose the phone, showing the screen, "Birthday gift?"     

Her eyes stung. "Yes. I was planning for it for months. But then you said you will choose your own birthday gift and probably combine them all for a bigger one. So I used this as your compensation," she tapped his little nose, "Like it?"     

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