Mark of the destiny

Storm ahead

Storm ahead

You don't meet people by accident. There's always a reason. A lesson or a blessing. Somehow your fate always manages to bring you to the place you are supposed to be. Even if you try to avoid it, it will drag you.     

She looked at the ceiling, stream of tears flowing non stop, 'Enjoying, huh? Yes, it's true. He's the one I have wished for. He's the one I want to be with so desperately that I willingly gave myself another chance. He's the one who I let my heart and soul to touch. He's the one I started dreaming my future with. He's the one and only one.'     

'But if he was really my destiny that you keep bringing us together-- why did you do all this? Why? Are you bored that much that you started playing with our lives? Or the power of being a creator has gotten into your head? Or do you enjoy seeing helpless humans and they begging you for help that you desperately do this to boost your ego? Tell me, just tell me what it is?'     

The cracks and the falling patches of paints started back in silence.     

She scoffed, 'Coward. You don't even have the courage to reply. But let me tell you, I'd never fold my hands to you and give you the satisfaction you are looking for. Just rot in hell. Rot in hell forever.'     

She closed her eyes, slowly letting her calm down.     

Wang Shi removed his arm from his eyes and turned to Suyin. She was drenched in sweat, her eyes closed.      

He carefully pulled Honey to the space between them and freed his shirt from Honey's fist. Then he propped his body to an awkward angle and pulled her collar to check the cut on neck. Without delay, he stood to get his medical kit and walked to the other side of the bed to change her bandage.     

His actions as gentle as ever as he cleaned the cut and replaced the bandage with a fresh one, finishing by dabbing a dry cloth over beads of sweat. To his satisfaction she was sleeping soundly all this while.     

He sat by her bed, tracing her soft cheek where once a temporary dragon tattoo was. Though a temporary one, it had caused a severe reaction on her skin. Bald head, dark circle under eyes, chapped lips and bruises all over~ the more he looks, the more it hurts.     

"I am sorry, Suyin. I really am. Don't punish our future for the mistake of my past."     

He leaned over and kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger a little longer. He laid his eyes on her sleeping face one last time before going back to his place.     

The moment the bed creaked when he lied, Suyin's eyes opened. She was awake all this while. This time the God above answered, the voice echoed in her brain, 'Don't always remember the wrong. And don't forget the things they did right. Make your own choice.'     

Wang Shi's lips curled up into a smile. He was aware she was awake all this while and was only pretending. But he continued to see if she'd push him. She didn't. This only means there's still a space in her heart where he still exists.      

Slowly and steadily, he'd win her back. With a satisfied heart, he closed his eyes, lest he knew a storm was waiting for them, ready to challenge.     


Meanwhile, the situation in Cheyna turned worse. Wu Sean and Wu Sangui had stripped off their facade and had come out openly against the Wang family. Many other ministers joined them as well.     

Wang family had been ruling in politics for generations. During this time, they had made more enemies than friends. It was the perfect opportunity for many to dream of achieving personal motives if not the president's seat.      

Had it not been for the power of Feng family, it could have become difficult for Wang Huang to manage the situation alone. Along with the Wang family's personal security, Feng Junjie had added his own security to keep the family members safe. While his elder brothers were in El Sandrios, he was managing the situation in Cheyna along with Daiyu.     

The media companies that come under Feng empire had been continuously trying to damage control, trying to keep Wang family's positive image.     

However, the organ trafficking scandal had blown out of proportion. Wu Sean had released all the information he had gathered about the People's NGO to the media. To worse, he had used Suyin's name blatantly.     

Suyin was the known name in the Cheyna, known for her honesty, and uprightness. She had gained a reputation where people had blind faith in her work. Since the article was released under Suyin's name, it contains added weight.     

To worse, the article even contained her signature to confirm its authenticity.      

Public heavily condemned Wang family. People gathered outside the NGO, demanding resignation from the president couple and investigation against the Wang family.     




Wu Sean gritted his teeth as Alpha yelled over them over the phone.      

"Alpha, we--"     

"SHUT UP," Alpha snarled, "How dare you lied Suyin is with you. She is in El Sandrios, and Wang Shi is with her. Do you have any idea what you have done? Not only you failed to kill that child, but because of your negligence our years of hard work are about to destroy. Useless, you even failed to convince Huang from sending his military."     

Wu Sangui, "Suyin pretended as if she's against Wang Shi, and was planning against him in secret. We even got everything confirmed through her family--"     

"But they made a fool out of you, idiots. I had warned you before not to take Suyin lightly and keep me updated. But you lied to me." Noise of Alpha's huffing, and several things breaking was loud and clear. "She's the weapon I created. No one knows her potency better than me. She's the two-sided sword. Argh, tell me what is the situation there?"     

Sangui was about to say something, but Sean stepped up, "I have a plan. Just hear me once--"     

"YOU HEAR ME." Alpha snarled. "After the release of the article under Suyin's name, everyone is hoping for her to give a statement. Now leak the information of her child's death and Wang Shi's involvement in it, followed by a fake news of her being missing. Just complete this task. No mistake." People will assume it's the Wang family's handiwork and will pressurize more. And since she is in his territory, he knows how to make sure she doesn't clear this confusion.      

Once Wang Huang resigns, the control will fall into Sangui's hand. Following Alpha's order, Sangui will issue the immediate orders for the military to return.     

Wu Sean frowned. He knows Alpha's cruel nature and his madness to achieve his motive. Doesn't this mean he'd get Suyin killed so that she could never clear Wang Shi's name?      

"But Suyin--"      

Alpha hung up     

Wu Sangui squeezed his son's shoulder, "Forget her. There are many other women in this world dying to climb your bed. Why look for a used product? She's not good for this family."     


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