Mark of the destiny

Is he dead?

Is he dead?

The bag had a phone which coincidently rang at the same time. Since Wang Shi was holding Suyin, Honey took it out from the cloth bag. His nose scrunched, "A L P H A. Alpha? Weird name,"      

Suyin looked down and took it from him, and then pressed the answer button. The familiar voice sounded, "Did you like the surprise?"     

"Bloody bas*ard,"     

"Beware! Your little dogs are with me. And I am itching to put a collar around their neck. Want to know what it does?" Suyin remained silent. Alpha's eerie chuckled echoed, "Looks like my little pawn is not interested. It's okay. Will let you know later. Before that, I have some serious business to talk."     

Suyin looked at Wang Shi. His brows furrowed. He questioned her with his eyes, to which she pointed at the photograph and mouthed, 'Mei. Track.' He looked into the crowd for any signs of Xiu Mei, or Jianyu. Upon not finding them, he let Honey down, and dialled Xiu Mei's number.     

Alpha continued threatening Suyin.     

"Ah, Suyin, such a disappointment you turned out. You were supposed to execute my plan, not destroy it. Why? Why did you choose that man's side who killed your son brutally? Who took.... oops.... STOLE.... stole the heart of your son to save his. How painful it must be for that little human to struggle for oxygen, isn't it? How sad it must be to strip him of the right to live a happy life with his mother? His soul must be wandering on Earth, crying, cursing~ you failed as a mother. Such a black spot you are. You did nothing to avenge your son."     

Suyin's eyes burned red. Her jaw clenched. She took a deep breath, "Who shit in your breakfast, Alpha?"     


"I asked, who shit in your breakfast? I can smell it all the way here." She repeated, her voice louder, "In order to provoke me, I must first value your shit opinion. Nice try though. Don't try again; I am allergic to idiots and break out in sarcasm."     

"Careful Suyin," Alpha warned, "Don't forget I have your best friend and brother with me."     

"But you won't do anything to them. I know it. You haven't put up a show just to talk nonsense, right? Come to the point, Alpha. Don't bother about me, my son, and my revenge."     

From the corner of her eyes she saw Jianyu, carrying a laptop. Following him was Xiu Mei holding a robot like toy in her arms. She had seen it in a newspaper once. That's Orange. The most advanced droid and Xiu Mei's one of the best inventions.     

"The same poisonous tongue! Wish you had used it smartly. Your best friend and brother wouldn't be in this situation." Alpha said, "Anyway, now that you have failed me. You might as well fix a few things for me."     

She saw Wang Shi reaching up, pretending to caress her cheek, but did something to the phone. He then held her hand.     

Suyin didn't understand. But then she saw an ear bud in his left ear.     

"There is a key in the packet which will open a monkey's collar," Suyin turned the cloth bag upside down, and a key fell down. "Tie it around that Wang puppy's neck and bring him to me. That's it. See, isn't it simple? I'm letting you an opportunity to save them."     

Suyin looked down at Honey. "What do you mean?"     

"I don't enjoy repeating. You have already done enough by coming here. Foolish woman, you really thought you could come to my land and I wouldn't know about it?"     

"Reis. He told you."     

"I have my eyes everywhere. Though I admit I was fooled by you for some time. Anyway, it's time I correct that mistake. Bring Wang Shi's son to me. You will get further instructions through phone. Just make him wear the collar, "Alpha hissed, "Don't do anything against my wish. Otherwise....."     

"I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it's definitely working. He's someone else's son, why would--"     

"I know Wang Shi and his son loves you. They'd do anything for you. Blind love, you see!" Alpha interrupted, "And don't you worry, I have prepared something for Wang Shi as well. He'd love my surprise. Now before I hang up, there's a small surprise-- remember I told you I'd let you know what does the collar do?"     

Just then the monkeys started screeching. Their bodies convulsed. She didn't understand what was happening to them. It looked as if the mumma monkey was trying to kill her baby.      

Reflexively, she pushed Honey's face into her, pressing the back of his head to make sure he doesn't peek.     

Her gaze lifted to the collar. Mumma monkey's collar seems unchanged, but the baby's was blinking red, making a noise.      

It was only when the collar around the baby's neck started closing in, blood gushing out of eyes, nose, and ears; Suyin realised the mumma monkey was trying to save her child by making a futile attempt to get him rid of the collar.      

Slowly... slowly.... the collar kept on closing, squeezing the life out of the animal. The mother monkey left struggling even after the death.     

Suyin bit her lips.     

She had seen nothing like this.      

She knew what does it mean.      

She knew what Alpha was trying to do.      

"Oh, it seems it's over." She heard Alpha's voice, "Must be a wonderful show. But trust me, humans do it better. Got to go, I have many things to prepare. Mind it, you have only three hours to decide before I-----"      

His laughter echoed in Suyin's ear even after he hung up.     

Silence followed.     

"Ah, baby monkey...." Amara broke the silence as she crouched down a meter away. She extended her hand and dipped a finger in the puddle of blood, raising it to everyone, "Blood. Red blood. Is he dead? Why is his face red in blood? Is he dead? Why is he not moving? Is he dead? I want to learn tree climbing from him and pluck yummy pine nuts. BABYYYYY, WAKE UP. Are you sleeping? Are you dead?"     

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