Mark of the destiny

Such relationships are destined to break.

Such relationships are destined to break.

"Good morning, everyone," Suyin walked in, greeting the two gentlemen sitting on the couch, while Assistant Long standing in a difficult position. He knows Suyin hates it when someone barges into her office uninvited. But it's the two ministers! An assistant doesn't have the power to stop them, can he? Suyin gave an assuring smile, taking off the burden from his shoulders. "A coffee, please."     

Assistant Long left.     

Deputy minister Yuan caught Suyin's probing gaze, "Ah, Suyin, Minister Sean is here to discuss the new draft of the legal aid provided by the Ministry of Law and Justice. It's a privilege for us that he's willing to hear our opinions."     

"I appreciate it. But It's the matter best discussed with higher-ups, and lawyers."     

Wu Sean, "But Miss. Zhao is the one working closely with people and understands their need. I would like to know your thoughts and discuss it with you."     

"I don't have a problem with the current law. Beside Miss. Chen handles the remaining issues professionally, I insist you discuss it with her." Suyin avoided sharply.     

"In that case, it seems you don't have a problem if we cut the grant of the legal aid to the woman and children in distress as the ministry is short of funds."     

"WHAT?" Suyin picked the document from the table. She ran her eyes through it. "Ministry is cutting our funds by twenty percent?"     

Wu Sean, "I think now you are willing to discuss it."      

The meeting lasted three hours, and the stubborn Wu Sean was not willing to budge. Suyin had a hunch he was doing it because of her. Thankfully, deputy minister Yuan got an urgent call, and he had to leave, leaving the two alone.     

Suyin slammed the document on the table, "What do you want?"     

"Don't take it personally, the decision is professional. Ministry is really short of funds and is cutting grants for everyone." Wu Sean uncrossed his legs.     

"Not shockingly, you slapped this decision on my face when I rejected you for the fourth time. Not personal, huh?" she leaned, "I can smell that,"     

Wu Sean smirked, "Why not ask Wang Shi for help? He's a president's son, a super-rich man, I'm sure he can direct all the funds to your ministry. Or maybe become your personal investor." He stood up, and fixed the buttons, "But let me tell you, all this money he and his family had been earning is coming from the innocent people's blood. You are just blind. Go ask him and his mother what's happening behind the NGO run by their family. Where are all those people who vanished over the years and what they did to them? Isn't it part of social services? Go, investigate it."     

"Minister Sean, that's a serious accusation and can put you in trouble. Have you ever heard any complaints about the NGO over the years? No! Besides, if you are so sure, why don't you take any action instead of yapping it to me? The Entire Ministry of Law and Justice is in your control."     

"You think I never tried? These people have power and money in their control." He shoved his hands into his pocket waiting for her to choose.     

Her hands folded across her chest. She knew Sean too well, he just started. "You may leave,"     

"Looks like I was expecting too much from you. Maybe you are also one of them, corrupt. Wang Shi had charmed you, isn't it?" He spat and marched towards the door. "If you want changes in the grant, pillow talk with your man, I can't help you. Leaving a file behind for you to look. In case you change your mind, feel free NOT to contact me."     

"You just successfully ruined my morning and pissed me off. Let me tell you one last time, stop whatever you are trying to do--" Words stuck in her mouth when the door closed. He was gone.      

Outside the door, Wu Sean smirked and messaged someone. [One step closer.]     

Stomping her foot in anger, Suyin locked the door immediately. Her gaze shifted to the blue file, and she let it stayed there.     

Without a second delay, she rounded to her desk and plugged the pen-drive to her desktop to check the content.      


In Wang Shi's office,     

"You let Suyin have Zena's address?"      

Wang Shi didn't bother to look up and cradle his head in between his palms. The headache from stress was buzzing him. Jianyu moved away from the window and settle back on the office sofa.      

"She has doubts. Had I stopped her, it would only make her believe everything wrong. It's best to let her go."     

"Aren't you scared of what Zena might say to her?"      

This time Wang Shi looked up, "Frankly, I'm looking forward to Suyin's reaction to whatever Zena was going to say. I want to know if she's going to give me a chance to explain or just blindly believe in other people's words. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. If it's so easy to challenge her trust in me, then I believe I failed in the very foundation. Such relationships are destined to break."     

Wang Shi's desk phone beeped, and he headed to answer it. "Miss. Zhao has arrived."      

"Okay. Don't forward me anymore calls." Earlier he had asked Daiyu to inform him of Suyin's arrival. He needed some time to get ready before facing the storm.     

"I'll take Honey with me," Jianyu stood up.     

"Where are you taking me?" Honey came holding hands with Yuyu and Lan. Xiu Mei closely following the kids, "I'm not going anywhere. I have made some plans to curry favour from Ducky. Starting with a foot massage. This is going to be fun!"      

Xiu Mei caught Wang Shi's eyes, "Yuyu and Lan want to play with you. Are you going to disappoint your sisters?"      

"I'm sure they won't mind. They know about my plans. Right?" Before the two little girls could nod at Xiu Mei's cue, Honey's question put them in a tough situation.     

"Can I please stay here tonight?" He blinked his long lashes pleadingly. "Dad please...."     

Yuyu, "I want to stay too,"     

Lan, "Me too. Please... I want to meet pretty sister."     

"Yuyu, "And get a foot massage,"     

Honey, "..."     

Wang Shi crouched down, "I have something important to talk to her."     

"I will wait in the other room with Yuyu and Lan. Promise. Won't disturb you until you are done talking to her. Please...." These days Honey only wants to spend with Wang Shi and Suyin. Mostly Suyin. The quirkiness of Suyin's character, and the mischievousness of Honey's, compliment each other. They both fights yet stayed glued. Truly a Tom and Jerry pair.     

"Pwishhh, uncle Shishi,"     

"Pwishhh, let us stay. Mom, dad, pwishhh,"     

Who can say no to these innocent eyes?     


 "Yayyyy!" The kids jumped at Wang Shi, failing to see the tension between the adults.     


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