Mark of the destiny

Do you have any evidence of his crimes?

Do you have any evidence of his crimes?

"Ah, god to know you still remember me! The drink is on me then." Wu Sean gestured to the bartender getting a nod in response. He leaned forward to give her a hug. "Finally, we met again."     

"Yes, but how did you find me?" Suyin returned his hug awkwardly, trying to avoid it as much as possible.     

"I was stalking you," Suyin arched her brows to which he raised his hand, "Just kidding. I'm a frequent visitor to this club. Saw you walking in. Besides--" he snatched the card which was still in Suyin's hand, "--a waitress notified me of this." he was the acquaintance who gave Suyin the VIP card.     

Suyin took the card back, "I don't like being pried into my privacy," and folded the card multiple times, destroying it. She smiled, "Don't mind."     

"Ah, still the feisty Queen you are! That's why I like you so much." He looked at her seriously, changing the subject, "You didn't reply to any of my messages." He had dropped over five messages since the time she had returned to the country, but none replied.     

"Occupied with work," Suyin replied before taking a sip of her icy drink, enjoying the refreshing taste, and set the glass down. She glanced at the handsome man of the same age as Wang Shi, Wu Sean, dressed perfectly in khakis, a blue shirt, and a black blazer. He looked good, but just average if Wang Shi was to wear similar clothes.      

She doesn't like the over-friendliness he always uses around her. Neither she has a reason to meet him or reply to his messages. They had barely worked together on two projects!     

It was a clear no from her side, it's senseless to meet him with no reason. Least the man takes it as some kind of hint!     

Wu Sean openly and shamelessly studied her while enjoying his drink. His gaze locked on her face as if searching for something. Suyin noticed it but chose to ignore it. She can't ask people to close their eyes, can she?     

He swirled his drink, and Suyin knew a question was on its way. "I saw you on TV. Glad you are safe."     

"I owe this to Dr. Wang Shi,"     

His gaze dropped to his drink, "Looks like he cares about you a lot. No one does that for a stranger."      

"Maybe you should ask him. I'm sure you must have met him many times." Wu Sean's father was in the same political party as President Wang Huang. It's just that he was Vice President. Wu Sean himself has the Ministry of Law and Justice under his control.     

"Not really. Wang Shi rarely attends political parties or get-togethers." he looked at her again, "Do you know he has a son?"     

"Really? Never got a chance to meet him. I'll ask Dr. Wang Shi, maybe he'll let me see his son."     

That made Sean laugh harder, "Don't know if it's the drink, or I'm really hearing stuff? You and Wang Shi have an ongoing collaboration, he had spoken about you live on radio, you both are practically working together yet you are saying you have never met his son?"     

"We are just working with each other. It's professional."     

"Really? But the video yelled your and his concern for each other."      

"Very perspective! Think whatever you want, but keep it to yourself. Spreading rumors is harmful."     

"So you have nothing to do with him?"      

"Wow! You are overstepping your boundaries, Sean. How does this concern you?"     

The drink started to take effect on Suyin, her head buzzed, making it difficult for her to hold her sanity. Damn! what a terrible decision it was to come here. Worse, she bumped into him.     

"Just a warning, don't be charmed by him. He's not a saint but an opportunist and had dirtied his hands in the crimes one can not even imagine." he sneered when Suyin gave her card to the bartender to swipe it for her. He snatched it, gesturing the waiter to add to his account.      

"Do you have any evidence of his crimes?"     

Wu Sean opened his mouth to say something, but closed it, earning a mocking chuckle, "No-thanks for the warning though," she struggled to keep her eyes open.      

He extended his hand to place over Suyin's which she avoided it swiftly. "I believe I can give you a life better than him. I have seen his parents, they are the most difficult ones to handle. He has a son. And he shares a strained relationship with his cousin. What more, you will just lose your identity with him by your side."     

She stood up, swaying, "Say another word and I won't be accountable to my actions. You are just pissing me off. I don't know why you are saying all this. Stop trying your luck."     

Wu Sean swallowed the drink in one gulp and stood with her. "So direct and brutal in rejecting me."     

"Better giving false hopes,"     

His mouth quirked up in an impassive smile, she's always this straightforward, "Let me drop you home. You are drunk."     

"No. I'm calling my friend."     


Wu Sean helped drunk out of the club against her wish. She struggled, but he insisted to be with her until her friend arrives. Just then a black SUV was pulled at the entrance and stepped out, a man whose aura speaks a thousand words.     

Even the sling around his shoulder didn't put a dent in his king like personality. But Wu Shen was no pushover either. He snaked his hand around Suyin's waist, pulling her close to which the woman squirmed, "Hey, don't touch--" before she could complete the sentence, a wave of nausea hit her, she retched, pouring a smelly liquid on him.     

Seeing the foul liquid dripping from Suyin's mouth, Wu Sean pushed her away in disgust. Wang Shi caught her swiftly and wiped her lips.     

He helped her knelt down and patted her back until there was nothing but an empty pit in her gut. The driver brought the tissue and water on his boss' command.     

The brown mushy liquid smelled so bad that even the driver held his breath at the strong odor, wondering how his boss was helping the lady. Not even a single frown line marred Wang Shi's face.     

Suyin raised her heavy eyelids only for them to fall shut. One bleary look was enough to tell she was asking to take home. A second later Wang Shi helped her inside the car, and the car drove off, leaving Wu Shen glaring until they were out of sight.     


Yayyy! Two chapters for today!     



By the way, who do you think Wu Sean is? Any ideas?      

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