Mark of the destiny

It's a yes

It's a yes

Just one word 'Hypnotism' and things started to make sense. Suyin knew the serious side-effects of hypnosis if done with malicious intentions and under wrongful practice. Using hypnosis repeatedly ultimately weakens the mental state of an individual, destroying the very essence. No doubt Zeng's personality changed so much over a period of time.      

She recalled something, "The phone call?"     

"Yes, probably it was the phone call." Wang Shi answered, "We get it checked, the call lasted barely ten seconds. The number is issued under a fake identity and it's not reachable now, probably disposed,"     

"And... before you ask, the reason your brother behaved violently was because of me." Suyin and Wang Shi both frowned at Dr. Jeff, scaring the old man. "Hold it. Hold it. I have done nothing wrong. Let me explain...."     

"Why none of you noticed Zeng's behavior turned worse as soon as I take over the case? And don't ignore the two lines he was using constantly-- I don't need a shrink, and I'm not mad. And and and.... he consulted all the doctors for his disease, but never a psychiatrist! Why?" Under the hostile gaze of the two, Dr. Jeff didn't delay another second, "So... our offender is a master player. He had hypnotized Zeng against consulting any psychiatrist. Bring him to any 'shrink' and he'll do the same. My last experiment-- for which I received a punishment-- was done to confirm this theory."     

That's correct!     

Suyin recalled Zeng's expression changed when Dr. Jeff came into his room again. It settled completely when he heard Dr. Jeff and none of his team members would be taking the case!     

"Doesn't that mean my brother is still under trance?"     

"He is."     

"Then break it!"     

"I can't. His mental condition is weak, and if I did any session on him, he might suffer serious brain damage, at worse may even die." Dr. Jeff's grip on her hand slackened. Panicked Suyin tightened hers.     

"No... there has to be something! You are the best in your field, help him!"     

"Only you can help him." she pulled her hand back and wriggled with the other, "You were a doctor once. All I'm asking you is to do some therapy sessions with him. He trusts you a lot and is a lot calmer with you by his side. And if you encounter any problem, I'm here to guide you."     

"I-I'm not a doctor anymore. I--"     

"Once a doctor, forever a doctor." Wang Shi brushed his knuckles at her aching back, "I know you don't want to step into medicine again. But think-- as a Zz you never left it. Medicine is forever in your heart. Besides, all you have to do is to talk and spend some time with Zeng. Slowly, he'll recover from it. Dr. Jeff is there to guide you,"     

"Hold on!" Wang Shi was interrupted by Dr. Jeff who was ogling Suyin with his frog-like eyes. "Holy shit! Is she the famous Zz?"      

Jeff sucked in a deep breath when Wang Shi gave a proud smile. "Keep your mouth zipped. I told you so you take the matter seriously. Zz is a rare opportunity!"     

"Definitely, hundred percent, I'll be the first in my field who will be getting the opportunity to work with Zz. Only if--" Raising his hand up in the air, Jeff gave a bow, "Please say yes! Please! Just like all those high-profile doctors, I too want to add this achievement to my CV and find a better boss who doesn't cut my salary. Please....."     

Wang Shi narrowed his eyes, but Dr. Jeff was a lot bolder now. Why not! He was helping the future boss of the hospital!      

"Y-Yes," Suyin said.      

"Good. I'll prepare notes for you, it will help you," Dr. Jeff straightened his suit, feeling a lot energetic as if found a new passion for his job. "And after your brother's condition is stabilized, I'll do a hypnotism session which will help him get over this. But be careful, his mental state is weakened to the extent any more force hypnotism can be fatal. Block every possible way by which he was being hypnotized. Start with his phone number."     

As soon as Dr. Jeff left, Suyin sank into Wang Shi's arms. This was the exhaustion where she needs something more than a sleep. Her mind and body were barely running at two percent battery.      

"Everything will be fine." Wang Shi pulled her in his arms from behind and kissed her neck. "Daiyu had traced the assistant's whereabouts, my team will leave the country within an hour to bring him back. Rest, I've passed the information given by Zeng; Daiyu and his IT team are on it."     

Suyin chuckled, "I should treat Daiyu one day. He's such a great help!"     

"That's his job. After all, he's the new owner of the famous HACK-U."      

Suyin looked up, "Really? HACK-U is Daiyu's company now! Many times I've used their services to get the information."      

Wang Shi shrugged, "It was of Xiu Mei originally, co-managed by Daiyu. But now she had passed everything to him. However, he's the owner, but I'm the investor. So it's perfectly fine if my girlfriend is using the home-grown resources." when she didn't reply he looked down, "I'll ask him to send you the bill. Please, don't make this face."     

"Tsk, Wang Shi.....I'm not in a mood." she slapped his hand, "How can someone be this cruel to hypnotize someone and use him as a puppet? Ge was innocent all this while; instead of understanding his point, I was such a bit*ch,"     

"Hey, don't say that. From where I can see- it seems someone was after you and Zeng both." His words bringing back Suyin's attention, "Zeng could have had been your biggest support and vice versa. Whoever this person is, he not only cut off this support system and made your life difficult, but used Zeng's to his advantage. This assistant is just a pawn of this game! Want to guess?"     

She shrugged, "Anyone. The list is long. However, I have three prime suspects- Qi Wren, Tang Sui, and Gilbert. Hui Chouming and Ling Xeumo are just small players at the hands of their parents, they can't plan this big. And considering, we have already destroyed my aunt's family, they can't be. So it should be someone from these three." she didn't include the mastermind behind her baby's death as things with Zeng had been happening much before, even before she got married.      

She adjusted her position in his arms, but the pain continued to assault her body, "Such a worse day of my life, and now this pain is harassing me." After thinking about Honey's possible reaction the entire day and later knowing Zeng's mental condition, she was literally wondering what- else- was- left- for-her- to- face. Yeah, the pain! What a life!      

"Let's go to the lounge, let me see what's wrong," he was about to pick her but paused, pondering for a second he leaned to see her side profile and she looked over her shoulder but failed to see his face, "How about I give you a piece of news and turn the bad day into a good one. The best-est one!"     

"Do you think any news can cheer me up at this time?"     

"What if it's about Honey?" his mouth tilted up on one side when she failed to say another word. "It's okay if you don't want to know. Let's just go to the--" she squeezed his arm wrapped around her stomach, stopping him from dropping the topic.     

"Haha, okay, okay. Hold on--" he stood up from behind her.     

Suyin saw him bringing his phone over and set it on the table with the help of books in such a position that the camera faces them. He was recording? Why?     

Next, he sat down facing her, beaming with happiness, and grabbed her hand in his warm ones. She realized he wants to capture the moment forever. The camera was facing her. He was recording?     

He smiled, and that was one of the happiness growing. From deep inside to light up his handsome face and spread around. "Honey asked me not to tell you, but I'll probably die if I didn't. And considering you are not in a good mood today, nothing could be better than this to lift your spirit up." He kissed the end of her fingertips. "For a minute just forget about everything, every problem, revenge, our enemies, past things....everything! Just think it's only you and me in this world...."     

Suyin's hand quivered, it was knowing.....     

He took a deep breath, "It's a yes."     

"Y-Yes?" her lips trembled,     

"Our baby said yes to us,"     

"H-He did w-what?"     

"You heard it. He said yes," She released a breath she was holding until now and plopped into his chest. "Yeah, Honey said yes to us. He doesn't mind our relationship, and is ready to welcome you in our family,"     

Her shoulders shook, tears streamed from her eyes. "Oh Shishi... our baby, No! MY BABY, accepted me!"     


"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," she hit on his chest, and each punch was power-packed, "Bastard, rascal, monkey, donkey, stinky dog, I hate you. I hate you. Why did you keep this from me?" He grabbed her fist before his poor heart gets punctured with the assault.     

"Honey blackmailed me, sorry."     

"Where is that Pooh bear?"     

"Um... he went to his grandparents' house to fix them." she looked up from his arms, "Yeah, he's there to fix them so they won't create trouble for us."     

They both broke into a joyous moment of laughter, their forehead touching each other. "Ah, I'm missing him now. How can someone be this adorable? My little Fairy!"     

"Our little Fairy!"     

"No. He's mine."     

"Okay. We both are yours."     


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