Mark of the destiny

Title is a spoiler

Title is a spoiler

"I'm not stopping him from going with you. Just give us five minutes."     

"Okay. Five minutes you have," she sauntered to the couch and sat down with crossed legs. "You both can talk. I'm not listening."     


Even God knows the power of a woman's ears.     

Honey saw Wang Shi pleading to him. He puffed his chest, and patted, mouthing, 'Watch me,' "Grandma, please."     

She snorted and stood up, "Fine. I'm waiting for you in the guest lounge."     


"Ow...ow...ow....Dad!" Honey wriggled when Wang Shi picked him and tossed him on the couch. "That's child abuse. I'll complain to Aunty Suyin,"     

"Explain," Wang Shi saw Honey leaving the seat beside him and taking the one opposite while smoothening his clothes. "What are you planning?"     

"Ha, I know you understood everything." Honey said as a matter of fact, noticing his father trying to suppress his smile. "Stop hiding it. I can see you are dying to do a happy dance," finally Wang Shi grinned.     

"So, you have no problem with Suyin?"     

Honey's cheeks puffed like balloons, he looked out of the window, wishing to escape from this embarrassing situation. "I'm not explaining."     

"Fine. Don't tell me. I'm telling Suyin what you said just now. Then. I'll see how you will keep pretending,"      

"Hey hey hey," Honey ran at a lightning speed and snatched the mobile from Wang Shi. "It's in between two men, why are you bringing the Ducky between us?" he caught his father's teasing smile, "Duh, fine. I'll talk."     

"Go ahead, I'm waiting,"     

"I--I--" In that moment Honey was the most embarrassed, blushing, because he was being honest and doing something opposite his personality. "IlikeAuntySuyin," he blurted out.     

Wang Shi smiled, "Really?"     

"I won't repeat," he looked anywhere but at Wang Shi's face. "Before someone else barge in your life, and steal you from me, I'll rather accept this weirdo ducky. At least, her demands are bearable. Just some kisses, hugs, and smiles, and she's done."     

Truth be told, he had thought about it a lot last night. He had even recalled the moments shared with Suyin. And realized the reality.... she's different. Instead of being clingy to his father, she was clingy to him. Weirdo.     

And he had seen her anger whenever someone badmouths him. Zena was one such example. No one was present in the corridor when she slapped Zena. She couldn't be pretending but reacted on her natural instincts.      

And many times she had proved that. Even last night, he heard her say some beautiful words where he was included in every line along with Wang Shi. She even anxiously repeated that Wang Shi only loves him when Honey caught them.     

She's selfless, always available to hug him, comfort him, and give endless love without expecting anything in return. Alright, kisses are an exception!     

Last night he was so confused while thinking about Suyin, that he finished the entire jar of fortune cookies. One on such cookie he got a message, 'Your life is about to change, just trust your feelings.'     

Feelings! Yes, he has feelings for Suyin, and somewhere he believes Suyin is the one! He should not miss this chance and let someone else have this weirdo ducky. If they are happy now, they will be happier in the future. His father will be happier.      

Wang Shi placed Honey on his lap, "Are you doing this for me?" he knew there's no other person on Honey's love list other than him.     

"For you and me both." Honey joined the tip of his fingers, "You love us,"     

"Yes, you two are my life now," Wang Shi combed Honey's bangs with the tip if his fingers. "So...."     

"So.... She is annoying, irritating, weird, clingy, and everything that makes me cranky....." Honey sighed, "But let's bring Aunty Suyin to our house. I'll bear her kisses."      

"So you are accepting her,"     

"Duh, was I talking in French all this while?" He paused for a second, "But I have a condition,"     

"What?" Wang Shi straightened up.     

Two devil horns popped out of Honey's head. "You won't tell her."     


"Dad, she has tormented me a lot all this while. I want my revenge. Just look--" he pulled the t-shirt up to show his tummy,      

Wang Shi frowned, "Dirty navel."     

He instantly pulled the t-shirt down, "Don't look at my navel. It's clean. Just see how much weight I have lost while running after her. Four lapses in the morning! She's cruel."     

"But she'll ask me about you. What am I supposed to tell her?"     

"That's your problem. But if you didn't do as I say, I'll make your life difficult. Don't forget she loves me more than you. One complaint from me and she will make you sleep out of the house just how uncle Jianyu sleeps when ma-ma is angry."     

Wang Shi, "...."     

Honey turned Wang Shi's wrist to check the time and jumped from his lap, "Five minutes are over. I'm going to the grandparents' house to clear obstacles for you."     

"Can you do that?"     

"Ha, didn't you saw how grandma changed her words while addressing Aunty Suyin? This is just a trailer. I can do much more than that. In fact, I'm the only one who can do that. So don't mess with me." his cheeky warning and confidence were at another level. Why not? Honey's position in the house was above Wang Shi. He was not only the apple of his grandparents' eyes, but his great grandfather as well. He grabbed his trolly, ready to leave, "Love you dad."     

"Love you, son," Suddenly Wang Shi had tears in his eyes. Honey's acceptance was the biggest hurdle, he had never expected the little one would accept her so easily. Ah, this little fairy who behaves like a devil!      

Emotions came to him like the waves hitting the land. He couldn't be anymore happier, yet deep down a hidden fear was eating up this happiness. Tears dripped down bit by bit....     

"Dad, are you crying?" Wang Shi was caught off guard, looking away he wiped his tears. Honey cocked his head, and slowly peeked at his face, "Dad?"     

Title- Let's bring Aunty Suyin to our house.     

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