Mark of the destiny

The seventh floor

The seventh floor

Experts strongly believe that children could thrive through a divorce. Though it's equally disturbing and difficult for them, the real harm comes by staying in an unhealthy marriage, having constant conflicts, and teaching your children every wrong thing about love. The longer you drag it, the harmful it will be for your children. They need to be talked to understand the scary and confusing thing happening around them called DIVORCE.     

The best to protect your children from this saddest thing is to leave the relationship with your spouse on a healthy note. Let them grow up knowing what happiness and letting go is rather than misery, fights, and hatred.     

"There!" Xiu Mei was quick enough to scan the CCTV recordings within a record time and get Andrea's location. "The last she was going inside that room.....on the seventh floor. Which class is that?"     

The principal leaned closer to the laptop. He gulped, "That's not any class but the way towards the terrace. For security reasons, the way to the terrace is through that room which always remains locked. To hang banners and do the decorations we gave the keys to the event management company. Looks like they--"     

Before he could even complete the word Suyin ran for the terrace..... No need to guess what Andrea was up to.     

Panting, Suyin pushed the unlatched door to the terrace and got the scare of her life seeing Andrea sitting on the edge, legs dangling to the other side.      

Her shoulders were slumped. Suyin could tell Andrea was looking down on the tracks where parents were cheering for their kids, some were even having snacks at the counters, or maybe taking pictures.... A display of happy family moments.     

"Ooh, you are a brave one, I'm always scared of heights." Suyin warily stopped a few steps away from Andrea, she rubbed her arms, "I should have brought something to cover, didn't expect it will start getting cold as the day ends. Mind if I join you, your Eagle coat looks warm."     

Andrea turned, her eyes robed off of the child's usual cheerfulness as if she had taken a huge step back from life. "Go away. I don't need anyone." tears streaming down, she looked back on the tracks failing to notice Suyin had taken two steps near her.     

"Andrea, I want you to know that I-I really understand how difficult it is for you. My parents too separated a few years back. I know it's difficult. I was twenty-three at that time, but you are just five,"     

Andrea didn't turn to look at Suyin, "You are lucky. They were with you till twenty-three. So they must have attended all your parents and teacher meetings, taken you for rides, cheered for you in competitions and had family outings. But once my parents are divorced, I won't get any of it. Either I'll miss dad's cooking, or mom's care..." a sob escaped, and she pointed her stubby finger down, "I won't be like those kids who have a happy family."     

Suyin smiled bitterly, "Wish I could say my parents had done all that or I had a happy family. Not like I'm complaining, they were the best parents. They truly are. I'm lucky to have them.....But I believe, had they went separate ways earlier, my life would have been different. Much better. My mother showed her best self only when she separated from my father. And that resulted in me bringing out my best."     

"Our parents are humans too, imperfect humans as everyone. This has been my greatest awakening. It's much better and healthier to have two divorced parents than two miserable ones where none of them is happy. Imagine, if they are not happy how would they keep you happy?"     

Her words managed to get Andrea's attention, she turned to look into Suyin's eyes. "T-They don't care about my happiness anymore. All they do is fight fight fight!"     

"Hey.... That's not the truth!" Suyin's throat felt as heavy as she spoke next, "You know.... my parents had been living separately and hardly communicate. But every 26th December they'd cross countries just to be with me. I lost my baby that day. Why are they doing that? Because they care about me, right?" and amongst them, her father would never show up in front but just watch her in silence. He still thinks that she doesn't know about it.      

Andrea nodded.     

"Yeah, sweetie. They care. They truly do."     

At that time Andrea's parents came running, "ANDREA! My baby...." Suyin extended her hand, gesturing not to try running at her and just talk by staying put.     

Andrea looked up.      

"An, my baby....." the father supported his wife as she kneeled down, shaking watching their daughter standing at the edge of death. "Please love, don't punish us like this.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...."     

"Please don't do this.... I promise not to fight with mommy again. I'll do whatever you want, please baby...."     

Suyin took a baby step close to Andrea, "How you are feeling right now is the most normal thing in the world. But this ain't a solution. The only way to make them go away is to talk. How about we talk? I'll even ask your parents to talk about their feelings for each other. What say? Just see.... your parents are crying, they are worried.... they love you!"     

"We love you baby, please come down...." the mother clenched her husband's shirt, "Please say something.... ask her to come down." the father pleaded, his hands folded. Begging their five-year-old daughter.     

Andrea reached out, Suyin hurriedly grabbed Andrea's extended hand and hugged her down. The parents got another lease of life and rushed to embrace their daughter. Sobbing.     

The sigh that left Suyin's dry lips was slow, as if her brain needed that time to process the danger is over. Her eyes remain fixed on Andrea's little figure squeezed between her parents.      

She moved some steps to take the support of the wall and touched her knees. Breathing. Just then something warm and soft touched her cheek.      

She was so engrossed that she didn't realize when Honey came near her. As their eyes met he instantly withdrew his hand and hold his ears. His eyes became a glassy layer of tears. "Sorry," his sweet childish voice was music, something that could force anyone to give a smile and hug him.      

But the little human was like a tangled ball of yarn. Just when Suyin thinks she got it under control, the ball slipped from her hands and tangled further.     


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