Mark of the destiny




She fell down on her back, barely able to think straight from the pain. Her eyes flicked at her phone hidden near the golden showpiece.     


She proved her innocence! She did it! But the only hope of her survival was her best friend. Feng Junjie. He better come here now.     

Why was he not here yet!?     

Did he not get her message?     


Slowly, slowly, her eyes drooped. The door break open, tens of men flooded into the room. No! They were some rogues and not Junjie's organized security personal dressed in protective gear.      

This was the end!      

However, amidst the chaos, she heard another sound. The sound that made these rogues shuffle to the corner like cowards, crying like slaughtered pigs when a sophisticated team took over.     

Her heart settled, she felt safe. He was here!      

A smile came on her lips when the familiar silhouette in dark business attire stepped into the room. "M-Monkey....." she whispered. Stubborn tears she was holding until now finally slipped down from the corner of her eyes. She only cries in front of him. Nothing new.     

In the blink of an eye, Junjie's men instantly formed a protective barrier around her. He saw her lying on the ground, bleeding. She was still the strong woman he knew as she gave a proud smile between tears, pointing at the three men, overwhelming him with unspeakable tenderness.      

However, his gaze turned murderous as it landed on the three men howling on the floor, rubbing their eyes violently. God knows what she had used on them. Seems like a pepper spray, but the effects were more lethal. Not like he cares, soon something worse would happen with them.     

"Get me water." unaware of the person standing, Tong Po reached for Junjie's trousers desperately.     

His eyes turned like a bottomless black hole ready to devour the world. He stomped on Tong Po's hand. Lifted him by the collar like a bigger predator and flung his body to the wooden chair, causing a loud smashing sound. The chair tumbled thrice and broke. Its splinters pierced into Tong Po's skin.     

Fei Hong heard bone-crushing sound. Before she could even come out of the shock she heard him order, "To the base. I will deal with them later."     

At that moment she realized maybe she didn't know this best friend of hers that well. He was not at all childish but could turn into a monster when the need arrives. For some reason, she appreciated him for keeping his innocence alive all the time and not display this heartless side.     

"Hong," He rushed to hold the fallen woman in his arms and hold her against his chest. She was beaten badly, bleeding from nose, forehead, and cuts on cheeks and neck. Don't know where else she was bleeding from. "Stupid. Idiot. It was a mistake to leave you alone. Just get well once, I will beat you to death."     

Before fainting, she saw his men stuff the three in a huge aluminum barrel and seal it before rolling it out of the door.      

Scared, she pointed a shaky finger at the live camera hidden in the room only to hear him say. "Sister Mei Mei--" before everything blacks out.     


Back to the hospital,     


This was the third time Suyin had called but the little human was literally torturing her by half lying on her, his head rested on her shoulder. According to her understanding Honey should have jumped away from her embrace, yelled, bickered, threw tantrums and God knows what.      

But hugging her....     

It's scary!     

She was too afraid to move and disturb him!     

Rubbish! She was greedy to let him do this. The feeling was bliss.     

She patted her back, reaching her other hand to check his temperature, but the naughty man moved his face to the other side. Not letting her feel his forehead. He let out a cough, and Suyin instantly covered him with a blanket.     

"Wang Shi--"      

The bed was empty on her right.     

No! Other than the two sleeping on the bed there wasn't a single soul in sight.     

"Where is everyone? What did I miss?" she mumbled, disturbing Honey's peaceful rest as he looked up and showed his dissatisfaction.     

"Everyone ran away hearing your loud snoring. Wriggle anymore and I will deduct twenty kisses. Now sleep." with that, he returned to sleeping on her shoulder.     


Unaware to her, while she was asleep, Honey had seen Wang Shi giving a checkup to both before leaving to see a patient when his second uncle Feng Junjie called.      

On being asked about Suyin, Wang Shi told him the truth that she was feverish last night and had only slept an hour before. It made Honey feel guilty for her and he remained still in her embrace to let her take the rest. But while he was applying lip balm on her chapped lips, she woke up.     


"Argh! what are you doing... hey... leave me... no.... let go.... weirdo duck! don't kiss me. Not here...."     

Suyin was overjoyed hearing his sharp tongue, and jumped to her feet, peppering wet kisses all over his face and neck. "Fairy, you are awake! I missed you! I love you."     

After an eternity....     

Honey was sitting on the bed like a buddha with a red face. Pouting. The woman just took over a hundred kisses. One of them landed on the lips too.     


"Let me check your temperature, okay."      

"No!" he dived under the blanket, "You are dangerous. Get dad."     

"Be good. Wang Shi must be busy, let me--"     


"Do you want more kisses?"     

"NOOOOOO!" just as he jumped out of the blanket, Suyin shoved the thermometer in his mouth. After a few seconds, she let out a breath and gave him the thermometer to let him see. 37.2°C. "What does this number say?" he asked.     

"That you don't have a fever anymore. It's in an acceptable range. Anything above 38 most often means illness... umph!"      

The little bun shoved the thermometer in her mouth. "Prove it!" he wanted to check her temp too.     

"You should not use the same thermometer without washing it."     

When she tried to object he shoved the thermometer back into her mouth. "The rule applies to kisses as well. Why did you kissed a sick man then?"     


"Grrrrr.... I can see you are very energetic now?" she sneered.     

"Of course. Dad is the best doctor. He took care of me." Suyin's face fell, wish Honey had included her name too. Honey peeked at Suyin's pouted lips, "Alright alright, don't make this face. I know you were there too..... HEY--" He warned seeing Suyin's approaching claws. "No more kisses!"     


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