Mark of the destiny

Jelly bean

Jelly bean

James joined Wang Shi and Suyin for the amazing Italian he had cooked, keeping Suyin's taste in mind. As Suyin tried to ease the atmosphere with light conversations, unlike other times, James seemed distracted.      

"Is everything fine?" she tested him by adding roasted aubergine to his plate. He hates it.      

James stopped toying with a fork and snapped out of daze, "Yup," he replied, poking the aubergine with a fork.     

"Since when did you start eating aubergine?"      

His eyes shifted to the aubergine hanging on the fork and then at Suyin. He understood it was her handiwork to test him. Damn! She can read him like an open book, leaving no space for him to hide. He sighed, "You are one hell of a scary human. Dr. Wang Shi, beware."     

"Hm, I like this quality of hers. It's scary but heart-warming." Wang Shi replied, he was remarkably aloof all the time. Other than adding food to Suyin's plate, he showed no other interest.     

"Are you telling me or not? Is it about Evan or your family?" Suyin snapped, only these two can affect James's mood.     

"Evan is in France, and we'll meet soon. I love him, truly." As Suyin opened her mouth to say something James squeezed her cheeks. "Stop worrying about me, Susu, your hands are already full."     

Jamie....." Reaching out, Suyin touched his arm.     

He put the cutlery back into the plate and bend down to kiss Suyin's forehead. "It's a special meal I made for you two. Enjoy. Let me check on other guests, okay?"      

"You are running away!" Suyin said tightly, "Fine. Go." it forced James to take the seat. Knowing her, she would torture herself worrying about him if he doesn't settle it now.      

Wang Shi looked up at James's, his thoughts match with Suyin- James was hiding something. He dropped his napkin on the table, "Um... I've got an urgent work to finish--"     

"Rest assured, I'm not holding back because of your presence," James understood Wang Shi's intentions. "It's just....." he sighs, looked at Suyin, "I saw dad at a restaurant today, in the afternoon."     

"Here?" Suyin asked     

"Yeah, he was with Mrs. Susan, and a few businessmen that I don't know." Mrs. Susan was an American lady who owns the Hotel they were currently sitting at. It belonged to her husband, but after his death, she's managing it all by herself, however, the restaurant was in the joint collaboration with James.     

 "Did he said something?" It worried Suyin, deep down James's was still somehow bothered by how his parents disown him for something he had no control over.      

James scoffed, "That's the problem. He said nothing. Even after he saw me, he treated me like a stranger!" he looked as Suyin added dishes to his plate, "I don't want to ea--"     

"Shut up! I'll shove it down your throat if you dare cry on my shoulder empty stomach. Moron. Jerk. Crying over people who don't give a damn about you! I know it's difficult, but eventually, this is your life and you have the right to decide. When those people don't care, why should you be bothered? EAT THIS. NOW." She was fuming in anger. Not at James, but at his parents for being so unreasonable.      

"I don't understand why people think having a gay child means they failed as a parent and brought shame to the family. Disowning your child means YOU failed as a parent and brought shame to yourself. Just where is he, I'll punch your dad. No, I think it's better to drag him to the hospital and crack open his brain."     

Wang Shi "...."     

James "...."     

She hit James at the back of his head, "Tell me what else you did, super excited moron? Smiled? Cooked something? What else?"     

Wang Shi was silently admiring their unconditional friendship. He knew it was James who took her to the therapist at her lowest and helped Si Han to revive lifeless Suyin. Technically, they both became each other's unconditional support in the therapy sessions and started a new life together.     


"Duh, didn't we decide earlier that we'll shame our enemies with our talent and success? Why did you--" to stop her from speaking, James stuffed a large piece of bacon in her mouth.     

"Dad is looking forward for a business collaboration with the owner of Portobello. They've come all the way here looking for Chef..... JAMES, that's me!" Suyin's chewed the food loudly, swallowing big chunks. Her eyes sparkled in happiness, and insuppressible questions bubbling within her. "I know... I know what you want to ask... He doesn't know it's me and I've asked Mrs. Susan to convey the message that Chef James is preoccupied with prior commitments."     

James's signature restaurant was named as Portobello. It was one of the hardest restaurant reservations to get in France, costing over thousands of dollars per person. If the dish had been cooked by James personally, it goes up more.     

Since James doesn't enjoy giving interviews or make public appearances, his pictures were impossible to find on the internet. When James decided to on and build a career for himself, he chucked out everything that reminded him of the past. Including family name Chris Powell.     

Now he's James.     

Chef James.     

Since his mother was from Hong Kong, he's greatly influenced by the eastern culture and decided to venture here to learn more about it. Business collaboration with Mrs. Susan was one such deal, and undoubtedly her restaurant had become the talk of the town since James had joined hands.     

James knew why his hotelier father was looking for Chef James. As if! Hmpf!     

"Yayyy! My Jamie is the best," finally swallowed everything. Suyin pulled James' shirt and kissed his cheeks.     

The stem of Wang Shi's crystal wine goblet snapped into two. The bowl toppled on the carpeted floor.     

"Did you cut yourself? Are you hurt, Shishi?" Suyin scrambled to check his hand. It got a cut near the index finger. She pulled the tissue and pressed to stop the blood. "What were you doing?" unaware Wang Shi was glaring daggers at James.     

James gulped, ready to sprint, "Susu, I'll send the first aid box,"      

"Wait," Wang Shi growled, "Sit." Sensing the pressure in voice, Suyin stared at him. "You too."     


He exhaled and said gently. "Return to your seat, Suyin," that doesn't sound gentle, but a tone parents use before they are about to discipline their kids.     

"You two.... NO KISSING each other in front of me." His chest was heaving, yet the authoritative bite when he warned them had Suyin's toes curl. Argh, jealous Wang Shi looks so damn hot. "Suyin, kissing you is exclusive to me. Of course, Honey is an exception."     

"Awww.... someone's a jelly bean," She couldn't stop herself from reaching to pinch Wang Shi's cheeks. "So..... I can kiss him behind your back, right? Jamie, I'll kiss-"     

James Bolted up, "Who are you? What am I doing here? Why are you sitting beside me? Don't forget to pay the bill before leaving, Madam." saying he sprinted out so swiftly he was a blur. Suyin looked at the door which he didn't even bother to close.      


'Jamie, you can't be my friend. How can you leave me in this situation?'     

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