Mark of the destiny

Press conference-5 (last)

Press conference-5 (last)

"Shishi where are you going? You are bleeding, dammit." With one hand pressing at the open gunshot wound on Wang Shi's shoulder, Suyin tried to hold him back from following Gilbert.      

Everything happened in a blink of an eye that her mind was still dizzy, trying to put pieces of whatever happened barely a minute ago. All she saw was Wang Shi lost his control when Gilbert held her on gunpoint and lunged at him without a thought or a second's delay.     

Goosebumps yet to settle on her skin, the man even don't care about his life!     

Was her revenge that important for him that he won't value his own life!     

"STAY WITH ME. Cops have gone after him," She pushed him down but ignoring the bleed Wang Shi stood up.      

"This is important for me, Suyin. My entire life depends on this. I have to know who is behind all this."      

"SHISHI! WAIT, DAMMIT! SHISHI...." Her voice fell on deaf ears, and like the gush of the wind the man was already out of the door, leaving her helpless, drowned in guilt and worry.      

As she ran out of the room her gaze fell on her parents, "MOM, DAD, ASK THE REPORTERS TO LEAVE. THAT'S ENOUGH NEWS THEY GOT." her voice echoed in the corridor as she ran after Wang Shi.      


On the other side, Gilbert was chased by cops as he tried to find a way out of the hospital. Just now not only Suyin exposed him, but he had shot the president's son that's considered as a capital offence. Within an hour the cops of the entire country would be after him.     

Least Gilbert knew Wang Shi would come in the way of the bullet when he tried to kill Suyin.      

On his way he turned over the medicine cabinet, broke the glass bottles to borrow some time.     

"Fu*ck, if I get out of here safely, I'll definitely kill you, bitch," Talking to himself, he pressed the emergency button to open all the fire exits.     

Suyin brought him to the extent where he had no other option but to run. If he let himself fall onto the hands of the cops, they would definitely interrogate him to get the names out. But before that Alpha will get him killed somehow.      

However, if he managed to get out of here safely, he still had a chance to escape and make a come back after a few years.      

Running away was the best option.....     

To divert cops, he opened the door to the fire exit, but instead of leaving, he hide himself in the opposite emergency pharmacy.      

The approaching footsteps clip-clopped down the marbled hallway, Gilbert ducked under the gurney. As the cluttering noise came to a halt he peeked through a slightest gap at the cops holding a gun in their hands.     

"The door to the fire exit is open, I think he went this way,"     

"Let's go,"     

"Alert the team downstairs to be ready,"     

Whilst Gilbert slink in the shadows the cops allowed to echo off, announcing they are left. Gilbert pulled down the muzzle to check the number of the bullets left. Three fires at Xeumo. One at Suyin which hit Wang Shi and one in the corridor to scare away everyone and make way for himself.      

That brings him to one bullet left!     

He grabbed the gun closer, racking his brain to find a way out of here when the sound of the whirring chopper caught his attention. He crawled to the nearest window and parted the curtains to check if it was what he was thinking.     

Air ambulance!     

If he could manage to get on it, and hold the pilot on gun point....     

Cautiously he came out of his hiding; his eyes scanning the surroundings to make sure the path was clear before he followed the way to the terrace.      

Ace was the second biggest hospital of the country; knowing the hospital's layout in and out was Gilbert's greatest benefit which he was using throughly.      

The distance between the hope of survival and turning it into a reality was just a helicopter away from him. With eyes protruding out like a maniac, and a creepy smile plastered to his face, Gilbert waited to let the helicopter land while hiding on terrace.     


But just when it was just a few meters away from the ground, it started moving up again, taking away Gilbert's last hope of survival with it.     

"HEY!" subconsciously Gilbert waved his hand.     

"Oh! So you are here!" The sound makes the old man jump. He took in a sudden intake of breath and stumbled backward, jamming into the wall. Gilbert's eyes staring blankly at the man with wide horrific eyes; he pointed the gun out.      

Though he doesn't know who the man was, he had seen him standing beside Suyin's people earlier.      

The man's expressionless face matched his chillingly cold voice, laced with danger. He takes out a pen from his front pocket, earning another reaction from Gilbert. The pen! The pen with a delicate carvings! He had seen this silver pen! Isn't it the same dangerous weapon used by Alpha's most dangerous assassin, Beta?     


"You better die." All of a sudden the man charged at Gilbert at a lightening speed. Gilbert let a wince when the man roughly grabbed his hand to stop from pulling the trigger and pushed the pen's tip at his heart.      

Without any force, it dug deeper and deeper. A painful shrill reverberated throughout the terrace, Gilbert convulsed violently, feeling something burning his heart from inside. The blood seeped out from his eyes, nose and ears.... it was the end of the hope of survival. It was the death.      


What followed was a gun shot, and a long silence after that...     


Wang Shi heard the scream, and ran towards the direction from the sound came. He felt his heart drum in fear, Gilbert was the important link to the case and he need him alive.      

"Gilbert!" Wang Shi found Gilbert at the verge of the death. He had a hole in chest; black fumes with a hissing sound of burning of flesh was flowing out. "Just hold on, " Without hesitating Wang Shi placed his hand on the wound, only to withdrew instantly, feeling his own palm burn by the chemical.     

"Shishi!" Suyin came running, she takes off her jacket and bundled it on Gilbert's chest. But there was no way to save Gilbert when the chemical was burning his internal organs from inside. Right in front of their eyes, they saw him dying.     

"NO NO NO..... YOU CANNOT DIE ON US. TELL ME WHO DID THIS? I WANT THE ANSWERS, DAMMIT!" ignoring his own injury, Wang Shi gave chest compressions. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP. Suyin, bring the crash cart, and epi. I can save him."     

"He's dead."     

"NO. I'll keep his heart beating. Go get help,"     

"He doesn't have a heart left for you to give compressions. The chemical melted it." Suyin touched Wang Shi's hand, pleading him to stop. With a heavy heart, Wang Shi withdrew his hand, and Suyin rushed to hug him.      

When everyone came to the terrace they saw the couple sitting beside Gilbert's dead body. There was foul stench of chemical in the air.     

"H-he's dead?"      

Don't know who asked but Suyin replied with a nod. Slowly she lifted her gaze, followed by Wang Shi, locking it on a certain person in the crowd; compressing a wound on his waist.     

His existence only fuelled the fire burning inside Wang Shi. They underestimated 'him'. "Arrest him."      

Everyone looked among the crowd hearing Wang Shi. Soon a team of black dressed men they didn't knew was standing behind everyone, came to the front and nabbed Evan.     

James held Evan's hand, "Hey, what are you doing? Why are you taking him? NO! Suyin!" James looked at Suyin pleadingly, but she averted her gaze, "Will you tell me what his crime is? He's the one who chase after Gilbert to help you, and was shot by him. See...." He hugged Evan when nobody listened, "Suyin, please. He's Evan! Ask your boyfriend to let him go."     

Suyin looked up, "Jamie, let him go. He's the killer."     


Hey dear readers,      

Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!!     

Let's welcome 2021 with open arms and forget all your worries.      

Life is short, so don't forget to break the rules, forgive quickly, laugh uncontrollably, love truly, give second chances, AND..... NEVER EVER REGRET OF ANYTHING THAT BRING SMILE TO YOUR FACE. :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face:      


I thank you for the immense support you gave me this year. Love you a hundred times for all the motivation and love you showered on me.     

Here's the 100 coin code that can be redeemed ten times. Hope you won't be selfish and would only redeem it once so that others can have it too. Let's start with giving!     






Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!!     

Let's remind ourselves of one thing that brings a smile to our face in 2020. To me, it's my braces. I finally freed from them! Yayyyy!     

Tell me what's yours smile moment in the comment section.....      

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