Mark of the destiny



"No. I was just making myself feel good. It's been a while." Fei Hong rubbed her nose. "Now that you are done questioning me, I would like to enjoy this tasty food. Alone." she raised the bag up, Did you ask them to make everything extra spicy?"      

"Yup. Everything is according to your taste, Medusa. But don't be a glutton and eat everything alone. I haven't eaten yet, let's eat together." he self-invited himself inside and flip the plates kept at the dining table, taking out bowls from the cabinet. It was one of his apartments; he was fully aware of where to get things from.     

"Maybe some other time. I'm not in the mood today."     

"Then it's the perfect time to lighten up your mood. What's better than tasty food and a glass of old wine! C'mon, pass me everything...."     

With a heavy sigh, Fei Hong emptied the contents of the bag, and passed it to him one by one, occasionally taking a glance at the clock. Two it was!     

Junjie's gaze flickered at her reluctant face and he extended his hand to tap at her nose, but she dodged it. "Stop behaving as if I'm making you eat poison. Or am I not handsome enough!?" he fixed his hair, looking into her eyes.      

"Promise me you will go after this."     

"Medusa, why are you so eager to send me away? Are you meeting your boyfriend behind my back?" his eyes narrowed.     

"So what if I'm!?" She took a seat at the table, failing to notice Junjie's fisted palm as his mood turned sour.      

"No one can bear your temper better than me. I'm the best you can ever get." with a proud smirk, he took the seat beside her.     

"Yeah, you are the best-est kid of my life. My three cute babies's, Uncle Juju! Their fourth companion."     

He shrugged, "That's because I'm awesome. Smile while you still have teeth."     


After their 'forced' lunch, Fei Hong literally pushed Junjie to get him out of the house. It was already fifteen past three, and she would surely be late to meet Zeng.     

Not more than ten minutes later she was on the road, racing her bike on the busy highway amidst heavy rain.     

Unaware to her, someone followed her the moment she stepped out of the gates of the society.      

Friend or Foe?     


"Where is she? How can you let her go in this condition? I will sue this hospital. Get my daughter back." Si Han roared like a provoked tigress, almost reaching to shake the life out of the poor Li Han.     

"S-She left on her own," he explained, simultaneously ordering the security over the phone to close exit points. "I tried to stop her, but she didn't listen to me. By the time I pressed the emergency button, she had already reached the elevator."     

This was the VIP floor with no staff running around without requirement. On Wang Shi's orders, he was guarding at the nurse station, but she shoved aside the old man. Not to forget she's the Zhao Suyin. Her scary gaze prompted him to get help to hold her down and not try to do it alone.     

Red Ferrari!     

James checked his pockets, and then rushed to the room, only to return with a dejected face. "Aunty, my car keys are not at the table. She....." He had only left to attend an important phone call, while Si Han went to the washroom, only to see the empty bed when they returned.     

Li Han was in tears, looking at the empty bed. More than the ferocious mama bear in front, he feared someone else.      

"Everyone look around! If she's still in the compound, bring her back. Even if you have to sedate--" he paused at the squinting gaze of Si Han, "--Just bring her back. Unscathed. No matter what, find her before the chairman is out of the surgery! Quick!"     

If something went wrong, Wang Shi would leave no one alive. He had seen how much he cares for her. Not only her, but the little devil beside him had started to give importance to her.      

Little devil!     


Honey! Where is he?"      

"I didn't see him in the room," James replied.     

The security personal came rushing with a scared expression. "Sir, she left in a red Ferrari. We couldn't stop her."     

Li Han, "Did you see a child with her?"     

"I don't know, sir. She was in the car. But we didn't see anyone on the passenger seat."     

The air froze....     

Things got dangerous.     

Honey was not just an ordinary child. He had a special identity that can put him in any danger. This has to be informed to Wang Shi's special security so they could bring Honey back ASAP.     

"Get my daughter and the little boy back. Nothing should happen to them." After witnessing Suyin and Honey's bonding, Si Han was sickly worried now.      

"What's happening here?"     

He was about to call the security chief when a familiar voice froze him in his shoes.     

Wang Shi came there, followed by Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei. He glanced at the empty bed and narrowed his gaze back to him. "Where is she?"     

"S-Sir, Miss. Zhao d-drove out of the hospital. I tried to stop her--"     


The tablet in Wang Shi's hand flew at the wall opposite the nurse station, and he charged at Li Han like a hungry beast. "Director HAN, I specially appointed you to guard her. If you cannot handle the hospital, or your age is getting on to you, you may consider VRS. Do you even understand the severity of the situation? She woke up after a day. A DAY!"     

"S-Sir.... she didn't listen to me. Before I could get the nurses to pin her down, she left."     

As Wang Shi's gaze moved to the security appointed at the gates, they shivered. "W-We tried to stop her. But she's The Zhao Suyin. How can--"     

"SHUT UP! Even if it's the President of the country, no one can leave the hospital without my permission. DON'T YOU KNOW IT?" he snarled.      

"Wang Shi, calm down." Feng Jianyu gestured something to Xiu Mei before shifting his attention to Li Han. "You said something about Honey. Where is he?"     



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