Mark of the destiny

Invisible connection

Invisible connection

"So that's what holding you back. It's Honey! The decision of right and wrong depends on Honey's presence in your life." Jianyu made a deliberate pause to let him understand. "Who was the man who asked me to follow my heart and pursue Mei? You can't be that."     

"It was different, Jianyu. You were single, young…. But I've Honey with me." Wang Shi looked away; his gaze fell on the photo frame at the bed-side table. Honey, Yuyu and Lan, rain dancing with him and Jianyu.     

"And that's the additional benefit you have. Should I remind you Honey is alive because of Suyin? Though she's not his biological mother, somewhere she is."     

"Don't say."     

"Why? You can keep Suyin's photograph in your wallet to remind yourself of the favor she had done on you, but cannot bring the courage to accept her. Are you sure your feelings are not because you feel pity for her?"     

"NO…" Wang Shi put the frame down, "It's true I feel bad for her, but my feelings have nothing to do with what she had done. Th-This just happened naturally. I don't have control over it."     

"Wang Shi, just how things happened with you naturally, it will happen with Honey too….. The invisible connection between her and Honey is the strongest connection in the world. They are bound to feel for each other. Didn't you see how fiercely she protected Honey in school?"     

Wang Shi opened the drawer of the bedside table to his wallet. In the corner pocket, at the back of the debit card, he pulled out a hidden photograph of Suyin…..     

A five-year-old photograph….     

Stroking his hand at the photograph that had yellowed with time, he had thanked her millions of times for saving Honey.     

The picture conduits to the memory neither he could like or hate. Yet he cannot decline what she had done for him.     

"Jianyu, I'll talk to you later,"     

"Okay. But remember, this is a second chance for both of you, don't let it go waste. And…. somewhere I and Mei we both feel, she likes you too. But something is holding her back, just like you."     

After hanging up, Wang Shi went to Honey's room with Suyin's photograph in hand. Lightly pushing the door in, he padded his steps and sat down at the edge of Honey's bed.     

Subconsciously, his hand went for Honey's heart and he closed his eyes to feel the beat.     

"Though you are my flesh and blood, this thing beating inside you has come from Suyin. Will you accept her?" Caressing, he pecked Honey's cheek lightly before getting in his blanket.     

Hopefully, the effect of the medicine will keep him asleep and Wang Shi could sleep a night with his son. On his small bed!     

Surprisingly, Honey didn't move or wake up when Wang Shi pulled him closer and hugged him to his chest, just how Suyin sleeps with him.     

"Goodnight, son,"     


"James, wait. Listen to me." Evan tried to stop James who went straight for his car, ignoring him. Gong Li silently followed the two.     

"What the hell do you have to say now? Haven't you done enough?" James yelled, yanking his hand from Evan's grip.     

"I-I just wanted you to go to the art event with me."     

"Stop lying. You did this because you were jealous of her." He struggled as Evan pressed himself against him. "How many times do I've to tell you, don't make me choose between you and her? You will always lose."     

"And that the reason I'm jealous." Evan pinned James to the car, "Why can't I be your priority? Do you think she gives you the same priority?"     

James made a frustrated noise, "You've never understood my Susu, and neither you will. Just take this shrew from here and go."     

Gong Li, "Who the hell did you call shrew?"     

"SCRAM," Evan yelled, pressing his body harder against James', "I was not aware he had some past with Suyin. Otherwise I…."     

"Otherwise you would have brought someone else, right? Does this change the fact you did something wrong?" He clawed at Evan's arms, "You're supposed to trust me, love me, and understand my relationship with her. But….. can't you see what you've done, Evan?"     

"Call me Evi,"     

"No. Just stay the hell away from me. I need a break from you."     

Evan's hand went under James' trousers, "Say that again and I swear I will take you right here,"     

"Do it," James didn't resist and suddenly relaxed, spreading his arms eagle, "This is the only way with which you can screw the problems between us, right?"     

Evan circled his palm around James' wrist and took him to his limo. Pressing the button, he instructed the chauffeur to drive before lifting the partition. Gong Li looked dumbfounded as the car rolled off in front of his eyes, leaving him alone in the City's posh location with a ride to go home.     

Evan shoved a hand in his hair and exhaled, "I'm sorry."     

"This doesn't change the fact I need a break."     

He grabbed James's palm, "I can't change what I've done, but I promise to never meddle between you and Suyin again. Just don't cut me off…..One last time,"     

James sighed, "I'm not leaving you, but asking for time. This is suffocating me. If we continued, our relationship won't survive long. Besides, I need to check on Suyin too, the man you brought was one of her mentors who spoke against her in the medical council."     

Evan pursed his lips, "Is this your final decision?"     


As James nodded, Evan sealed his mouth with his, pressing him to the seat. Unlike his wild kisses, this one came gentle. Their glances battled oddly as if arguing before a tear rolled down from Evan's eyes and fell on James's cheek.     

James sighed, wiping Evan's tears, "Don't make it difficult. This will give us the opportunity to think about our future. You know, we can't carry on like this."     

Evan couldn't bring himself to say a word, he knows he had messed things up this time. He just lie above James's and hugged him tightly.     


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