Mark of the destiny

Et tu, Brute?

Et tu, Brute?

The next day,     

"AHHH!!!! If I get late, mom would lecture me…. Shoes!?! Where are you? I promise I won't throw you carelessly next time," wearing a red sneaker Suyin hopped in her bedroom on one leg, looking for the other pair. "All this is happening because of you."     

The accused "…"     

"Who told you to act on your own? Everything was going perfectly fine, BUT NO!!! You've to poke your leg in my life and screw it."     

She dragged her swollen eye bags and looked at the ceiling, "Look at this! My precious eyes! I barely asked for a retake of a kiss but you made him confess. Are you for real?!? Why don't you go look for someone else to curb down your boredom? Or maybe go to the Bahamas on holidays. But spare me!!!! You are bad, I won't talk to you again---"     

*Knock knock*     

James knocked, interrupting her conversation, "Susu, with whom you are talking?"     

Suyin looked under the bed, still talking to a certain someone, "He's asking about you. I won't reply on your behalf."     

God "…."     

God could swear she snorted at him. He let out a harsh breath. 'Argh… I'm feeling pity for that poor man with whom I've destined your life. My poor child!!!'     

After getting ready in record time, Suyin opened the door and saw James tumbled in.     


James bolted up, and fixed his hair. "I was just curious with whom you were talking," his eyes peered inside the room.      

"Mr. Almighty."     

James "…."     

"Is he in your room? When did he enter? Why didn't I saw him?"     

"Shut up, Jamie. Let's go."     

"B-But what about Mr. Almighty? Are you going to lock him?"     



Sighs, "Did you forget to bring your brain along? I'm talking about God!"     



In the parking,     

As the elevator stopped and Suyin stepped outside, she was greeted by a beautiful sight of her Little Fairy holding two boxes of Barbie dolls. They were so big that it was getting difficult for him to hold them in his small hands. "Jammie, get the car out, I'll be there in a minute."     

James, "Okay,"     

Padding her foot against the floor, she went behind him. "Boo!"     

Honey's shoulder shook, but the little devil pretended cool as he turned to face her. "You failed!"     

"Don't lie, I saw it."     

He stuck his tongue out, "In your dreams!"     

Suyin kneeled down and pinched his chubby cheeks until they turned red. "In my dreams, I do nothing but kiss these cute cheeks." She puckered her lips to kiss but instead he pushed the box of barbie dolls to her.     

"No kissing!!"     

"Bummer!" she let out a snort and brought her cheek ahead, "Do I need to remind you? 99 left!!"     


"Whatever," he puckered his lips and kissed, but the next moment his brows wrinkled. "Wait! What are you doing you here? Stalking me!?! For kisses!?! You are a stalker!     


As if two devil horns grew on either side of her head, she squeezed his cheeks until they turned like a fish's pout. "We are neighbour's buddy. Now you've to kiss me daily. Wonderful news, isn't it?"     

Honey "….."     

"NOOOO!!! Are you kidding me, God!?!"     

Suyin brows shoot as something familiar strike her and she looked up meaningfully. "Well…. he's in a mood these days."     

The two boxes he was holding like his dear life fell down. His brain formulated no thoughts other than the fact his life was screwed.     

Don't know how many times she would take advantage of him!?! Kiss him! Hug him!     

Satisfied by his reaction, Suyin kissed his little nose, "All the best Little Fairy. Thank you for the dolls, byeee….."     

He looked at the woman who picked the dolls from the floor and was now going to the other direction.     


"HEY, my dolls!?!" he ran after Suyin but she hugged them protectively.     

"First tell me what was the meaning of your message? Why you apologized? What about the teasing emote?"     

Honey alternated his gaze between the dolls and the woman who had her claws over it. With furrowed brows, he pondered if he should tell her about stealing the ideas from her phone or buy another set of dolls for Yuyu and Lan.     


What if she increases the number of kisses? Or ask something worse!?!     

The second seems better!     

'But dad said what I did was stealing and I should apologise her.'     

He joined the tip of his fingers, "I-I copied the tricks of 'Go' from your phone. Sorry, Aunty Suyin!"     


Now it was Suyin's turn to get shocked. Her chin dropped, and the dolls fell down from her hand. She shook her ear vigorously, "What did you call me just now?"     

"What's happening here?"     

Suyin's jumped and straightened her posture at the sound of the familiar voice.     

Her eyes lowered, cheeks flushed, as the sight of Wang Shi made her recall his kisses. Oh! How amazing those kisses were! He's a pro!!     

 Her heart stuttered seeing him wearing jeans, and shirt as he walked towards her.     

GODDDDD!!! She screamed in mind.     

"Dad, she's not giving my dolls."     

"Lier!" Suyin stuffed the dolls in Honey's hand, "You dropped them, I'm only picked them for you,"     

"I'm not a liar, you are!"     

"What about you stole my precious and treasured tricks from my phone?"     

"I've let you kiss me and called you Aunty Suyin in exchange. Isn't it enough?"     


Wang Shi looked at the two, one small and one big, pointing fingers at each other, bickering as always.     

Damn, this Tom and Jerry pair is at it again!     

"All right, you two. Stop it!"     

Honey, "I won't! You know she stalked me all the way here and has become my neighbour. Now she'll take advantage of me daily."     

Suyin smirked, "FYI, it's your dad who helped me with the house."     

Honey cast an accusing look to Wang Shi. "Et tu, Brute!?!"     

Wang Shi, "SU… YIN!"     

"Shakespeare! I like reading his work. This is one of my favourites," Suyin was still marvelling at William Shakespeare when James honked saving her from Wang Shi. "Got to go. Bye,"     


 She froze. Her heart pounded, seeing him coming. The thought he won't say or do anything in front of Honey helped her to calm.     

"Looking forward to meeting your mother! Introduce her to me next time."     

Jeez!!! How did he know she's going to the airport? Why would she introduce her?     


"C'mon Susu, we are getting late," James peered through the window. "Hi, Dr. Wang Shi."     

"Hey, drive safely."     

"I will, the person I'm accompanying is important."     

"She is."     

Suyin "…."     

'Jammie, you are dead meat now.'     

Earlier, when Suyin was getting ready, the landline rang a few times and James answered it. Surely, he failed to keep his mouth shut. Traitor! And undoubtedly, one of the call was of Wang Shi as she had switched off her phone to take a breather.      


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