Mark of the destiny



"Jianyu, just see Lan for a minute,"     

Xiu Mei turned to face the couple.     

The arrogant man continued, "Who are you? I'm Yang Xiu, one trustee, and hereby expels these kids for disturbing the decorum-"     




Dumbfounded! A gush of wind passed and three slaps landed on his wife's face standing beside him. The slap was as loud as a clap, leaving a red welt behind. His wife staggered backward, clutching her cheeks that tripled in size because of all the slapping she had received.     

"This is for slapping my baby."     

A few seconds passed by and he just stood there in silence looking at Xiu Mei who was burning in rage. He wanted to take a step to do something, but his thoughts tumbled when his eyes met with Jianyu's.     

These three people seemed familiar, but Yang Xiu could not recall where he had seen them before.     

The aura and power they radiated, he had a gut feeling not to mess with them. Or maybe he had already done something that he shouldn't.     

Wang Shi wanted to do something worse, but right now his priority was Honey, who needed some tests and medicine. But that does not mean he'll let them go unscathed. He called his assistant. "Yang Xiu and Principal Yi… You have one hour."     

He picked Honey and stepped out.     

Suyin saw Wang Shi's departing back, as if melancholy softly called him away from happiness. Being a single parent is emotionally challenging for both children and the parent.     

Her steps automatically followed Wang Shi and Honey.     

Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei picked their girls and left....     

What left behind was the arrogant couple and the Principal, brooding over what would happen next!?     

"M-Mr Feng… Let me explain--" The Principal tried to follow the trio but halted when Feng Jianyu's bodyguards stopped him to go anywhere near him.     

'Mr. Feng? Is he Mr. Feng Jianyu, President of FJ group of companies? Then the woman just now was President XM of R-Tech!?!?!? But who is the other man? Is he also someone powerful?'     


Yang Xiu gulped. He was abroad all this while and had returned to the country a month back to take over his father's business. While familiarizing himself with the aristocrats of the country, he had seen the couple's picture in a business magazine.     

"Idiots! Bunch of idiots! That boy your wife had slapped is Dr. Wang Shi's son. Is there a need to tell who Dr. Wang Shi is?" the Principal dropped to his knees. "It's YOUR kids who are school bullies. In the past month, I've received hundreds of complaints about them, but instead of giving a lesson to her kids, she used violence against the complainants and YOU supported your wife. What amazing examples you set for them!"     

"But guess everything has an ending. And yours is going to be brutal. Including mine. Why did I accept your money?" The principal was bitter for himself. To spend his retirement peacefully, he accepted an enormous chunk of money to recommend Yang Xiu's wife to the board for the position of next Principal.     

"D-Dr. Wang Shi? Do you mean the president's son? Wh-why didn't you tell me before?"     

"SHUT UP! Dumb woman, you ignored my warnings."     

The Principal was even sure she didn't even read the list of selected VIP students and the documents he had sent earlier. The number one on the list was Wang Qiang (Honey). When he was brought for admission, he made the entire management to sign a special contract and non-disclosure agreement. According to the first point, it prohibits the staff from raising a hand at him.     

Since corporal punishment in schools was not illegal in the country, Dr. Wang Shi made the management sign the contract for his son.     

An exclusive contract! But never mentioned the reason behind it nor anyone dared to ask him.     

"Ah Xiu, should we ask father-in-law for help? His influence would—"     

"SHUT UP." Yang Xiu yelled at his annoying wife. He knew this was not over yet. Before leaving, Wang Shi made a call to someone and took his name. Just what is he going to do?     


Suyin followed Wang Shi all this while until Honey's checkups were done. She only breathed in relief when the reports came negative for any other injuries other than perforated ear-drum.     

Wang Shi canceled all his appointments for the day and took him to the office while everyone followed, including Yuyu and Lan.     

"Mei, now that Honey is fine, you should take Yuyu and Lan home." Seeing them half drowsy, Wang Shi suggested. "Yuyu might get a fever because of the TT shot. Just give her half tablet of antipyretic."     


"Let Mei go, I'm with you."     

"No," Wang Shi rejected Jianyu, "Handling two kids with one of them sick would be difficult for her. Besides, Yuyu and Lan don't sleep without you. Just go."     

"Fine. If you need anything, call me." He picked sleeping Yuyu, but she stirred in her sleep, feeling something off.     

"Honey bro…."     

"Shhhh… we will come back tomorrow. Let Honey take a rest." Jianyu coaxed her back to sleep.     

"If Daiyu failed to do the task, you can call me anytime." Getting his nod, Xiu Mei picked sleeping Lan and looked around. "Where is Suyin? I want to express my gratitude."     

"She went to take a call. I'll tell her when she returns."     

Xiu Mei left but stopped at the threshold of the door and looked back. "Brother Wang…."     


"I like Suyin."     

Wang Shi paused and then let out a breath. "Take care, Mei. Bye"     


"Sir, this—" Daiyu came with the information on Principal Yi and Yang Xiu but paused seeing Wang Shi holding a finger to shush him. Honey was having difficulty in sleeping already and he just relaxed a few minutes ago.     

Wang Shi gently placed him on the couch, tugging him with a blanket before stepping out to talk to Daiyu.     

By the time he returned, what welcomed him was his son sleeping peacefully in Suyin's arms, as she sang a lullaby for him while patting his back.     

"Come stop your crying     

It will be all right     

Just take my hand     

Hold it tight.     

For one so small     

you seem so strong     

My arms will hold you     

keep you safe and warm     

I'll be here     

Don't you cry     

Cause you will be in my heart     

Yes, you will be in my heart     

From this day on     

Forever and more...." [1]     

[1] Lyrics by Phil Collins from the movie Tarzan     

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