Under the Veil of Night

Gathering Together

Gathering Together

Shiro patted Tommy's shoulder. "Since everyone is here, let's go have some fun."     


Turning around, Tommy could see the others looking in his direction. At some moment in time, Kanae and Jason had arrived at the clinic. The two of them were standing near the door.     

"It seems that Tommy failed to notice our presence even though we're standing here."     

"You should train more, Tom," Jason chuckled.     

Tommy raised his eyebrows. He didn't understand what they were doing here when they were supposed to be busy with their own work. "Don't you have anything better to do? Why do you have to come bother me again?"     

"I just thought that you needed a little company," Jason smirked. "Let's get going. I'll take you all on a joyride around the city."     


"He's driving his secret car. Let's go."     

Shiro patted Tommy's back. "It's been a long time since we gathered together doing nothing at all. Relaxing a bit should be fine. You're not on your work shift either, right?"     

Seeing that they were adamant on having him go along, Tommy could only sigh. He nodded his head as he smiled. "Sure, just don't blame me if I create trouble midway."     

"Say that to Jason. If you dirty his car, he won't let you off."     

The four of them boarded the car. It was a black and inconspicuous car. Compared to the luxurious car that Jason usually used for his work, this one looked like a rundown car. However, it was actually a modified car that could match up to a racecar's specs. Jason just made it look inconspicuous.     

After they got seated, Jason smirked. "Make sure you wear your seatbelt properly."     

"Hey, wait!"     


The car dashed off at high speed onto the street. Jason made a U-turn at high speed, drifting the car as he turned the wheel quickly. Several passersby screamed in fear of getting hit.     

Jason turned the wheel again and took the route for the highway.     

"You're crazy," Tommy felt that he would surely vomit if Jason continued to keep going at that crazy speed. This man truly didn't hold back at all.     

Jason laughed. "Isn't it fun?"     

"There's nothing fun!"     

Kanae chuckled. "Just enjoy it, Tom. Not everyone can drive as fast as Brother Jason safely."     

Hearing that, Tommy rolled his eyes. Kanae might enjoy sitting in the car that was speeding up like crazy, but he didn't share the same opinion. He was worried that something might happen to him along the way.     

"We're entering the highway," Shiro announced as if he were reporting the news. He glanced out the window. "You should enjoy the view from here."     

Tommy listened to Shiro's words and looked out from the window. It was nearing twilight, so the sun was setting down on the horizon. The view to the west from the highway was extremely beautiful. It looked as if the sun was going to disappear into the row of buildings before it.     

"It's beautiful."     

Kanae smiled. "The view of the city from the highway is the best. Only for this project do I support the government."     

"You don't usually support them?" Tommy asked.     

Jason snorted. "They only care to build facilities for wealthy people's use while ignoring the other citizens. Some places should have new roads constructed to lessen traffic, but they don't care for such proposals because not many rich and powerful people use those roads."     

"But you're included in the list of rich people."     

"I still use those streets with traffic when I go to the Black Street, so it's very inconvenient for me."     

Kanae and Shiro tried to stifle their laughs. If Jason was just an ordinary rich person, he would never care for public works. However, he also used those unmaintained roads at times, so he became increasingly aware of the government's bias. It was growing even worse as time passed.     

"Maybe we all should just move," Tommy remarked.     

Kanae nodded in agreement. "That's not really a bad idea."     

"Nah, too complicated. Besides, there's no way I can move my clinic out of this city," Shiro flatly refused. He sank into the backseat and put his hand behind his head.     

"But it's actually a good idea to move," Jason remarked.     


"Haven't you heard the recent news regarding the attack on the Tamari Clan? The place was literally destroyed flat to the ground," Jason explained.     

The three of them turned silent. Even though the media only reported about the aftermath, they knew what had actually happened there. Those people with special abilities who usually hid themselves have started to come out once again.     

Their existences have never been reported, but they had their own means to find out.     

"Things have become more complicated, haven't they?" Shiro sighed. "With these people becoming active again, it won't be easy if we want to attack the government. They're going to stand in our every way."     

"Even if they block my way, I'll just have to break through and cross that barrier," Kanae said slowly. "No matter what, I can't let the government off. They're going to pursue me no matter what, and I'll do everything possible to stay alive."     


Tommy balled his fist. "Do you know a method of getting stronger faster? I want to become strong, strong enough that I can face them without worrying about anything else."     

"It's impossible, Tommy. If you want to grow stronger, you need more time," Jason sighed. "Even if you train as much as you can, you won't be able to reach their level because they can just use their special abilities to protect themselves and defeat you."     

"Is there truly no way?" Tommy persisted.     

"It's not like there's none," Kanae looked at Tommy solemnly. "But it's not really a method to physically become stronger since it's impossible to grow stronger so quickly once you've neared your peak."     

"Tell me! Please!"     

"Observation," Jason answered in Kanae's stead. "If you can't match their strength, all you have to do is defend until you can find their weakness. When it's time, strike their weakness swiftly and finish in one strike."     

Tommy was stunned. "Is that even possible?"     

"Yes, just like what this little lass did to the large monster that time. If she were attacking an ordinary person back then, I'm sure that person would have died."     

Tommy had listened in on Kanae's fight during that incident and he smiled bitterly as he felt a cold wind blowing past his lower half. He couldn't possibly do what Kanae did.     

Pat! Pat!     

"Relax a bit," Shiro laughed. "You're still young, so you should enjoy your life."     

"Yup. Just forget about other things and enjoy right now."     

"Yeah, thanks so much, guys. You're all the best."     

Tommy was glad that he met these three. Without their presence, his life would surely have been very different. As he thought that, he looked out the window, enjoying the view the highway offered.     

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