Under the Veil of Night

Tense Atmosphere

Tense Atmosphere

Ryukalin Clan Headquarters     

Kevin was intently watching a video call that the Tamari Clan connected to him not long ago. At first, he didn't understand why they requested a live video and connected it to his place. However, he soon understood what was happening to the Tamari Clan.     

"Boss, we should go there and help him!" Mike exclaimed angrily.     

Kevin passed a glance at Mike. "How do you plan to help him when the fight will end in a matter of minutes?"     

The distance between the two headquarters took more than two hours by car. With how the battle was progressing, he doubted that it would take no more than five minutes for the fight to end.     

"Boss, they're all awakened people, right?" Neo asked when he saw how only three people were enough to control the situation.     

Kevin nodded. "They're the real results from the crazy research they're conducting. If you fight them, do you think you can win, Neo?"     

"He's controlling people's minds with mere words. I think I'll be fine if I don't hear him?" Neo contemplated.     

"Yes, but can you fight without your sense of hearing?"     

In combat, every sense mattered in case of any unexpected situations. If they couldn't hear, they might not be able to sense hidden dangers. Of course, they could probably do so with some training, but it would be impossible to do so right now.     

"Boss, please don't tell me that there's no way we can fight them?"     

"I never said that," Kevin replied calmly. His dark blue irises stared at the screen solemnly. "This is truly a nice present from the Tamari Clan Head. He gave us a peek at the hidden power of the government."     

"Boss, how can you be so calm?" Mike asked in disbelief. They were looking at people with strength far beyond what normal humans could possibly achieve, yet their boss acted as if it was not a big deal. It was as if things like this were a daily occurance.     

Kevin leaned back in his chair. He tapped the table in front of him. "Do you know that there's a way to find out whether someone is an awakened or not?"     

"Yes," Neo nodded. "An awakened will have a different aura that can be detected by other strong awakened. That is why they have been working on making such detection tools."     

Kevin nodded. "Remember the perfect age range for awakening?"     

"Between 13 to 15 years old."     

Mike glanced at Neo from the corner of his eye. This man has already become a walking encyclopedia. Things that sounded strange to him flowed out of Neo's mouth like a river.     

Kevin raised three fingers. "After three years, their power will stabilize and reveal their true worth. At the same time, it becomes clearer who awakened them at the perfect age and who awakened them outside that age."     

He tapped his finger on the screen. "These two awakened powers at that perfect age. On the other hand, this man awakened powers outside that age, just like my uncle."     

"They are valued differently?"     

"It's completely different. You can never reach the peak of your talent if you first awaken outside the ideal age," Neo answered. "No wonder they don't care too much for that man."     

Kevin nodded. "Neo, find out their identities and their life experiences. Everything you can find, give it to me."     

"Yes Boss."     

Mike tilted his head in confusion. "Why do you need so much information, Boss?"     

"People awaken only after surviving wretched experiences that nearly send them to their ends. These are their only easily exploitable weaknesses because even remembering them will send chills to their bones," Kevin answered calmly. "If they haven't overcome them yet, they're a great weapon to use against them."     

Mike studied Kevin's expression. Even though his indifferent expression hadn't changed, Mike could sense the lingering sadness around this proud man.     

13 to 15 years old…     

Neo moved to the window as he looked at the elders outside. His eyes scanned their reactions carefully. They were also watching the video with various expressions on their faces. It was clear that many of them never thought that something like this was possible.     

'Boss, 14 years old is the time when you lost your father, isn't it?'     

He didn't dare to voice it out, but he remembered that incident very clearly. It never crossed his mind that the loss affected Kevin so much to the point that he broke the barrier to become an awakened. He always thought that Kevin became strong because of his bloodline as the Kalin Family successor.     

However, this was already proof that this young man was indeed an awakened person. How laughable that he, the one who stayed close to him all this time, never realized that until now.     

Knock! Knock!     

Lou opened the door and looked at Kevin. "Boss, the elders are waiting for you. They want to hear your thoughts regarding the video that Tamari Clan Head sent to us."     

By now, the battle in the Tamari Clan had ended with an overwhelming win for the other side. Many of the elders were not feeling too well as this development made them feel troubled. It was too scary to think that they might have to face these people.     

Kevin nodded. "Let's go to the hall."     

The three of them followed after Kevin to the hall. The moment he entered the hall, the elders observed the young man with complicated gazes. Many of them were dubious about Kevin's stand on this matter.     

Calmly walking to his seat, Kevin scanned his surroundings. By the time he sat down, he had finished assessing the elders' expressions.     

"Speak, what do you want to know?"     

One of the elders hesitated before stepping forward. "Boss, we want to confirm the content of the video. Is it true that people like that exist?"     

"Yes, it's true," Kevin answered simply.     

Another elder raised his head. "Boss, does it mean we're going to have to fight them?"     

"Whether we fight or not depends on their stance towards us," Kevin replied. "I believe that all of you remember our clan's teaching."     

They all remember. It was the very first thing that their teachers taught them when they joined the clan. If they dared to forget it, they would be kicked out of the clan without hesitation.     

The clan cannot be bullied!     

If someone bullies them, they have to show them why the name of the Ryukalin Clan cannot be sullied!     

"Anything else?" Kevin asked calmly. His eyes scanned the crowd indifferently.     

The elders shook their heads. Their clan head's position was clear: he wouldn't back down to other people. If the government thought that they were pushovers, they would fight back with certainty.     

While some of them agreed, there were also those who didn't want to fight. They thought about how impossible it was to fight against such a great difference in strength.     

Kevin studied their expressions once more before walking out of the hall. Megara, Kevin's rival, stared at his back with derision. "Everything bows down to strength. Even if you're powerful, can you go against absolute power?"     

His remark caused some elders to look at him. However, no one said anything as they dispersed and returned back to their work. Their minds were in a constant state of chaos as they had to consider their future paths once more. The revelation of these paranormal people made them terrified.     

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