Under the Veil of Night

Clash of Groups: The Beginning

Clash of Groups: The Beginning

Lima School, 1st of August, 2 years ago     

Kanae stood in front of the school with complicated feelings. This was not the first time she came here, but the atmosphere today was very different from the one in the past. In addition, from her position, she couldn't see any damage to the building. Everything seemed normal.     

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Jason tapped her shoulder from behind. "For ordinary people, this place is no different from usual, but for those who know, this is nothing but a mirage."     

"Their technology is that advanced?"     

"Not really advanced, but they have people that specialize in creating a defensive barrier using their talent," Jason shook his head. "With one person alone, it's extremely easy to cover up things that they do behind this barrier."     

"They're truly not simple," Kanae nodded.     

Jason looked towards the young girl in front of him. "If you want to fight against them in the future to stop all of this nonsense, you need to be more patient to learn more about them."     

"I'll keep that in mind, Oro."     

"Now, let's line up."     

There were already numerous people around. They were all people who came because they were attracted to the mission posted on the Black Market. However, those who came here were all groups.     

"I can't believe that I don't see anyone from a clan or a gang," Tommy remarked.     

"Tom, you really should follow the news occasionally. The biggest clan is in turmoil because of instability caused by their young clan head. Souhon Clan Head is sick. Tamari Clan Head is too old to participate. The Merion Clan is a bit too far from here. Lastly, the Zone Clan is relatively new compared to the other clans. They're not too powerful right now.     

As for gangs, they won't leave their territory in Black Street because many of them are convicts. If they come out here, they won't be able to protect themselves because this is the middle of a city. The only ones who will come here are only groups."     

Hearing Jason's explanation, Kanae realized one point that she missed before. It seemed this incident was totally targeted towards those who were only part of Black Street at night. If not for that the other organizations would also be here too.     

Finally, they reached the front of the line. A woman stood there, giving instructions here and there. Upon seeing them, she gave a businesslike smile.     

"Welcome to the post for the Lima School Mission. Let me explain some things before you proceed further. Once you enter, you won't be able to leave unless the 'monsters' are all dead. In addition, you have to retrieve a special vial from the main building.     

Only when these two requirements are fulfilled will you be able to leave. Please sign here to show that we won't be responsible for nor guarantee your life, but as long as you agree, we'll give you the money and supplies you need before you enter."     

The woman was smiling as she put a contract in front of them, but Kanae could sense the situation around her growing tense.     

'They're ready to fight.'     

Seeing how the explanation clearly did not give them a way out, Kanae stepped forward. She could guess that once someone disagreed and tried to run away, there will be a lot of people to stop the escape. Just by standing at the forefront, she already sensed several people observing them vigilantly.     

"Where should I sign?" Kanae asked in a muffled voice because of the strip of cloth she wore to cover her face.     

The woman smiled. She pointed towards the line on the paper. Kanae looked at it for a moment before signing it using their group name.     

'Fiore Group'     

"So it's Fiore Group, isn't it?" The woman smiled as she read it. She was secretly scorning these small groups because less than 1% of them would survive. Little did she know that in a few days, she would never be able to forget this one name.     

Kanae nodded. "Can we get our supplies?"     

"Sure, just wait a moment," the woman turned around to instruct her men to retrieve the necessary supplies for them. She sighed to herself, thinking that it would be a waste of money to give this all to ordinary groups. However, her superior was the one who instructed her, so she didn't say anything inappropriate.     

While they were waiting, they heard a ruckus from behind them.     

"Look, it's the Oval Group!"     

"They came here too!"     

"Wow, even those from the three strongest groups have come here!"     

Turning her body, Kanae saw a group of people coming in. The names of the three strongest groups were not a secret. In Black Street, these three groups dominated in the missions with the highest difficulties, to the point that barely anyone could contend against them.     

Some other groups did appear in those missions occasionally, which ranked them as the fourth through tenth strongest groups. However, their names were not as famous because compared to the top three, their prowess was vastly inferior.     

Even without them asking, the crowd had already opened up a path for them to reach the front. The woman on the lookout immediately put on a sweet smile and greeted them enthusiastically.     

"What a vast difference in treatment!" Tommy's jaw dropped. He wanted to cry.     

Jason patted Tommy's shoulder. "If you want respect, you should earn it with your prowess."     

"I know," Tommy answered in a slightly higher tone. "The problem is, how can I reach their level?"     

Jason didn't know the answer either. From what he observed from Tommy's progress so far, he guessed that Tommy was not very suited for fighting. It was only because he had lived on the street for a long time and engaged in numerous battles that his senses were honed to a high level. Otherwise, there would have been little chance for this boy to reach such a high level.     

"Here are your supplies," a man delivered three bags to them. There were sturdy yet kind of worn out, clearly not of the best quality.     

"Let's go," Kanae nodded to the man as she took the bag. As she led her friends out, they passed by the Oval Group, the current third strongest group in this city. They were haggling over the price with the woman, with which she agreed to immediately.     

Tommy felt that his heart was crushed once again. "Captain, we should reach the top three."     


Jason flicked the boy's forehead. "Stop daydreaming. You should just focus on strengthening your body. It's not going to be easy."     

"I know," Tommy pouted as he caressed his forehead, trying to ease the pain.     

Next to them, Kanae was observing the barrier closely. Because they already accepted the mission, they could stand near the barrier. From her keen senses, she could see that it was truly a sturdy and powerful barrier.     

One could get in but not get out.     

'What have I gotten myself into?' Kanae thought to herself as she stared at the barrier. She could only hope that she could survive this battle and grow stronger in the process.     

At this time, she didn't know that the decision she made by following Master Rudy's advice would change her life forever.     

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